What you need
Patons Powder Puff Wool
4mm needles
Yarn Needle
Babies are undoubtedly one of the most precious things in this world, and it’s only natural for parents and grandparents to want to shower them with love and affection in any way they can. One of the best ways to show that love is by making something special for them, and what better way to do that than by knitting a pair of soft and cozy booties for their tiny feet?
If you’re new to knitting, you might be intimidated by the thought of creating something as intricate as baby booties. But fear not! With the Can’t Fail Pattern for Easy Baby Booties, you can create a beautiful and practical accessory for your little one that’s both simple and quick to make.
This pattern is designed to be easy to follow, even for beginners, and it requires just a few basic knitting techniques. With step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations, you can create a pair of booties that are not only adorable but also functional and comfortable for your baby.
Knitting booties for your baby or a loved one’s baby is a wonderful way to show your love and care. Not only do they make a practical gift that will be used and appreciated, but they also provide an opportunity to create something special that will be cherished for years to come. Plus, they’re a great way to practice your knitting skills and to experiment with new patterns and techniques.
I am useless at knitting due to a lack of practice.
It took me 1 hour to make one bootie so they make up fast (even faster if your not a beginner).
Rita is in the process of knitting heaps for the local hospital. I am still yet to knit my second bootie as I got sidetracked.
Cast on 20 sts
Garter stitch 10 Rows
Row 11, cast off 4 stitches and continue to knit. (16sts)
Row 12, cast off 4 stitches and continue to knit (12sts)
Garter stitch 6 Rows
Row 19, K2 tog to end.
Row 20 K2 tog to end.
Thread yarn through remaining stitches and draw together and fasten off.
Sew the seams together and thread through ribbon to form the laces. Leave 1/2 an inch at the top of the front seam to allow the foot to slip in easily.
this sounds ideal for using up bits.
what weight wool do I need
Yay about to try these!!
It was fast and easy and I’m little more than a beginner. The only thing I’m not sure about is which is the right side (RW) and which the wrong side (WS). When you start and the tail of the thread is away from the sharp end of the needle, is the knit closest to you the right side or is the other way round. I’ve tried doing searches, but I’m still confused.
Oh the size seemed rather small to me too, but I suppose I could just do another set but cast on more stitches?
I can’t find this yarn in my area. Is there another brand similar that I can use?
This came out not large enough for a doll. I followed the needle and thread size instructions. Disappointed.
In creased the needle size to 7, added 2 stitches at cast on and added two rows after casting off 4 stitches on rows 11 and 12. They look perfect for a newborn now.
Thank you so much our babies are always a little bigger than normal. I’m so happy you figured this out for me!
What size knitting needles are used? I didn’t see it listed. thank you
Any abbreviations or instructions you don’t understand, you can look up on the computer, i.e. “how to knit two together”, or “what does ssk mean”, etc.
Thank-you so much easy easy easy. Easy to read easy to understan easy to do.
Row 19, K2 tog to end.
Row 20 K2 tog to end
can you explain what this means? I want to make sure I do the pattern correctly. I’m new
can you explain what
Row 19, K2 tog to end.
Row 20 K2 tog to end.
means? I know you knit 2 together but do I knit each stitch normally till the end?
usually it means to K2 together, then K2 together and keep knitting the 2 together to end of the row …
This pattern is brilliant! I have been looking everywhere for a nice simple pattern, and this is simple and definately has the awwwwww factor! I haven’t stopped cooing over them! Thank you. xx
4 mm is equal to size 6 american
EMAIL jch38334@bigpond.net.au
Great pattern so easy and quick thank you!
For double knit i doubled everything
Cast on 40 stitches knit 20 rows
Row 21 cast off 8 stitches and knit to end of row
Row 22 cast off 8 stitches and knit to end of row
Knit 12 rows
Row 34 knit two together to the end
Row 35 same again
I continued like this each row till i had 3 sttches left
Then pulled wool through three stitches and pulled tight leaving enough wool to thread needle and stitch seam
Then stitch heal side seam
When you say double knit do you mean dk wool?
Mine came up tiny, so going to try this! Fingers crossed
I’m new to to knitting and I’ve been looking everywhere for an easy bootie pattern that doesnt involve purling a all kinds of different things. This sounds so easy and I’m going to try it tonight! THANK YOU:)
Mine was tiny, it wouldn’t even fit a small stuffed pg tips monkey? does any body know what i did wrong, I only made 1 peice and sew it togther, but i would really like to try this again because it is a brilliant pattern
LOVE THIS! Great project, quick enough to complete even for a beginner knitter! You can be sure I’ll be making more. Thanks!
Love the baby bopoties pattern quick and easy. Made 3 pairs in 3 hrs.
it was really good i’m only youg and i made them fro my little baby brother!!
they look a bit odd but i just need to add ribon then i’m done
thankz !!
hi forgot to add that you can use normal double knitting wool for these. a snowflake wool would make a fluffy pair. however double knit looks great and you could make absolutely loads for about 1.50 a 100gram ball. c
double the sts to 40 and knit 20 rows instead of 10 then continue as normal(same needle size) and they come out perfect. lovely shape. if you follow original instructions get small ones to fit small doll.
Looks really cute!! Would it come smaller if I used 4.5 mm needles (size 7) with Redheart blue yarn (size 4 medium worsted yarn)? I want this to fit a newborn
Thank you!
what age range are the booties for?
0-3 months?
3-6 months?
Out of all the patterns I have looked at, this one seems to be the best one. infact, its the only one that looks like its going to actually work. FINALLY! Some one who KNOWS what there doing here! Thank You Much!!!
This just what I have been looking for. My mother used it and I can make them now. Thank you very much.
brill I couldn’t stop adding to my colection
this a great craft luved it!
very good, but turns out small
Love this pattern. Was in a book I had, and used it many times until I lost book. For those questions: Garter stitch means knit every stich of every row. You can use any type of yarn the suggested needle size for that yarn.
I have only been knitting for a week and managed this pattern easily. I used 5mm needles and increased the size- cast on 28 stitches, knit 12 rows, cast off 6 each side then knit 8 rows.
all right but they come out too small are you sure they are not for premature babies? nice though!
This patten seems easy! yay! im no good with abreviations or complicated patterns. Ive only made 2 pars of mittens and a bunch of scarves…
these are soooo cute, my son is due in dec, and even with my rubbish knitting i can make these. any mitts to go with them?
wow i must be a really tight knitter i used size 6.5 mm needles and the suggested yarn but they would be lucky to fit a newborn but they are still absolutely adorable i just found out im pregnant and once i tweak the pattern a little itll be perfect
I made a bootie with Red Heart Dark Blue yarn. Instead of Gstitch, I used ribbing. Super cute and super easy. Siblings say they love it. Its great for my cousins new babies. Took me 30 min for 1 bootie.
Powder puff wool is a “patons” brand wool. Wool of similar thickness can be used so as “cotton candy” etc
Where are you finding the “powder puff” wool? Can’t find it anywhere! Help!
It’s called Chenille. The brand naming is probably powder puff.
Love the booties. I can’t tell from the picture if the front seam is sewn all the way to the top or not. Please reply, zimmerpc@msn.com
Very easy. The yarn is so soft. I liked it so much I made a hat to go with it as well. Thanks for the pattern.
Oh my goodness. I just started knitting a few days ago and I’m wirking on my second bootie now!
These booties are so easy to make and they’re so adorable! They also let fast learner beginner’s egos grow!
Quick, easy, and very cute.
Different Wool may give you a different gauge which will alter the size of the booties slightly. Knit it up and check it out
I made a pair with sugested size needles and wool and they would fit a premmie so using same pattern and 6mm needles I have made 6 pairs in last two evenings and am proud as I have only just learnt to knit. Very easy. Great Stuff!
I made the above comment if any one can help can you please email me at cmaysonett@optonline.net thank you maria.
sounds easy i would like to try to make. all i can knit are blamkies and ponchos you know straight lines i dont under stand what cast means or some abreaviations or garter its all mumbo jumbo to me i would be able to do if i had some one explain to me.