What you need
cord (silk or nylon)
beading needle
choice of beads
2 bead tips
1 jump ring
1 spring ring clasp
corsage or stick pin
flat nosed pliers
Most tin cup necklaces are 16-18 inches in length.
1. Thread your needle with your cord, and add a knot to the end of the cord. Tie another knot over this one, and trim off excess cord so the knot is at the very end of your cord.
2. Slip the needle through the bead tip so that the knot rests in the cup of the bead tip.
3. Use flat nosed pliers to close the cup of the bead tip around the knot.
4. Then measure approx. four inches away from the bead tip, and tie an over hand knot.
5. String on a bead, and push the bead up against the knot you added in the previous step.
6. Tie another over hand knot, but keep it loose.
7. Slip the corsage pin through the knot, and use the pin to push the knot down towards the bead until the knot and pin are flush up against the bead.
8. Measure approx. one inch away from the bead, and tie another over hand knot.
9. Repeat steps 5 – 7 above.
10. Continue until you’ve strung on about 6 to 7 beads (depending on the length of the necklace you are making and the size of the beads.)
11. Slip on another bead tip, measure approx. four inches, and tie an over hand knot.
12. Tie a knot on top of that knot, trim off excess cord, and close the bead tip around the knot.
13. Add a spring ring clasp on one end and a jump ring on the other end.
14. Finally, I recommend hanging these necklaces when they are stored so the cord straightens out and doesn’t kink.
This Jewelry Making Projects was contributed by Tammy Powley
This kind of necklace gained the name Tin Cup necklace since there was one in the movie Tin Cup.
whats this got to do with tin cups?
Why is it called a tin cup necklace?
This is really cute and basic, great for beginners. I am just wondering, why is it called tin cup?
I think this idea is a great one for everyone to make…really simple but really classy too!
Please stop dissing it.
i think its great, & explains the steps really well
While I already know how to make these, I think this is a great how-to. My only suggestion would be to include a detail picture of the final necklace.
I think it’s awesome. And I actually understand it. Thanks!
This is neat! Don’t listen to the comments that say its not cool. I wanna try it!
OMG why do haters have to trash everthing on this site!!!
This is a great project for beginners. Some people can’t make the more complicated and beautiful necklaces, so stop your harsh criticism.
Use this same technique with clear thread, monofilament, and it looks as if the beads are floating around your neck. You can also use this to make a multistranded monofilament piece using crystals. very beautiful.
its way to original!! i think it needs to be more creative and more made up. why would you make something that you could just go out and buy it for less then it would cost to make it? but thats just my opion. ~Brittany
I think it’s great that you published it, so ignore those who are close-minded to the fact that people LIKE *beautiful* necklaces, but may not 100% know how to do all the jelwery tricks.
no, that’s very kind publishing it. It’s really beautiful, and it suits everyone in any circumstance. Thank you
it was losing your time publishing that pattern…I s’pose it is modern “art” but nevertheless I believe that noone needs any pattern to do it..(assuming that he WOULD like to do it..)
hum…not very interesting