Breast Feeding Reminder Pin

What you need

Safety Pins
Assorted Beads
Plastic Dummy


My friend was complaining about forgetting which was side was due for the next feed when breastfeeding. So I decided to make a little pin for her to wear.

I found the dummy trinkets at my craft store, but you could easily find flat back trinkets from scrapbooking shops which would work just as well.

Just thread the beads onto the pin, or for larger pins, thread the beads onto smaller safety pins and then thread those onto the larger pin. Take a look at the different examples below.

These would make great gifts for new mums and could be pinned onto a handmade baby card.

Note: You can add whatever trinkets you can get your hands on. Please do not e-mail me asking me why there is a bottle if it is for breastfeeding.

It is a reminder pin of which side to use next when breastfeeding. The pin itself does not represent breastfeeding.

Breast Feeding Reminder Pin

Breast Feeding Reminder Pin

What you need

Safety Pins
Assorted Beads
Plastic Dummy


My friend was complaining about forgetting which was side was due for the next feed when breastfeeding. So I decided to make a little pin for her to wear.

I found the dummy trinkets at my craft store, but you could easily find flat back trinkets from scrapbooking shops which would work just as well.

Just thread the beads onto the pin, or for larger pins, thread the beads onto smaller safety pins and then thread those onto the larger pin. Take a look at the different examples below.

These would make great gifts for new mums and could be pinned onto a handmade baby card.

Note: You can add whatever trinkets you can get your hands on. Please do not e-mail me asking me why there is a bottle if it is for breastfeeding.

It is a reminder pin of which side to use next when breastfeeding. The pin itself does not represent breastfeeding.


  1. Michael”s craft store has a bunch charms like #1 mom and duckie, i picked up a packet for the fertility bracelets and they be cute, i’ll make one these once get baby on way (been trying a year now 🙁 )

  2. I love it!!! I will make this pin for my sister!!

  3. I work on a labor/delivery/nursery floor at a hospital this is a great idea for christmas gifts to promote breast feeding instead of bottle feeding. yhank you for sharing.

  4. CraftBits (Shellie Wilson) says

    I made this project so I would remember which side was due. I have/am breast feeding both my children.. I often forget which side, especially in the night time. If you can find different NON bottle trinkets then great! it’s a craft project there is no underlying message here.

  5. New mother’s are inundated with sneaky marketing things that promote formula (most leave the hospital with formula samples, and formula companies even make “breast-feeding information packets” which may have some good information, but have their ads all over it, and coupons, so that at the first sign of difficulty, we have formula in the back of our minds!!), so it is not a completely left-field comment to say that adding a pacifier (which can make breast-feeding more difficult for some as it can cause nipple-confusion in babies) or a bottle to something for a a mom who is trying to breast-feed is not necessarily the best message to be sending out. However, anything that helps one stay aware of which side you are nursing on next (especially on no sleep) is VERY helpful!!! I think it is pretty clear that the idea is to have something “baby-related” on the pin. It is too bad that the first images we think of when we think of feeding babies ARE bottles and pacifiers – it’s over a century of marketing that needs to be undone. I don’t think the pin has to necessarily have any “baby” items on it – as long as the utility of it is clear on a card that goes with it, it could be any special beads you want! (Personally, I moved a ring that I always wear from one hand to the the other, so I could just look down at my hands – someone else said a bracelet… again, as long as the intention is clear….!) I’d love to see more breast-feeding crafts to make! How about a sewing pattern for a Boppy cover, or a whole nursing pillow (it’s amazing how heavy a little baby can feel after a while if you don’t have the right pillows to prop up your arms!!!)? Great posting!!!! Thanks!! 😀

  6. I had the same problem with my first born. I made a bracelet to switch from wrist to wrist to remind me who’s turn it was, lol. It works as long as you remember to switch the bracelet/pin.

  7. Such a cute idea! I am due with number 2 and will make myself one of these adorable reminder pin. Thanks!

  8. Cute idea! I’m defiantly making one now that I’m having another baby. It’ll sure be easier to look down and see which side I’ve already fed on last instead of “feeling up” a boobie (esp. in public) to see which side was last. He he!

  9. So cute! What a great idea!

  10. My daughter has the same problem, I plan to make these to also sell to the hospital gift shops. And, I have all the supplies already that I happened to come upon at a yard sale.

  11. This is one of the most wonderful and thoughtful ideas I’ve seen here! My daughter will love this.

  12. The pin itself does not represent Breastfeeding. People can put whatever they like on it, for goodness sake its only a reminder! People with tacky remarks should not visit craft sites to put critsice other peoples hard work!

  13. I’m a nurse…sounds like a great idea and something “crafty” nurses could pass out to their patients….a great gift idea….who doesn’t like jewelry !!!!

  14. This is perfect for my cousins new babies’. One cousin is having a boy, and my other cousin is having 2 twin girls.

  15. I like this idea! Quick, easy and practical

  16. This is a lovely idea. Also if you can’t find a plastic dummy you could make one out of beads!

  17. Practical & pretty Idea; artane14- think before you type!

  18. very cute!

  19. why do people critisize these ideas?? I think that they’re very creative, and a neat solution to a problem some mother’s may have. I think people should only write POSITIVE comments on the comeboard, so feelings don’t get hurt. Neat idea though

  20. What a fantastic idea. As a new mum I would love somthing like this it is thoughtful unusual and v practical


  22. artane14 says

    Why do both of your Breastfeeding reminder pins have objects on them that mothers are not encouraged to use when breastfeeding?

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