What you need
Duct Tape
All the pieces are made by sticking duct tape to each other…sticky side to sticky side. so, you just make it as tall and as long as desired.
Image 1-3 shows your how to make the duct tape sides. Once finished neaten them up by trimming them.
Make a smaller side for the part of your purse that is opened…your going to attach that piece and the main piece together to make your purse.
Next is the small side and the main side attached together with black duct tape-for contrast. This is just showing you what it looks like with one of the sides attached, and covered.
You want to make sure you put maybe 3 pieces of duct tape all the way around the piece to where you attached to two pieces as this will be more sturdy.
Next we have both sides attached, now making the form of your purse. Make sure you reinforce both sides where you attach the pieces, if you dont it will be flimsy. Once you have this shape, crease the edges to make more of square shape.
Now we’re going to move onto making the base of the purse. Do the same thing with making the bottom as you did when making the main purse but
here comes the tricky tricky part.
Your going to take a piece of tape that is the length of your purse…i should actually say the circumference. It’ll be flexible so what i did was just put it on the edge of the purse frame and rolled it along until it met my starting point and then i cut it.
Once you have your tape met, cut a slit in the corners so its easier to fold down onto the base of the purse. Fold down the edges onto the base, you might want to put your hand inside to use it to press against when your smoothing the tape down. This is the inside of the purse base make sure once you have your base secure that you reinforce it on the inside. This part is really hard, because its hard to see, and hard to control the tape.
Ok, now we move onto the strap measure the length you want your strap to be and put sticky side to sticky side. If the edges dont match up its ok, we’re going to cover them anyways with black. Take the same length of black but dont stick it to another of that size. You’re going to cut it in half. I had the best luck by lying it on the table and cutting it with an exacto.
Put the black tape on either side of the pink strap, but place it so that you can fold it over onto the other side of the strap. Here’s what the strap looks like when its done (see picture). Now we’re almost done, attach the strap on the inside or outside, its your pref. just attach it using a couple pieces of duct tape.. to finish off the purse ‘seal’ the edge by putting a piece of tape, like you did the strap.
This wonderful project and images were contributed by Jes Beach
This looks like so much FUN I am gonna try it 8})
This looks like so much FUN I am gonna try it 8})
cool!!!!!!! so fun!!!
p.s. i rock!!
I dont like this at all it looks sloppy. i made one and i covered paper on both sides w/ paper and it gets it way better. Mine do seem to work i sell them for 35 bucks each
i dont think the cardboard will help you a lot. cardboard is flimsy and will be hard to control as you put it together.
dude dont use cardboard it fails use more tape make it silver then go over with the color(s) you want
great Idea i am going to use it for school
wow its amazing!!!! I made one exactly like it & I did’nt even know about this. but this is great!!!
I don’t get it
I don’t really agree with the people saying to use cardboard. I don’t like using cardboard. I’ve made a messenger bag, wallets and an iPod case without using cardboard.
This purse is super cute by the way.!! ;P [:
I bet this is DURABLE!!!!! LOL.
This is cool, but when I made mine a while ago, I used cardboard for stability. It could use a little bit more creativity, but you did a great job. (:
wow!! THAT is so kool!!!!
really cute but it looks really hard to make
Awesome idea and looks like a really enjoyable craft, can’t wait to give it a go soon. xx
this a very fun project I just wish there were really easy ones to make
can you tell me wht kind of paint will not peel up edges of duct tape. we are making school project and its cardboard boat made with duct tape and want to paint it?
i love using duck tape
This is sooo cool! thanks for sharing. You might want to number your pictures though, just to be sure. How many rools of duct tape do you need?
My friend made a pink and black one for me and it’s perfect because the duct tape kind of stretchs so you can put many things in it. Also I heard that you can make duct tape wallets, my friend also made a skirt and a cool hat and it’s adorable so get one!
Wallets are better and so are iPod cases.
I must try this. Thanks for the help.
my friend makes everything out of duct tape. and i mean everything! she even has pants made out of duct tape. it’s amazing. she even sells her purses for 15 bucks each and wallets for 5. but now i can make one myself!
WOW!! That was sooo much fun!
I think this is a perfect idea and the person who said the thing about using cardboard was right because I think if you don’t use that, then you will have a sticky mess and it will be all floppy and won’t be able to hold anything heavy. Good Idea!!
This is a good way to show how to do this, but A) The picctures have way too much flare and B) I think the purse is just plain ol’ UGLY
i make every thing duct tape!! i make outfits and shoes and purses and bracelets and bookcovers anything!!
i liked the tutorial. i am definatly going to try this. i am going to buy some duct tape for homcoming week and then i will use the rest on the purse! this is great! i needed to get a new one anyway. it will be awesome since i made it myself.
i made one like it only i put the tape on paper to make it stronger and its alot easier to do, i made mine with checkerboard pattern by weaving strips its very cute and if you sew the straps on it is very sturdy i use mine as a bookbag
eww… jus not my style.
it would be easier if you used a bit of cardboard to make it hekka strong and have something for the tape to stick to. nobody likes a gooey mess. michael’s craft store has a bunch of tape colors.
Why would anyone want a duct tape bag?
this waz kinda confusing
you need more things to do with duct tape
is there any wallets? the purse is awsome and it would be totally fab wit a matching wallet.
It was good because on the colors u used but you need to have more infomation. Sorry
It’s great that your using duct tape (I love duct tape), but…it’s boring. I’m sorry
i do these all the time..i made a wallet before…but i dont have colored duct tape..so its not as cool..lol
the colors are the only thing that makes it look interesting…otherwise its borring –and messy. I have a much better method
great directions!
you can get colored duct tape at hardware stores, online, or even at walmart, Its usually around the paint, just ask someone if you have trouble finding it.
I find it easier to make things with duct tape if you lie down a sheet of wax paper and lie the duct tape face down on top of it while you’re planning your project. The duct tape wont stick to the wax paper so you dont have a sticky mess everywhere.
If you read through the instructions You will see its very very easy.
its great but one ? where in the world do you get colored duct tape??? And wouldnt things stick to inside the purse since thats the sticky side? ~_~
Its cute. But by the instructions it looks very confusing and complicated
the pictures are confusing. you can’t really tell what you are looking at.
this site is amazying i love it i really like it just cuz its very girly and cute its really an eye grabing site and i love this purse idea ive been looking all over google to find a good site this one is really good i love it thanxs alot<3 Britty
whoa! and i thought making a wallet was cool! ^_^ thanks!
Good, but I think the outside is kinda better than the inside :-/
it is freakin awesome i am starting mine asap
it was nice but spend more time on it next time. good luck
I love it! Please post more duct tape ideas!
I haven’t tried it but it looks real cool, especially since I LOVE purses so I will be starting this project tonite! thanks
it looks like so cool