Hot Water Bottle Sachets

Hot Water Bottle Sachets

These little sachets are wonderful and so easy to use. Just add the sachet to your hot water bottle cover. The heat of your bottle will vaporize the scent of the dried lavender into your bed helping you to relax into a deep slumber.

What you need

6 x 10 inch (15 x 25cm) Piece of fabric
1/4 cup of Dried Lavender


Start by folding the fabric in half with the right side facing each other and the wrong side facing you.

Then hand sew or machine sew the sachet down the longest side so that you create a tube. Then sew one end of the sachet closed.

Turn the tube right side out, so that the right side is now facing you and fill the bag with the dried lavender.

Using a hand stitch sew the last end closed or alternatively you can just gather up this end and secure with some elastic bands and finish off with a ribbon.

This is good if your sachet will be getting lots of use making it easier to refresh or replace the lavender.

To refresh the lavender scrunch the bag with your fingers to bruise the herbs or add a few drops of lavender essential oil the sachet.

For this project we used an old monogrammed handkerchief. You could also use antique handkerchiefs to give as a beautiful shabby chic gift.


  1. Ellen Davis says

    Love this idea as I use Hot water bottles and luv, luv, luv lavender! Thanks!

  2. Ellen Davis says

    I do and have been for years.

  3. Now thats a great idea! For the record I still used hot water bottles, as well as most people I know!

  4. Who still uses a hot water bottle?

  5. Looks really nice, good idea.

What do you think of this project? Let us know!