DIY Dishwasher Tablets

DIY Dishwasher Tablets

DIY Dishwasher Tablets are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to store-bought dishwasher detergents. With a few simple household ingredients, you can easily make your own dishwasher tablets and save money while still getting your dishes sparkling clean. These homemade dishwasher tablets are made with baking soda, citric acid, and essential oils for fragrance. Whether you're looking for an all-natural solution or just want to save some money, these DIY dishwasher tablets are a great option.

What you need

Lemon Juice

Borax-Most hardware and supermarkets sell t.

Arm and Hammer Washing Soda

Epsom Salts

Measuring cup

Mixing bowl

Ice cube trays – I used the silicone ones that dollar tree sometimes sells as they are easier to remove

Spoon or something to mix together with.



Dtore-bought dishwasher tablets can be expensive and contain harsh chemicals that may harm the environment and your family’s health.

That’s why making your own dishwasher tablets is a fantastic alternative.

Not only are they cost-effective, but they are also easy to make and contain natural ingredients that are safe for you and the planet.

With this tutorial, you will learn how to create your own dishwasher tablets using just a few simple ingredients that you can easily find at a grocery store or online.

These DIY dishwasher tablets are effective in removing grease, grime, and tough food stains, leaving your dishes sparkling clean. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to save money and take control of the chemicals in your home by making your own dishwasher tablets.




In a large mixing bowl, combine the Epsom salt, borax, washing soda, and lemon juice. Stir until everything is well mixed.

If the mixture is too crumbly, add a little more lemon juice until it reaches a pastier consistency.

Spoon the mixture into the ice cube tray, filling each compartment to the top.

Let the mixture dry for at least an hour, or overnight for best results.

Once the mixture is fully dried, pop the tablets out of the ice cube trays and place them in an airtight container.

Depending on the size of your ice cube tray, this recipe should make over 40 dishwasher tablets.

To use, simply place one tablet in the detergent dispenser of your dishwasher and run the cycle as normal. Enjoy clean, fresh-smelling dishes without the added cost or harmful chemicals.




  1. What are measurements of ingredients ?

  2. Del Loubser says

    I would also like to know how much of each ingredient. I also wonder if we really want to put oils into our dishwashers. Wouldn’t it be better to use a water based fragrance?

  3. cindylarocque says

    There’s no measurements for anything. How do you know if you have it right? I’d like to try but I’m bad about just winging it. lol

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