4th Of July Patriotic Painted Rocks

4th Of July Patriotic Painted Rocks

Collect rocks from nature walks and trips or buy them at the home improvement store.  Either way, look for rocks that are smooth and round or oval to complete this 4th of July patriotic rock painting craft.

What you need

DecoArt Americana Multi-Surface Satin – Cotton Ball, Lipstick, Sky Blue, Blue Bird, True Blue

Rocks – Large, Round, and Smooth

Paintbrushes – Flat, Round, Liner

Black Permanent Marker

Pencil with New Eraser




To begin the Patriotic Painted Rocks, gather all supplies. Wash all rocks and leave them outside to dry in the sun. 



Sketch a large heart shape onto the rock with a Pencil. Basecoat the heart with Multi-Surface Satin Cotton Ball. Let dry and apply a second coat, if necessary. Paint the top left corner True Blue and horizontal stripes Lipstick. Add Cotton Ball stars with five short brushstrokes. Embellish the edge of the heart with Sky Blue and Blue Bird dots using the end of the paintbrush handle.


Basecoat the entire rock with Multi-Surface Satin Cotton Ball. Paint a peace sign with Blue Bird. Add Lipstick stripes on the right side of the peace sign and True Blue stars on the left side. Add Sky Blue dots around the peace sign using the end of the paintbrush handle.


Basecoat the oval rock with Multi-Surface Satin Sky Blue. Sketch a butterfly outline on the rock with a Mono Drawing Pencil. Fill in the upper wings with True Blue and the lower wings with Cotton Ball. Add Lipstick stripes then Cotton Ball stars and dots. Fill in the butterfly body with Multi-Surface Satin Blue Bird.


Basecoat rock with Multi-Surface Satin Lipstick. Make three flowers using the new end of a pencil eraser dipped in Cotton Ball and Sky Blue. Add True Blue Stars, Blue Bird dots, and Blue Bird accents on the flower petals. This is a super easy pattern for the kiddos to complete.


Basecoat the rock with Multi-Surface Satin True Blue. Add rainbow-shaped stripes in Lipstick, Cotton Ball, and Sky Blue. Add details with the Black Permanent Marker for a boho look. DecoArt Americana Multi-Surface Satin is perfect for rock painting because it doesn’t need to be sealed.

Leave your painted rocks along the path at your local park, on a hiking trail or even during your Summer vacation.  Found rocks are such a fun way to brighten someone’s day!


  1. Rebecca Payne says

    Great ideas for painting rocks. Thanks!

  2. Judy Pennington says

    Great craft idea to do with the grandkids this summer!!

What do you think of this project? Let us know!