Easter Egg Bouquet

Easter Egg Bouquet

This Easter Craft Project shows you how to make a very simple Easter egg bouquet using plastic balloon holders and sticks.

What you need

Plastic Balloon Holders and Sticks
Craft Glue
Clear Cellophane
Small Easter Eggs around 1.5″ in size


Start by connecting the Balloon clips to the sticks, (These are bought from party supply stores). Cut the sticks to the desired length.

Wrap your Easter Eggs in cellophane and secure into place in the balloon clip. You can use craft glue or sticky tape.

Next take a square of tulle and wrap the top of the egg and stick as shown. You do this by folding a tulle square in half and wrapping it around.

Secure with an elastic band and then finish off by wrapping your bunch with a big Easter ribbon.

All done!


  1. Very Nifty Idea! Thanks!

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