What you need
cute scraps of fabric
small Styrofoam balls
garbage bag twist ties, cut in thirds
glue gun
tiny strips (about 1/4 inch wide) of fabric, or super-thin ribbon
needle and thread
So simple, and yummy looking too. It goes together in a snap, so you can make one for each of your favorite people!
1. Cut a rectangle of fabric about 3 times the size of your styrofoam balls.
If you have pinking sheers, cut your fabric rectangles with them. It will help prevent the fabric from fraying.
Place a dot of hot glue in the area indicated by the black star.
2. Roll the fabric around the Styrofoam ball to resemble a cylinder. Place a dot of hot glue where indicated by the black star.
3. Twist each end like a candy in a wrapper. Secure using a small twist tie.
4. Then wrap one of the fabric strips (or ribbon) around each twist tie. Tie a knot.
5. Repeat on the other side of the candy. Snip the ends of the fabric ties (or ribbon) is you used that. Now make a bunch more.
6. Either sew the bonbons together (easiest to tack the ends together with a few stitches then sewing right through), or hot glue them as indicated in the picture.
I’ve tried both methods and I prefer the hot glue method for stringing the bonbons together.
Contributed by sharon-lizette dion. Sharon-lizette loves, her family, crafting, food and dogs. Not necessarily always in that order.
Img from Craftbits flikr pool
A bag of cotton balls works great for this and they can be stored for the next 100 Christmases to come because the bottle tops have to be washed and dried thoroughly and packing peanuts and foam balls break down over time and you can string on a long ribbon first.
I bought styrofoam balls to make these and discovered they are not cheap! So I started collecting plastic bottle caps to use instead – you can use one or two so you end up with different sized bonbons too!
What a perfect way to use up all those styrofoam packing peanuts!!!!!!!
why not make the faux bon bons on a ribbon so you don’t have to glue or sew them together afterwards. Just use a bradel to make a hole through your styrofoam ball and thread a length of ribbon through then follow the instructions above to cover the ball.
OMG geenious!(btw i a not one) u c im 13 i think im going 2 hang them in my room 4 xmas i <3 them soooooooo much thnx!=-)
Whoa i am soo going to make this with the grandkids what a fun
time we are going to have… they can make their own and take home or
share with granny too much fun what a joy
thanks for the sharing this fun idea….. we will be together for turkey day
and while football and sleep take over some this will be a great filler for the day
blessings to you all
What a fun idea! You could even use soda bottle tops instead of the Styrofoam balls…more recycling! These would even be fast and easy enough to make and sell at church or school fairs. Thanks for sharing!
Love it! I think this would be great too to use up plastic shopping bags or other non-recycleable materials instead of buying styrofoam balls.
I <3 this! Thanks so much for sharing
Wow! this is so creative, love this, thanks for sharing
i love this idea! thanks, will definetely make one for a friend!
love it! creative brainwork!
beautiful and cheerful. the kids will love this!
soooooooo cute!!!!
cute! kudos for the invention!
It was cute.
very cute!
What a great idea. Bright; airy; quick and uses up material that would probably never get used . A fun craft that kids can do as well. I plan to make one for my parents and the bright colours dancing around their room will bring samiles to their face.
I love this idea! Going to make some today!