What you need
1 Metre of Fabric
1 Cushion insert or filling
I used a snugly polar fleece for this because polar fleece does not fray which will insure this pillow is durable.
You can use any type of fabric, but Lycra or knit fabrics will work best as they also do not fray.
I used a large cushion insert for this that I bought ready made you can use a pillow insert of any shape or just use loose filling.
Start by deciding on the size of your cushion, if you are using a insert then you need to lay your cushion insert onto your fabric and measure a 10 cm hem larger than the insert and cut it out.
This will become the tassels for tying later.
You need to cut out 2 of these one for each side of the pillow case.
No matter what shape your pillow is just remember make it 10cms larger than the insert and you can’t go wrong.
If you are using loose filling then cut out your fabric to your desired size and shape. You will need 2 of these one for each side of the pillow.
Using sharp scissors cut a fringe of around 2 cm wide and 10 cm in length all the way around your pillow shape.
You will need to do this to both sides of the pillow. To save time you can pin the two sides together and cut them together.
Next you need to close up your pillow.
Do this by starting in one corner and tying one fringe from each side of the pillow together into a knot. (see above picture) this will join both sides. Continue to do this till you have knotted up all 3 sides.
Insert your filling or cushion insert then close up the top of the pillow by finishing off the knots.
You have finished your very easy pillow cover!
the instructions were a little confusing and i had to keep stopping to sort out what it was that i needed to do next but other than it’s pretty simple i guess!
thanks i needed this its for a project in school
thanks am new but ill aways come here
Super easy!! But had trouble with the corners
I am going to make one of these for the first time today!!!!!!!!!!
this was a fun and easy way to make pillows and have fun with ur friends *angei*
I made my boyfriend a no sew blanket for valentines day and am excited to make this pillow for him for our 6 month anniversary!
Fun! But Had Hard Time Finding Filling For THe INside
My grandmother and I made 2 of these pillows when I stayed overnight at her house recently. We like to do crafts together. It is fun! I love to cut and tie the fringes! Lydia
thank you this will be great because i am having a party and we will be making these together i cant wait
The instructions are helpful regarding the length to cut the frays. However, it doesn’t mention how to cut at the corners of the pillow. This is where I’m having problems with my pillows.
Thanks for the advice. My teacher is looking for a fun project to do. And she really likes this idea. thanks for the steps because we were very unsure about how to make these.
very nice idea!
this project is super easy it just takes a bit of time to do depending on how big or small your pillow is, but i go around and hand stitch around the edges it keeps the loose filling from falling out! but everyone i give these pillows to loves them!
cool will try
This is really cute but to me it sounds kinda hard sorry!
i make these balnkets and pillows for my toddler…and they are super cute and gives us something to do..
it is really funnnn!!!!!!and easy
these can be made as “patchwork” pillows or blankets. use the same principle, but instead use small squares of fabric and tie another above, below & on both sides. repeat until you get it the size u want it. =)
Perfect for my 8 year old. She picked the size and 2 fleece fabrics. A great day and it ketp her busy…for a little while!
This is the bestest thing in the whole entire world
Thank you for bringing happiness to my life!!!
I love you!!!
just the type of craft I was looking for!
cute, snuggley, creative…LOVEIT
fun craft. made blanket instead though
this is a geat craft
i love this web site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was a great project our youth group did it at vacation bible school
Great craft my sis will love it
This craft is just right for me! I am having a sleepover for my birthday and this is the perfect craft so everyone can have fun with it!!! Thank You so much for the great idea AND instructions!!
awesome just what I was looking for!
This project is fun and easy. I am an eleven year old and can’t sew so this is great. I’ve made 3 pillows and a blanket. Thanks for the great idea and instructions.
Thank You. I”ve made several blankets and wanted a pillow case. Thanks again
I needed a christmas gift 4 my family, and i thought of the scarfs. decided 2 make a pillow, and neede help thanx
this idea is fantastic for presents thanks
Very Creative
made one for my 4 year old niece. Thanks f0r the detailed instructions
Oh My Gosh! That’s awesome!!!
exactly what i was looking for thanks
i thought this was ok. it was not my favorite but it was kool
The only reason I like it is that it”s a no sew pillow.
i luv it!so cute-BunBun,Md
I have done this before as a gift with a blanket made the same way it came out great and it was simple:)
This looks perfect for little ones and maybe their siblings…classes for summer,etc. How about heart shapes or anything….Thanx a bunch!
it was a great gift project
super idea for aged 4 to 7. They often can tie knots just dandy but havent mastered bows or stitching. It gives them a finished product to be proud of without smacking them down with too hard to do process.
I might try this craft at my slumber party.
I really like this! I have made a blanket with this tying concept, you just get as much fabric (the polar fleece works nicely) as you want. You double the fabric (make sure its even), cut the fringe and tie it and its done! :]
Ooh. Lovely. Great & easy idea for custom-made pillows! Thank you!
Just what I was looking for!