What you need
To make this sock monkey you’ll need:
1. A pair of knee high socks
2. Scissors
3. Needle and thread
4. Wool or stuffing
5. Felt
6. Hot glue
Sock monkeys are a classic and beloved toy that have been around for over a century. Their origins can be traced back to the early 20th century, when people would use old socks to make dolls as a way to recycle and save money. These dolls were called “sock monkeys” and they quickly became a popular craft project and a beloved toy.
This step by step tutorial will guide you through the process of making your own sock monkey. It’s an easy to follow pattern with lots of pictures, making it accessible for crafters of all skill levels. Whether you’re an experienced sewer or a beginner, you’ll be able to make your own sock monkey with these instructions.
Sock monkeys are not only fun to make, but they also make great gifts. They are perfect for children and adults alike, and they can be customized with different colors and accessories to suit your preferences. They are also a great way to recycle old socks and give them a new life.
This tutorial includes a detailed materials list and step-by-step instructions, so you can make your own sock monkey with ease. You can access this tutorial on our website Craftbits.com, and start making your own classic and beloved toy. Follow the instructions and make a new friend, and also a piece of history.
Here is the template for this sock monkey.
Template: There are 3-4 different templates for sock monkey pattern, you can choose any one from them. I used this template.
Step-1: First, you can iron the socks if needed. Then turn one of the socks inside out and flatten it so that the heel is centered, this sock will be used to make the body of the monkey. Now turn the other socks inside out and place it as usual, this will be used to prepare the other features of the monkey. Use a marker or pen to draw the patterns on the socks as shown in the template.
Step-2: Take the sock for the body part. You’re going to sew alongside the straight parallel lines between the legs as shown in the template. This is to create the monkey’s legs, starting about an inch or so from the heel (his bum). Once you’re done sewing the lines cut the straight line along the center of the legs to separate them. Make sure to keep a small opening between the legs and the bum for turning the right side out and stuffing.
Step-3: Now take the other sock and draw the required features on it as shown in the template. Carefully and neatly cut out the parts and sew along the sides of the hand, tail and ear parts. Each part should be sewed with their wrong side turned outside. And of course make sure to keep a small opening for all the parts as you’ll need to turn the right sides out and also you’ll need to fill them later.
Step-4: Once you’re done sewing all the parts carefully turn the right side out through the open ends. Flatten the pieces and check if the sewing is done neatly.
Step-5: Time to stuff the monkey body through the small opening between the legs and the bum. You can cut the hole a little bigger if you’re having trouble pulling him through, but try to keep it as small as possible. A chopstick or knitting needle can be helpful for pushing his legs out properly. Stuff the monkey to make it look as fluffy as possible but don’t over-stuff, in that case the stitches on the other side might show. Once done stuffing take needle and thread to stitch close the open end. Keep it nice and neat.
Step-6: Remember the heel of one sock that we’ve cut out from the sock? It will be used to make the monkey’s mouth. Start stitching the mouth part by centering it on the monkey’s head. Don’t stitch the entire mouth piece at once. Keep a small open end but keep the needle and thread intact without cutting it. Stuff the mouth piece through the open end and stop stuffing once the mouth part is fluffy enough. Stitch to close the open end, tie a knot and hide the loose end in the body.
Step-7: Use felt to make the mouth and eyes off the monkey. You can also use google eyes, they make the monkey look cuter. I used hot glue to attach the eyes and the mouth piece.
All done, enjoy!
Looking for more knitted monkey patterns? Check out our other free Knitted monkey pattern here. These knitted monkeys make a great baby gift for anyone who has a jungle or safari-style nursery room.
Here are a few variations using different textured socks.

Sock Monkey Variation 2

Sock Monkey Variation using fluffy winter socks
Sock Monkeys originated in Rockford, Illinois with the red heel socks. Just a short distance from where I live. https://www.midwayvillage.com/rockfords-industrial-past.html
Wonderful! But does someone own the patent on Sock Monkeys? Are we allowed to make our own and sell them? We would like to make and use them as a fundraiser. Please answer, and Thank you!
Hi there. I don’t think anyone owns the patent on Sock Monkeys – but each pattern is copyrighted to the person who creates it as each pattern can be different. If you use our pattern, it is copyrighted to us and is limited for personal use.
This pattern is not unique. The presentation and directions may be credited to the author, but the sequence and pattern have been around since forever. My mother made us sock monkeys exactly like this 60 years ago, and she taught her daughters how to make them for their own children. I am currently making a batch for my grandkids, and only checked this site and others to see if there was anything new. There isn’t. Many people are making them for sale for those who are too busy to make their own. Shelly’s directions and illustrations are excellent.
Thank you so much for this tutorial! It’s so detailed, which makes life so much easier!!
My nephew is going to love this!
Dear Shellie, I’ve always loved sock-monkeys -! Never thought I would be making them myself till a friend printed me out your instructions; now I’ve made 5–they just keep getting better and let me tell you its good therapy-! Just wanted to thank you for caring enough to explain everything accurately. c.
I need to know where I can get furry socks so I can make one like the furry white monkey. If anyone knows please tell me.
You can usually buy fuzzy, warm socks at Walmart or Target. I think they cost around 5 bucks.
I have a 5 month old grandson whom would, love this. Got old time monkey socks in my drawer just waiting for this pattern.
Awesome fun with 3 granddaughters helping me to stuff and sew by hand with varying results, choosing funny eyes from my eclectic supply and adding lace tutus flowers, ribbon head bands, sparkles etc… Thanks. A lot for the fun and clear instructions.. J
I just finished making two sock monkey’s for my niece and nephew. This is by far the most complicated sewing project I have attempted but they turned out great! Thanks for the very easy to follow instructions!
Thank-you. FINALLY!!! Very clear,easy to understand and follow step by step instructions and you didn’t even have to make a youtube video to do it!!! There’s still hope!!! Lol Thank-you!
Hi I got socks from you before and everyone loves thim.Ive got a grandaughter that wants one (monkey doll) about 5 feet tall.Do you have a pattern that big.?Thanks Karren Justice at karrenj@etv.net.Huntington Utah.84528
I’m going to make one for my niece’s baby shower! Great instructions — thank you
Thanks for this thorough info. Its very simple and easy. Im in the Caribbean and would like to know where to order these socks at reasonable prices. Thanks much.
I like that you showed non-“traditional” socks. Have you thought of using the “wooly nylon” type of thread to accommodate the stretch of the socks? I haven’t tried it but it makes sense. Also to add a flex-type interfacing at points of stress, especially the groin , the arms and the head (and maybe the mouth and ears – anywhere a toddler would grab and pull). If you have a mini-iron, this would be the place to use it (or one of those pointy nose full size irons). If you make a pattern from the cut-up sock and can’t find that lovely fluffy sock (‘m stuck on that monkey) maybe you could find similar fabric and use the pattern you made from the cut up sock and use fluffy fleece and try from there.
My niece wanted a sock monkey. you idea is great! and your instructions are easy to follow. thank you so much!
thanks for the great idea, very creative my little girl it will be two in august, but she is very active, well i guess most of the kids when they start walking become like this, but for me she is my little monkey, so for her birthday i’m gonna make one like yours, gracias…. Juan
My sock monkeys have been very popular with my grandchildren and friends children, grandchildren,nephews,nieces etc. I am now just finishing my 7th !
I have sewn mine by hand as I found the fabric too stretchy to machine probably due to my ancient machine!
Very clear instructions, thank you.
My grandkids are into the “zombie” phase. Of course some of my ideas haven’t help them! I can’t wait to take this basic pattern and convert and tweak it a bit to make some crazy zombie creatures! Thanks for the step by step
I just fund your sock monkey instructions. They are great will be getting socks tomorrow. i will be visiting your site often. Thank you so much. simbaandelmer
I absolutely love this sock monkey! Instructions are clear and concise and can’t wait to make my first one any day soon. Thank you for this help.
Great instructions and lovely sock monkey doll!!! Thanks…
Very clear concise instructions! Thanks!
I have the socks – can’t wait to make my first sock monkey.
Very cute sock mOnkey
Thank you for your clear, precise instructions! I have just finished reading them and am now going to make my first Sock Monkey.
Awesome instructions, awesome monkey. Thank-you!
I made a sock monkey from this pattern last year for Christmas for my boyfriend, who is 44!! He loved it. My granddaughter saw it and wants me to make her one for this Christmas. Since I have 4 grandchildren, I guess I will be making 4!!! Thank you for the easy to follow pattern!!
Shelley, from northern Minnesota!!
Cute way to give socks as a present and instructions are brilliant.
Even able to do it by hand!
might try one of these in my family learning class, will have to sew it by hand though. nice clear instructions and they are soooooooooo cute.
What perfectly clear instructions and photos. I’m impressed. I’m sure I can do this and will for at least two grandchildren this Christmas. Thanks for all the work that went into it.
(Linda Hall)
Your instructions are wonderful. I am looking forward to making some of these.
Great teching and directions! I am making these for Christmas stocking stuffers!!!!!!!!!
so cuite mine were perfect christmas gifts for my little brother and sister theyll love em :]:];}
This is the best!!!!
i luv this sock monkey I WANT IT!!!!!!
Thank you! Yours was the most helpful and descriptive of them all! I couldn’t find one better explaining than yours.
thank you this is perfect xx
These are the best instructions, very well described – you’d make a great teacher and you obviously like to sew. Thanks very much Kristine. Marian
PS I’m going to make more sock animals now- a sock bunny and a sock pony to start. Wish me luck!
Felicia Dale.
I just made my first sock monkey, thanks to you! He’s really cute, if a little crooked, and I’m just thrilled with how he turned out. The reason I made him is because I play the hurdy gurdy, a musical instrument associated (incorrectly) with monkeys. People are always asking me, “Where is your monkey?” Now I can point to this little guy! I’m “sewing impaired” so I really appreciate the clarity of the written directions and for the good photos. Thanks so much!
Your instructions are perfect…
I have been making these monkies since the 70’s and giving them away to family and friends. I do have a sizable collection of my own…
Keep on sewing……..lol
Nice design, but it’s WAY too complicated for me to follow!
I had great fun making my marvelous sock monkey ‘Marvin’ . The instructions were clear and easy to follow even for a newbie to sewing. It took me more than 2-3 hours to piece him together but was well worth the effort. Thank you Kristine, for the excellent tuition and tips.
Thank you, Kristene! this is one of the best sewing and clearest tutorials I have see – and you showed each of the necessary steps – didn’t leave out anything or jump to another step. I appreciate the photo work – you must have spent time to set that up. I have written instructions for projects for my quilting group and I know how hard it is to include things, not assuming everyone knows something – but not be too detailed, either. thanks – Tricia Kane
My sister was part of a group in Burton Bradstock, Dorset, UK who made sock monkeys for a fund raiser. My granddaughter loves hers. Thank you so much.
Great gift idea. Love it !!!!!
one word..
These instructions are so clear and easy to follow. Thank you for your time and talent.
Brilliant, thank you! I have posted my Sock Monkey on my blog and linked back to you.
Looking forward to exploring more of your site.
I have just made my first sock monkey following these instructions. It was mostly easy to follow but I found some bits a little bit too technichal for me. To improve the website maybe add some arrows/labels to your pictures just to make it a little bit easier to follow!!! But otherwise it was great!!!
Thank you so much!! These instructions are exactly what I was looking for – easy to follow, illustrations and room for individuality!!! Made one without a sewing machine! Definitely think he’s going to be one of many – my 3 kids are already rummaging in their sock drawers for their favourite ones to make monkeys with!!! Thanks again
i didnt like it
Lovely pattern, thank you! I would suggest that people cut the tail a bit shorter. I did the whole thing by hand and it was fine
I am going to try and make one of these sock monkeys. They seem like heaps of fun to make and from what you have written they seem easy enough. Now all i have got to so is go find a sock!
im about to try this with my old softball socks! im thirteen and hope it might work! thanks for instructions!
LOVE IT!!! Clear easy instructions that even I could follow! LOL!! Thanks sooooooo much my girls have been asking for a sock monkey for ages!
A very good sock monkey. I like it. Thanks for having this on here, as I wish to make one. ( this is a kid writing this from its mom’s computer) Thanks
I made one but i didnt use a sewing machine i use a glue gun worked perfect i made 2
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! I’m 10 and made one of these!!!!
they are the cutest! Thanks
amamzing they will make great presents :0
Wondeerful idea! Love this monkey!
Thanks so much. I have looking for clear instructions for a stock monkey.
Wow this is so cool im gonna see if i can make one awesome
Thanks! Those instructions rock! I’ve always wanted a sock monkey; I’m gonna go make one right now!!!
great instructions! Thanks!
It was amazing thank you so much for helping me on my sock monkey turned out great!!!!! Apart from i did it by hand it still works the same thank you again!!!!
I’m 9 and I really enjoyed doing this with my mum and it was easy once I got started.
Hi, we’ve linked to your page from ours. Check us out. We’re making them for kids in hosptial throughout New Zealand. Thanks for a great tutorial. x
This is really helpful, so now I can make sock monkeys. Thank you. xxx
really cute, love the instructions!
im 15 years old and im going to make these and donate them to the children ward in the hospital
My kids all want a sock monkey so bad and I refuse to buy one for all 5 of them. I have never used a sewing machine so this may take a while but I am willing to give it a try!
Thank you!Very accurate, simple and awesome!you’re great
you dhould make a sock elephant how-to
love it
Incredible. The photos are perfect.Thank you!
Brilliant! Great instructions, sock monkeys rule!
thats awesome!!!!! i will loveking a whole clan of sock monkeys!!!! rock on sock monkeys!!!!!!!!
You’re the best! I’ve been looking for an easy pattern to replace my grandson’s sock monkey. I came across your instructions, complete with photographs and I can’t wait to get started. (He’s been so upset since his step-dad threw his away, citing 7 year olds don’t need comfort items anymore. I highly disagree and so did my daughter, citing she didn’t need his step-dad anymore)! Long live sock monkeys!
I am so glad that I was able to find this pattern. I have been looking everywhere and the instructions are so vage. These instructions are great and now you can really see how to make one and put them together. Thank you very much. I am sure my new grandson will enjoy it when he is old enough to play with it.
um kool bur…? how do ya make one wivout a sewin machin?? cute monkees <3
Thank you for sharing. Easy instructions. I will make and sell these as a fundraiser for my Scout Troop. Have to go sock shopping now. Again Thank you. x
Thank you so much for your pattern and tutorial! What a fun little project!
i havent tried this yet but i certainly am later! VERY detailed! i love sockmonkeys ever since i was 2 when i got my first one… thanks for making this article !!
Wow, i’ve allways wanted one of those! Your tutourial looks so easy and plain! The pictures worked really well too! Thank you, im going to make one as soon as i get home to our sewing machine!
thank DIY! XD
Wonderful. I learnt how to make these monkeys from this tutorial now I make all kinds of variations and sell them for my Church. Thank you.
wow this looks like so much fun to make! I’m gonna change it a little, but only because I like cows more than monkeys! I’m thinking about making it as a gift for my little neighbor; he’s only two and LOVES things like these.
Thank you so much! You have made it so much easier on your templates. My grandaughter will be very happy with her sock monkey.
Ok – I’ve made 2 now!! They’re even easier than they look! Thank you for the pattern – my daughter is going to LOVE her B-day present!!!
i had one when i was little
good directions. I ‘ve made a few. but my favorite was made by my aunt back in the ’50s for me. She made it out of the socks with the red heels (means my monkey had big red lips, and a reddened butt.,lol). But you should save the toe. You can roll the edges and make a stocking cap for your monkey, then stuff it and put it on his head and use a few stitches to sew it on. That’s what my monkey from the ’50s had. thanks for putting this online. I’m thinking about a little sock monkey for a little one year old grandniece.
OMG!!! i <3 my sock monkey 2 heaven and back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Love this – such clear and precise, yet easy instructions. Am really looking forward to having a go. Thinking of making mini sock monkeys with children’s socks too!
my grammy cant make a sock monkey and i went to google and i clicked on this and it is going to be the best sock monkey ever…… so thanks!
You make it look so easy to make. Looking forward to give this craft a try tomorrow
This Project is SO CUTE!! Compliments to the creator!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! I tried this but it took me almost 3 hours!!! <3 <3 <3 it!!!
This is the far best one that I’ve seen.
Great instructions!!!! I’ve made 4 so far…Thanks
A very easy pattern to follow, my grandchildren will love to watch the ‘sock monkey’ being created
I loved the idea and made one. My 17 y/o niece loved it and wants one for her.
I mentioned you on my blog, so some of my friends are able to make a sock-monkey too.
Thank you for sharing this pattern … I made one for one of my friends grandchildren and they loved it … Kind regards … Jenny … Australia
Thank you for very clear instructions.
Thank-you! The instructions were really clear and the pictures helped alot! It was really fun to make and my sock monkey looks great! Thanks again(:
My 10 y/o daughter told me last week that she wants a sock monkey for her birthday – thank you for helping that dream come true!
Thanks so much for this pattern. I am going to make my granddaughter one tomorrow from her papa’s socks. I hope she will treasure it.
how do you make the fluffy sock monkey?
all because of you milions of monkeys have been created.
Thank you for your instructions! I did this with my 5 year old grandson and he is thrilled with his “Mandy the Monkey”.
I’m teaching two girls(10 & 6) how to make sock monkeys. These instructions and pictures made it a fun and easy project. Linda az
great instructions thanks
Thank you for these great instructions, complete with photo’s. My children and I have made several of these together, passed on your site to grandmothers who want to make them with their grandchildren – and the best yet – are making as many as we can to take to an orphanage in Africa. It’s been a good fundraiser, as people have stepped up to ‘sponsor’ the monkeys and help provide the airfare to get there.
thank you!!! I love sock mokeys and stuff animals…i am going to make a sock monkey this weekend!!!
You dont have to have a sewing machine!!!!
I have made twenty monkies using this pattern (not kidding) and
Brilliant instructions !! Thankyou for taking the time to share this , can’t wait to get started yey !!
amazing how you can make socks into monkeys to any one who does this project remember DO NOT SEW IT WITHOUT A SEWING MACHINE
so easy! thnx so much
a great tutorial for beginners!!! cant wait to try it out and get my own little collection of monkeys together..thanks.
a great tutorial for beginners!!! cant wait to try it out and get my own little collection of monkeys together..thanks.
Great tutorial thank you. I made one for my husband today and am very pleased with how it turned out. So is he
My first Monkeys name is “Frank Einstein” because he looks like frankenstein but he has a giant head probably to fit the brains in. I used knee high socks which gave Frank a massive tail and humungous forehead. Some adjustments on the next one to be had i think. Great instructions though. Thanks Heaps.
Awesome directions. Very understandable. Good job, I appreciate all your effort!
Thank you for posting this!! It`s great.!!
very helpful and great instructions ..thankyou very much
Before I had my sewing machine I was making these by hand, it definitely takes longer, but it also makes a great beginners sewing project. Make sure that you secure the arms, legs and tails well; kids tend to swing them around by them.
I wonder: Can I do this without sewing machine?
Can’t wait to try this!!
I just made my first sock monkey, thanks to you!
Thanks for great instructions
This is so cool, and the possibilities are endless because there are millions and millions of different socks out there that are neat patterns. Makes my brain throb!!!
wow it is really easy to make and they are cute
great description, very easy to understand. i luv these cute little toys and can’t wait to hav grand children to make them for. thanks for the info.
Very Clear instructions, we love your monkeys, cant wait to make our own thank you
Wow, these are amazing! I just love your stripey monkey, he’s sooooo cute!
Thanks so much for these clear and detailed instructions!! I’m now on my third sock monkey and they all have different personalities and quirks. Your project is brilliant and definitely the best instructions online for sock monkeys that I have found. Your monkeys are lovely, thanks for your inspiring post!! x
thank you for sharing – brilliant detailed easy to follow instructions – will have fun with this.
Brill, Is it possible to make these if you do not have a sewing machine?
what a fantastic idea
i loved this
i love sock monkeys now i can make one!? thx for posting!!!
this is going to be fun thx for putting it online i’ve always wanted to make one and now i can!
you forgot to mention turn the socks inside out first espeshily on cheap socks
it is awesome that you can make a cool sock monkey out of boring dumb socks.
you know those red heel socks? mothers made sock monkeys from worn out red heel socks during the great depression
fantastic project for the school holidays, we are making ours with ladies overknee socks so they have really long limbs, so cute the kids are loving them!!
<3 IT <3 <3 <3 <3 IT!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Thank you so much for posting this online! I have been searching EVERWHERE on the internet for step by step tutorials to make a sock monkey, and this is the best, by far. My sock monkey was made with similar socks to yours, but because I had to sew it by hand (I’m not a very experienced sewer:P) my monkey turned out kind of retarted, but I love him to bits! Now trying to think of a name… Any ideas?
Easy-to-follow, clear instructions. A great project! I made one for each of my three boys for Christmas and they LOVE them!
I love sock monkeys and have always wanted to make one of my own. This was very helpful!!!!!
love it
Well done instructions Very clear and precise. A head can also be be made by tying off with yard or a nylon (lots of people stuff them with old nylons). Does any one have any clothing patterns for girl and boy vests and skirts? My granddaughter and grand neice will love their project.
Awesome tutorial; so helpful!!! Thanks! This is what I am making my 2 boys for their birthday in a few weeks!
Thank you for sharing your pattern. Your sense of humor is fun. This is a fun afternoon project, especially this winter. He warms my heart.
So cool! I love using fuzzy socks or homemade ones, it gives it a fuzzy effect. I love it!
Great I used baby socks and made Christmas Ornaments Tiny little monkeys from the Christmas clearence sale.
We made Sock Monkeys with our Brownies and they love them
I found the sewing slightly difficult but the finished product is cute.
Almost finished my first monkey! I was worried about the arms being so much thinner than the tail, but it turned out all right, although next time i think i’ll make the tail thinner and leave more space for the arms. Thanks so much, wonderfully written instructions.
My little guy is really excited about this! I told him about my Grandma’s sock monkey that I so desperately wanted to take home from her house when I was his age. It was always there waiting for me, but I could never take it home. Now, despite my raw beginner skills, he is hopefully going to have his very own! Thanks for such a rookie-friendly instruction guide….wish us luck! Craig
Bring more sock monkeys into the world people!!
i made my monkey out of white socks and black thread, so u can reely see the
stitching but i don’t care i love my sock monkey!!!
at first my sock monkey was lumpy even though i used polyester stuffing but with all that loving up and adventuring to school she got nice and smooth
Ms. Jungle
Can’t wait to try out this sock monkey. Your instructions are super clear!! Thank you so much for posting it.
the sock monkeys are great but now when i wear my socks i feel that i’m treading on little sock monkeys
the sock monkeys are great but now when i wear my socks i feel that i’m treading on little sock monkeys
Mine is cut, but it has really thin arms… I don’t know what I did wrong… Thanks for the instuctions though, the were really useful!
This was SO SO fun to make and talk about easy! This article does a great job with instructions and the pictures are perfect.
This is extremely helpful! I’m about to start my first sock monkey project, and I’ve found your instructions to be the most detailed and easy to follow of all of them I’ve seen.
Thank you!
Thank you! This was described perfectly for the novice! And to think, I spent $12 on a store bought sock monkey for my niece for Christmas! Next holiday, I’m making them!!! Thanks again!
Excellent instructions and great fun to make …… loving it!!!!!
I love my monkey! I made him out of hot pink socks with turquoise heels and toes and he is adorable. I am a first time sock monkey artist and I think I will use your wonderful tutorial to make holiday sock monkies for all of my friends next year. Thanks for such a clear and descriptive site!
omg!!! I have been wanting a sock monkey for ages cause they’re knit, and i love anything that has to do with string, so i made my own today with socks that were as skinny as a stick of bamboo, and they didnt have a heel so i had to get one from another sock, but i love my sock monkey so much!!!!!!
i have a sewing machine, but i never opened it so i had to open it and since im
only 10, i had to sew it by hand.
and i could only used real stuffing on the body, so i had to use shredded tissue
i made clothes for her too.

Thank-you so much this info was great !
it turned out so cute! the socks i used had polka dots and it is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! That is amazing! Can’t wait to try to make my own!
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for an easy pattern! You really boosted my confidence in sewing!
Thank you very much! We just spent a lovely day making two sock monkeys! Your instructions were clear and easy to follow!
I got a sock monkey kit for xmas & your instructions are much the same. We had to hand sew everything but it doesn’t take that long. Good job on yours!
i bought 2 monkeys @ target and made a baby. cant wait 2 try!<3
viva la sock monkey!!!
I made one and it is cute, though I made George the sock monkey a bit badly.
i made this as a last min xmas gift…they looved it, thanks!
I like how this is written. Thanks so much for posting this!
i really like the fuzzy white one
i made this! super cute! and really quite simple
ive always wanted a sock monkey now i might make 1 (or a million)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is very detailed I have used this site to make my self one and my 2 cousins one for Christmas thank you. Emma
Love, love, love it! I can’t wait to start making one! Thankyou for such easy instructions to follow
This is fantastic. I have just made one for my not-so-little brother’s Christmas present (he’s 22!) as I was stuck for cash. As well as being a great toy they also look very fashionable and quirky – I think he’ll love it. And if he doesn’t, I’m keeping him!
How cool is this?!?!? I can’t wait to try making my first sock
monkey. The instructions look very easy. I’m always looking
for new crafts. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent, easy to understand instructions… thank you! A great, last minute, personalized and easy to make Christmas gift.
I am on my way to being a MONKEY QUEEN!!! … ahem… or maybe just someone who likes to make monkey shine.
Thanks for the pattern. It’s more comprehensive than the one one the orignal fox river red heel socks.
Hey……….. cute sock monkey! I will try this out!
your sock monkeys are really cool.
From phoenix and taylor.
Wow, these sock monkeys look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I made one for my friend for christmas, and she loved it!
Thank you, my young friend needed to make a sock monkey for a school project and the instructions where not very detailed. Yours were excellent. Thanks again.
it is easy and clear to understand
can’t wait to try this, just need to find some willing socks.
Thank you so much, easy to follow instructions and I’ve just made my very first sock monkey
thank you this sock monkey is sooo cute! I’m making my sister one for Christmas!!
Lovely directions. Really easy to follow. Just successfully completed my first sock monkey. Thanks so much!
I am going to make them for my little cousins, knowing me i will go wrong
I loved this pattern — it was easy to follow and went quickly — great results
AWESOME!! me likey
very,very good i have made 3 to give as christmas presents my brother and 2 friends will<3 their monkeys!!!
thank you for the instruction these sock monkey are great my grandchildren are going to love them best wishes
Instructions were wonderful. My granddaughter told me recently that she always wanted a sock monkey, and thanks to your instructions on making her one for christmas.
thanks for the detailed instructions. the pattern with the socks leaves a little to be desired. also I agree about using cut up quilt batting. used that for the first one, his name is going to have to be “Lumpy.” got any ideas for the mountain of batting scraps? I am thinking maybe dog beds.
Such clear instructions for someone like me who has always loved the sock monkey but never been brave enough to try to make one! I have lots of patterns to knit one but having seen this one to sew with such clear instructions, i’m going to sew them instead. Guess what my 5 grandchildren will be getting for Christmas and/or birthdays??
Thank you for such clear instructions! Just finished my first sock monkey and my daughter loves it! Thank-you!
This project rocks my sox ^^
this is great. thank you. im making one for my sons first christmas
L-O-V-E the brown and white monkey !! Your directions are very clear and simple. About how long does it take to make one of these cuties ?
They are so cute! I absolutely love the fluffy monkey. Thanks so much!
Great tute!!! The pics are fabulous!!! I really like how you broke the mod and made an all white fuzzy monkey!!! Sew cute!!
Thank you so much…now I can make all 5 grandkids their own monkey!
Excellent monkey im making some for xmas instead of table gifts as i think these are more personal and thoughtful, ill leave you my email and you can email me so i can post u my monkeys I warn you tho i have never used a sewing machine and am rubbish at sewing but im willing to give it a go, yours are fantastic and the detail of how to make them is so helpfull x well done you x
thats so cuteee!! im gunna make a cute fluffy one!
gr8 idea
I made my sock monkey with Three Different Colored socks and it looks ahmazing. thanks for the instructions and idea, thank you! <3
this project was so simple and easy to make. Me and my sister are making some, I love them<3
4 star rating. The monkey is super. I don’t know if I will be able to give him away whenI’ve made him!
this was a very easy thing 2 make and it will be fantastic for a christmas present
I LOVE MY MONKEY!! Thank you for these amazingly easy instructions

I dont have a sewing machine so i did it by hand and it still came out great!
absolutely great! I love small projects like this!!
so so so so cute
that is absolutely unique and creative! I’ve made a monkey myself just now and it is really easy! Thank you very much for the detalied instruction!
I like it ! The sock monkey is great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for such easy understandable instructions. My first one was made with “recycled” socks. It turned out pretty good for a first time. Now I’m ready for the real thing. Everyone on my Christmas list is going to get one this year.
Made my first sock monkey today the first of many i am sure. i used a strong stretch stich to make the seams stronger and used quilting thread. my only slip up is i have one arm that thinner than the other so i reread your instructions and cant wait to do the next one . thanks so much for so much fun!
whats that fluffy one at the bottom made with? its so so cute
Thanks so much for these instructions. They were really easy to follow, I made my first Sock Monkey today in about 3 hours. He is so cute, only thing I did wrong was didn’t read to the end and sewed the eyes on without bringing the thread down to stitch the smile on the Sock Monkeys Mouth. I think I know what I can do though, next time I will know, we learn by our not reading the directions don’t we. LOL! Thanks again, it is a great project.
some pretty good advice here on making sock monkeys. thanks for the attention to detail and the realization that imperfection gives character !
I found your website yesterday, and think the directions are really easy and well done, and have almost finished my first sock monkey! She will be for my 2-year old niece for Christmas. My 14-year old son now wants one! Great keepsakes though, and looking forward to making more
Thanks again!
Thanks for the time you spent creating & posting sock monkey instructions. I’ve had a difficult time finding affordable “red heel” socks so I love that you’ve made an alternate, adorable sock monkey. I found super cute Paul Frank socks on sale & can’t wait to get started!
im 11,i made a sock monkey with my mom today,it is very cute!!this is a very well put together project!!thanks for the help!
awwww this is dead cute
and soooo easy to make <3
OK so it was pretty simple especially for a novice such as myself! Thank you and thanks for the pictures!! Patience is definitely a necessity. LOL! SOmething I am working on so this project was two fold! Thank you
I like this one alot better than theother pattern I found because the other one said that you needed 2 pairs of tube socks and I don’t own any tube socks!
Thanks a bunch! I love it!
wow, very, very good!!!!! i’ve made 3 already!!!!!!! thanx
I have made this, mater of fact my grandaughter and i made one 2 weeks ago, very good instruction, good job. Would like to know where to purchase the colored socks for the monkeys, can’t find them any where around here.
Really cute…cant wait to try it
very awesome!!!!!
iv already made 3 by hand and they are soo cute! iv even made clothes for them
Great instructions. A group of ladies have made 12 sock monkey’s to donate to the hospital for kids in their Oncology Department. We were able to hand sew the whole monkey but it did take a little longer.
I made a sock monkey, but not with these instructions. I think I’ll try and make the furry monkey, it’s soooo cute!
After I practice one, I’m doing the fuzzy sock one cuz it is sooooo cute!!!!!!
To make your monkey more undistructable I use quilting thread, it’s much more strong than regular thread.
Fantastic, thank you
I love the way you explained this! You were also hilarious!
i have only recently discovered sock monkey’s! what a genius idea!!
just made my first one, sewn by hand, he is sooo cute!!
Thats christmas sorted lol.
that tuturial was amazing thanks =)
LUV IT! I am sooo gana try this!
i loved how you added pictures so i knew what you where talking about unlike other instructions. Thank you for putting your time in to share this with us. I will try to make one! CUTE! Thanks again!
I LOVE this! Directions were so super simple, and the pictures help a ton for someone like me (visual). Made one for the neighbor girl. Now that I tested it will be making more tomorrow for all 6 of my kids and myself! Going to share this in my blog, linking back to you of course
I made one, and he is sooooooooo cute! I used toe socks, so he looks a little strange…. I made him into a new species– the Flatface Anakee. His name is Sophocles.
i’m only eleven and not much of a sewer, but this was SUPER easy! I love it!
Oh My Gosh! So cute! I hate sock monkeys…. they TERRIFY me, but this is soooooooooooo adorable! i am totally going to make one. You rock. Yay yay yay. I’m eleven, my name is Anna
I bought a pair or the original socks they use to make the sock monkeys, and my monkey is turning out great! i have to sew it by hand, but its ok, it keeps me occupied =]….its looking great!
As a new stay at home mom I am finding all kinds of fun things to do with this sewing machine! Today when i found funky socks on clearance at Target I thought hmm I wonder if I can find a pattern online to make a sock monkey(for my little monkey) I CANT WAIT until she goes to bed tonight so I can go play with this!!! Thanks so much for posting!
Really good,but i think it looks really hard, i dont have a machine so i have to do it by hand :(.
I made one of these from another site a while back, i plan on making another few soon though and im glad i stumbled on this tutorial haha because its much easier to follow and helps with some things i had to do by imagination, thankyou
I made one at school and it was really fun and all of my friends made more at home but I can’t because I don’t have the guide so I don’t know what part of the sock is the tail or the arms or the mouth or the ears and I’m going to make some for my baby cousins
your instructions make it look creepy. his head is to long and its arms and legs are to short. my step moms was much better.
this was an awsome project but we didnt have a machine so we did it by hand but instead we used tapestry needles and that string they use for cross stich patterns this i think made it easier
LOVED IT! had to make it completely by hand….
mine definitely looks homemade but ohwell
very good instructions!
wow this was a great project it kept me awake from 3am to 7am!! my sock monkey is super cute it was worth it…but i had no scissors or a sewing machine!!! i did everything by hand i used a knife and thread & sewing needle!!! i cant wait to do another one!!! thanks for showing how to make a sock monkey…”Marcolina—long island, NY
wow this was a great project it kept me awake from 3am to 7am!! my sock monkey is super cute it was worth it…but i had no scissors or a sewing machine!!! i did everything by hand i used a knife and thread & sewing needle!!! i cant wait to do another one!!! thanks for showing how to make a sock monkey…”Marcolina—long island, NY
i like its tail because its longer than the legs, and so it doesnt have a “third leg”. thanks!!!
I had so much fun making this for my cousin and i !!! they are sooo cute
<3 Sofia age 11
I had so much fun making this for my cousin and i !!! they are sooo cute
<3 Sofia age 11
This looks great! I really can’t wait to try it. I just wish i had more interesting socks… Thank you soooo much! i now have something to do for summer vacation. This is awesome. Thanksss:) –Kitty, and btw: i live in the Philippines
Thanks! You spoke my language.
I love sock Monkeys so much, I live for them!!!!
wow !! great instructions, though mine didnt come out very attractive, still i love it !!
Instructions are fantastically clear to follow and the monkey turns out great! Thank you so much!
This sounds neat, can’t wait to get working!
THIS…… IS…….SO………. AWESOME!!!!!! My hubby and I have been wanting to buy one, well actually several… but man are they expensive… I want one, he wants one and we want one for our daughter!
and now… I can just make them!!!
yes! Thank you so much for this!! too bad I don’t have a machine so all this is going to be made by hand…. but I don’t mind… I have lots of time…
Again… thank you so much…
thank you this will be an asome present for my brother or sister(we dont know what it is yet)as a first toy or doll.the first sock monkey i TRYED to do without help ended up in shreds and into the trash(not kidding)so thanx alot : ) : )
great explanation !!
AWESOME!!! This is the best tutorial I’ve found on making a cute sock monkey. Best pics and descriptions of what you are doing! Thanks
Thanks soooo much. I need a shower gift and a one year old bday present. This will be great
gifts. Plus I know I can make a bunch of sizes for different size kids…and grown ups, too.
Thanks again for the easy instructions!
My husband saw that car commercial on TV and has been dying for one of these. Thanks for the detailed instructions. My daughter and I are going to make him one from wool socks for father’s day. The only negative to these instructions is that they are a bit hard to read in places because of the line-paper background.
Thank you so much, i can wait to try this, i hate spending 20-25 dollars on something so simple that i can sew myself. So cute, i just love them!
Love it!!!!!!
Love this pattern! I looked around for a while before settling on this one, but I’m working on my 12th monkey now… I’ve got numerous grandkids, nieces & nephews, & friends w/young children–not to mention to grown up kids that are now asking for one!
omg!! this was so simple!! the first time round i didnt have a sewing machine and used knee high socks – that took a couple of hours. I got a sewing machine for my bday and then sewed one using normal socks. that took 10 minutes! by the way – i am twelve. thankyou for the beautiful beautiful tutorial. THANKS AGAIN!
excellent clear instructions thats my evening sorted ,i think i may have a go at making a witchy style one
Cool project!!!! There is a long process t follow though
omgg mine went rong!!
Very easy and very good steps to follow. The monkey is Super cute.
Can’t wait to make my sock monkey!!! pictures to follow, Jools
I ♥ this project!!!
i thought this would be so hard..but the instructions were clear and the finished result is great…my little brother will love it!! thankyou!
I made one of these and I’m only 12. I used my mums old socks, it looks cool cause I have a purple monkey!!!
Hi!This is SO cool,will try soon,
these look great am going to try and make one with my 5 year old
wish me luck
thanks a lot! you’re so very generous with sharing your knowledge!
I have several friends who want me to show them how to make a sock monkey. I made one several years ago with the red heel socks and he turned out really well. I sew, so it wasn’t difficult. They do take time, depending on how much of a perfectionist you are. Be prepared to spend some time getting the stuffing nice and smooth (unless you want a lumpy monkey). A chopstick comes in handy for this. For those of you who don’t sew, give this project a try and just keep practicing. Your first sock monkey probably won’t be perfect, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be charming. I love this sock monkey because it is made from non-traditional socks. Also the instructions are the best on the whole internet. Thank you so much for taking the time to do these step-by-step instructions and photos. They are so much better than the ones that come with the traditional socks. Hand made items are worth so much more than store-bought. There endless possibilities to make it “your own.”
I made one tongiht, I love it, its for my friends birthday, i know shell love it, hers a picture of it….
Thanks for the great diy

5Million stars for you
oh and as you can see, i still have the tutorial on the cmputer iin the background
thanks a million
great project! its perfect for my friends new baby! she’s going for a jungle themed nursery. this is a great personal touch for his room! i dried out lavender and camomile, stuffed it into some old stockings i sewed into a little pouch and added that into the stuffing :)…… i cross stitched the eyes though so he won’t try to eat the buttons….
im making one tomorrow and will be the best and all of yours are going to be rubbish
thank you
love this. but had to handsew this – my sewing machine does not work
This was fun and not even as hard as I thought! I used fuzzy socks, which I thought would make it more difficult, but they were actually VERY forgiving, so I didn’t have to make anything perfect. Thanks for the tutorial!
Fantastic clear instructions – thank you! Just finished him (it took HOURS – but no sewing machine) and the result is way beyond expectations!
I love this project! I just finished my sock monkey, I used knee socks so that there was room for error and longer arms and legs.
Thanx for this project info it is so easy and quick! I get bored when projects take a long time to finish and most of the time never end up finishing them but this is great you can do it in a couple of hours and then start a new one lol I love it!
Thank god I found this!!!

I had been looking for a project like this!!
The bad thing is that I have to use it for a project and I only had two days to do it, so I really don’t have time to make it!!
I guess I’ll just have to use pictures, instead of the real thing!
Now I have to do a summary on this thing which shouldn’t be this hard, but it is!!
Well, thanks for the project!!!
I made a sock monkey and i think that it is so cute!
The pictures help so much. I’ve tried to do it on another site with no pictures but it seems very confusing.
Thanks a lot Kristine!
Your friend,
i just did the super sock sort at my house today, i have a bunch of strays that will become mismatched sock monkey parts, thank you for the great tutorial
Your instructions are just great! Thanks for sharing your craft, you made it sound easy and enjoyable to do.
Thank you so much for the great instructions… The monkey turned out great!!! I know my daughter will love it!
Thank’s so much! I was wanting ideas for a pink sock monkey for a baby girl shower, since Mom is doing her room in monkeys!
soooo pretty!!
=o wow i’m gonna try that ’cause i’ve always wanted one o=
I’ve got a sock monkey collection, and now more & more dudes are being added to the family! This is SOOO KOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is awsome im 11 and it was easy. thnx for all the fun.
Wow! That was such a good tutorial! I’m obsessed with sock monkeys and now I know how to make a whole big family! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
I really enjoyed this demo. cant wait to make it and get some awesome socks
ok, so i’m not a big sewer. actually, i took it in 7th grade and didn’t know what the heck i was doing, but i could actually follow this, somewhat. it’s fairly simple. (except when it comes down to the hand sewing, but that’s just me.) i really want a sock monkey, and i thought it would mean more if i made it myself. over the summer, i might just make one.
Great instructions!!! It’s the start of Spring Break and I already have a 11year asking to do fun stuff! So I’m going to attemp this with two 11yr olds. They are very excited about making a sock monkey.
Great instructions!!! It’s the start of Spring Break and I already have a 11year asking to do fun stuff! So I’m going to attemp this with two 11yr olds. They are very excited about making a sock monkey.
I totally made this for my brother for Christmas! HE LOVES IT!!! I’m thinking about making some out of little socks and selling them at a craft fair .. hehe!!
My friends thought i was crazy for thinking sock monkeys were cute and my parents did too. Now i have my sock monkey i was never allowed to get because everyone else around me just did not see how adorable these little monkeys are! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
thank u for this tutorial..
Thank you so much for doing this. I have the gray and red sock pattern. But could never guite get what the pattern was trying to say. Now I got. Pictures sure make a diffrance for people like me who have to see it.Thanks Marge
Thank you for such simple, step by step instructions and pictures. You make it look so easy that I just might give it a try! Thank you!
haha my aunt is terrified of sock monkeys so im going to attempt to make her one as a joke
well, i dont have a sewing machine but i may be able to do this by hand? ill try 
this looks sooooooooooo great!!!!!!! :]
your awesome u r so good at describing the steps.
what happen to the classic sock monkeys.yah your making it the same way but you have to make it with the right sock or it dosen’t have the same value.
finally a good hand made sock monkey i’ve been looking all over for cute sock monkey ever scince i saw the toyota advertisement with all of the toys on a night out on the town and the sock monkey gets a tatoo on his arm and i agree goolgley eyes make them look scary but atleast now i can stop asking my mom and make some for my friends thanks
whoa!!! omg! now i can make my grandma and mom a present before they go to the phillipines (an island also their homeland) for 2 weeks! but i dnt rly know how to sew… and im only12….
i want to make one
i needed this
This is just what I need!
thanx for the great tutorial! if theres anyone out there looking for sock monkey names, try boots, tiny, buttons, or maybe even the word for sock in spanish! i cant wait to make him! :)))
Awesome! I’ve always loved sock monkeys and now I’m going to make my own! Thank you!
Thank you so much for creating this wonderful tut! I’ve been wanting to make my own sock monkey and now I can thanks to you! Can’t wait to make a monkey
this is one of the best tutorials i have seen! very, very good. i think i could actually make this now. thank you.
This is such a great tutorial. The last one I tried to use was not clear about how to make all the parts………this one was so simple!!!
My Mum and I are making this right now, and we are like “Wow, this is so easy, no wonder it’s featured!”. Any ideas for names? It’s pink and patterned.
thats grt lol
Looks a bit complex and i think itd look better with a red heal sock thing
thanx a lot 4 the gr8 idea for a gift! It also saves money and sore feet from shopping. thanx again ,bobby
excellent instructions.
This is great. Online you have to shell out $20 for good sock monkeys but you have just saved so many of us a lot of cash. Thanks!
AWESOME! This is a great tutorial, the pictures really helped! I’m definitely going to try to make one. Thanks for these great instructions. They are so simple to make! =D
WOW. They made this so simple. Now I can make my little sock monkey bought from Target little friends! Thanks so much for simplifying it.
This is really great, your instuctions were amazingly simple to follow. I have made my forst sock monkey and I am very proud of my work. Again, thank you for your help and thank you for being such a good instuctor, I will recommend this to all of my friends
My daughter who is 9 and myself both made these sock monkeys.
Directions are very easy to understand.
My daughter only required minimal help .
We completed the project in 6 hours and had 2 completed monkeys.
Thanks for the fantastic pattern and an afternoon of fun with my daughter.
I loved this sock monkey, I made about 13 of them, and took picture of monkey, and a story, and passed them on to another family. THen that familydoes the same thing. etc. After 1 year I asked that they be returned to see just how many adventures they had.. It should be neat….
Thank you thank you! I love your instructions and your finished monkey is fab. I’ve read loads about the elusive sock monkeys on crafting forums but have never attempted one as they look complicated (I’m a novice on the sewing machine!). Your pics and instructions sound managable so I’m itching to get home and give it a go. I’m 31 btw :o) but my little boy, who is two, would love one of these (with very well attached button eyes!) Thank you again, Lucy x
I love it, this pattern has great, simple instructions and it turns out really cute!
Awesome instructions – nice and simple .I did the whole thing in 4 1/2 hours by hand and ive never sewn before in my life…. it turned out pretty well for a first try! I used knee high socks and it worked really well , he just has really long limbs! FANTASTICAL! ( I am only 11 btw)
cute & funny
Thnx I’m also 11 and waz bored I’m mking them for my local hospital
best directions i’ve seen. I also like the patterned sock. We’re going to use an orange argyle pair.
I looked up a different pair of instructions and couldn’t quite understand them, but with your pictures and easy to follow instructions I could completely understand everything. Two thumbs up!
So cute! My dad is a huge sock monkey fan!
This project is great!!!! When sewing the limbs, you really want to sew the limb that you are using more than once so it will stay! :] I’m 10, and I had a great time doing this with my mom.I think that you should try making this sock monkey too!!!!!
too much effort – could just buy one for a quid
i made my own sock monkey, and i used your pic of your finished monkey for my essay at school. i hope that was ok…..
omg!! I just LOVE my sock monkey. The instructions are so easy to follow and so much easier then the other sock monkey insructions on other websites. I didn’t even have to ask my mom on what the instructions meant.
Normally, if I’m bored, I’d just blindly wander aimlessly. Now I can just make another sock monkey.
i really want to make one but i have no dang sewing machine!!!!! ive tried by hand(not that im not a bad sewer, cause im pretty good) but they keep falling apart. do u have any suggestions for me????
-Libbie age: 11 ON
also, nice monkey!!!!
ace idea!! i was going to be bored all day but i’m now gunna make loads of sock monkey’s :)!!
This is a wonderful and simple project and I plan on making a few for christmas presents
Fabulous sock monkey…..will get out my sewing machine and raiding my socks drawer right away….not going to have many socks left after making an entire zoo of these cute creatures.
As a famous monkey in a Disney movie once said, “ooo oooo oooo I want to be like you ooo ooo”!!!!
Thanks for the easy to follow steps with piccies
Gnomes x x x
All my son wanted for Christmas was a sock monkey. They aren’t all that easy to buy. These instructions saved me a lot of trouble. Easy to make.
Lovely – clear and concise instructions. Great home made Christmas pressies for kids!
i never knew were to get the instructions and i really wanted to get or make a monkey sock doll. this helped alot! i also loved that it had pictures. (i’m kinda a visual learner.) these will also make some really good christmas and hannaka presents!
This is fabulous! I’m using it for a second time to make a second monkey friend. The instructions are easy to follow, and the pictures are clear. All the little parts that might get tricky are carefully explained and visually documented. HINT: You can use the extra sock toe to make a hat for your monkey. Just turn it inside out, pinch the open end of the toe piece closed in a bunchy shape, and stitch it closed. Turn it right side out and your monkey is stylin’.
Would we deffinately need a sowing machine ?
because im dying to make this but i haven’t got one ! :/
This is awesome
by FAR THEE BEST sock monkey making site I’ve found (and I’ve looked at plenty)!!!!!
thank you for making this very very easy to understand.
I havn’t made it but I really want to. I just need some old socks!!:)
this worked perfectly! i was looking at this video and it made no sense at all to me andi was super confused but this tutorial was great my sock monkey came out wonderful
ps: i am only 11
I’m so glad that I came across your tutorial!
My boyfriend is overcome with joy at the Sock Monkey Army that I’m making him at the moment. So far there’s BW Bush (Distract-o-mime), Ninja, Mad Scientist, Mutant Monkey (Kevin) and Zombie!
I’ve got some pictures up online if you’d like to see
Looking forward to making more!
i have alway wanted 2 make a sock monkey but i can never find instrutions! thanks a lot
Thanks for the instructions! I love sock monkeys, and when I was little, I remember my mom making one for me. But now I’m not sure where it is, and I just cannot wait to make another!
Omg! I’ve been looking for sock monkeys in every store i go to but they’re all to expensive and I’ve wanted one since i was 4 and now i can make one thnx!
I haven’t made it yet, but I can’t wait. The instructions are simple and easy to follow. I want a sock monkey, but thought it would be more fun to make one my self. Thanks for the pattern.
love this project
that project is awesome
um it is hard but it is fun and it looks good at the end
I love this project and just finished one by hand (thank you ladies that mentioned doing it by hand otherwise I would have never thought of it!) Something that I changed was I filled the arms and legs with rice. I was running short on stuffing but also it adds some nice weight. If you do use rice though you have to sewing off the area you used the rice so it doesn’t mix with the stuffing. This really is a great project although I am having a little trouble attaching the arms if anyone has any extra tips for this that would be great!
This is such an awesome project! i LOVE sock monkeys and wanted one but couldn’t find any and now i can make my own just the way i want!!!!!!
I’ve now made 3 monkeys by hand and have another one requested :0) I made my husband a tiny weeny monkey from our son’s baby socks, and have done some slightly bigger ones from toddler socks. They are great !!
Thank you so much, your instructions were great. I sewed mine by hand (too lazy to get out the sewing machine) and finished it in one evening. I was shocked by how great it turned out! It is going to be a present for my dad (I used his old socks), but I think I’ll make another one for my daughter for Christmas.
this is so easy! i’m not a seasoned sewer and it was perfect for me. easy to follow and turned out pretty adorable! can’t wait to make more! thanks for posting this. it was extremely quick i actually did it all by hand because i don’t have a sewing machine and it took me about 1 1/2 hours which was great because we last minute decided to go to a child’s birthday party and – so i made it on the way!
Great page! Very reader friendly! I’ll hae 7 made in no time! promised the grandkids!
This was a fun and easy project. It takes a long time, but still fun!!!
this is exactly what i was looking for, thank you
brilliosa, me and my mum did it 2gether
That is really cute. Would be a cute gift idea for a few little people that I know.
someone made a bride and groom version of these monkies for my son and daughter in laws wedding this weekend. they were awesome and i cant wait to hav a go myself.
I am Turk. This is very good. Thank you for this funny tutorial.
Elinize sağlık.
I used knie-socks. The limbs are lovely long. My child loves him. And me too….
Just bought one at a craft fair and love it so much I WANT TO MAKE SOME.
Thanks for this. I can’t wait for the shops to open to get some socks! Very nicel laid out project that should be easy to follow.
This was a very complete and understood tutorial…no questions needed…it was all there!
GREAT JOB! and sooo cute!
Great photography showing each step.
Thanks planning to make some for my g’kids!!
omg they are soooo cute!!!! i’m going to make one now! I hope it works, cause im not going to use a sewing machine! This is sooo cool thanks for putting it up!
-i <3 monkeys
Thanks,, i just made one its heaps cute!
this is so cool! love it. my friend’s birthday is coming up and she would love this. thanks!
really easy step by step!
What brilliant instructions – can’t wait to have a go. And I love the comment from the reader who’s going to make sock monkeys from her late dad’s socks.
this project looks so easy and fun and escpessially cute!! omg
Thanku soooooooooo much i made one its sooo cute
My father passed away in Nov. of 2008 and when we cleaned out his dresser I found alot of socks he hadn’t worn, so I had the idea of making a sock monkey out of them. I thought it was a great way to keep him close to my heart. I had a sock monkey when I was a kid. So alot of memories I will have with this sock monkey. This is a wonderful idea for me. Thank you so much.
WONDERFUL! I love these monkeys and have wanted to learn how to do this. thanks so much for the awesome tutorial!
fantastic! Excellent instructions….!
this is a great homade craft!1
I have followed your directions and just made few slight changes to the monkey face like adding some nostrils and used embroidery stitch for the eyes to make it safe and cute. My daughter loves the monkey and I do to. Thanks for the awesome instructions.
ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! This is soooo amazing! I made them once before with my bezzie using knee socks, but it looked weird! Now I have used plain white short socks! I tlooks soooo good I am going to have to make my friend an early 13th birthday present!!!!!! I now have a HUUUUUUGE collection of home made sock monkeys! Thank you sooo much, the instructions are AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I am going to go off and make some more!!!!!!!! Bye!
Anna Curran
Age 12
xxxxx :p
very cute and so easy to make
made one by hand as my sowing machine broke
and it turned out ok
they make brilliant presents for people
This is an awesome tutorial! It is so clear and easy to follow! I made my first sock monkey this afternoon and am planing on making many more and selling them! My mom was a bit iffy @ first but then I finished and she was blown away by the sheer cuteness of it! The sock pattern was the icing on the cake though… It had I’m too sexy written in big hearts all over the monkey! LOLL!
Great idea and so different from old time sock monkeys that are still popular. Great idea.
Wow, I’m totally inspired!!! He’s amazing! Cxx
wow it is… wow!
making one right now, braving it without a sowing machine! wish me luck
I messed my monkey up SO bad!!!! But it came out good other then the really little tail
Im going to make many many more!!!!! 
wow u rock, he’s soooooooo cute
very nice job
well done
i’ll make one,I will buy new colorful socks,and wait until they get wear out!!!
Awesome!! Love the photos–you had me laughing with the crotch thing. Great tutorial.
OMG!! This project saved me 40 dollars!! I have always wanted one and the instructions and pics made it really easy! thanx soooo much!
14 yr. old girl
wow, love it but dont have a sowing machine!!!
i just made one. it didnt turn out that great but its my first one. so maybe my next one will. but it was a lott of funn and it is really cutee.
I made one, and I’m just 13! It’s easy+ fun. Also, I got a great sock monkey out of it and learned something new. Thanks!
I am gonna try to make this with my grandmother.It looks really cool!The instructions are so eay to read!Sock monkeys are so cute! I love it!!
I think this is a wonderful idea and the instructions are gr8!
The directions are amazing. Even my very first monkey turned out great!
Wow this is such a cool and funny Monkey! ^-^
thanks alot for posting this, now I have to make one
Wonderful project, I’ll start sewing straight away!
Thank you! These detailed instructions are just what I’ve been looking for. Rebecca
Thank you! Your instruction with pictures made this project a snap!
thanks so much for writing out these instructions – they are so easy too use! I am now making my second one
they are great! My brother is going too make one soon too – and he is only 8!
– a 13 year old girl
i made a blue sock monkey and it was soooo fun.
Very cleverly done, well presented. Must try this project.
I adore monkeys and this is one that will be well loved.
great project i am definitley doing this. i found a chrismas present for my brother and sisters
i just looooooooooooove sock monkeys!!!!!
Absolutely fantastic project, and only took me one evening to complete, my kids absolutely love ‘Micky’ our sock monkey!
im definitely doing this and giving it to my friend as a b-day present
she’ll love it! MONKEYS UNITE! :o)
Looks brilliant!
This is a great thing to do if you get bored and if you have a pair of socks you dont like or dont fit anymore!!! i had great fun making them and i now have a little family of them
nice instructions!!!
Sock Monkey says u rock!!!
very eqasy to follow instructions!thanks
Super great!!!
Hi! This is such a great idea and it is so cute! I want to make one, but I only know how to hand sew! Can I make one by just hand sewing it or no? Please tell me. Thanks…
This is so cute and it is a great idea, but it looks really hard. Any pointers before I start? I’m thinking about doing this for one of my 4-H projects.
This is so cute and it is a great idea, but it looks really hard. Any pointers before I start? I’m thinking about doing this for one of my 4-H projects.
A sock monkey is a great way to reuse socks! Too bad I already donated my socks to GoodWill! I’ll have to wait for my kids to grow out of their socks :p
very fabulous & easy craft thanks
Clear and easy instructions, made five so far, thank you so much
i love sock monkeys and always wanted to make one and the steps were ez to go along with
I love this project, it is easy and fun!
Well presented.
This is a really goood idea, there are so many intructions. x
i was soooo bored at my gandmas house so i asked for some socks and a needle and thred and i whipped it out in 2 days for my cuz shes gonna luv it
i luv sock monkeys they are sooo cute but i useualy make them by hand
I love sock monkey !!!
my mum made me it its sooooo cute!
This is a great set of instructions! I made mine last july and i hand sew it. It took me around 4 1/2 hours but it was worth it!
its soooo fun!
I haven’t made this yet, but it seems very easy to understand. I plan on starting it as soon as I find some socks with different coloured heels. I wonder if it would work with little kid or baby socks?
it was okay but a lot of reading and not enough pictures but it is very well described and it is cute but i do like the way the pictures are clear and esay to understand thanks for creating this page liked it alot hope you make more and thanks a million!.
Love it!
niceeeeeeeeeee !!!
This is really good my mum is gonna help me make one 2nite and i can not wait were gonna bbuy sox tday and yea were gonnna make him (or her) 2nite i just can not wait
best use of socks ive seen to date
I made my first sock monket from this tutorial two years ago, hand sewn and it turned out great, this time around I’m using a machine, hope it turns out just as well! Great tutorial!
I cannot wait to attempt the sock monkey – looks great
This is a great project, and well done with the stripes. I made these 27 years ago, my daughter took this monkey everywhere she travelled, even around the world.She often brought it home for “surgery” to mend the holes.I hope your kids love thiers too!KLK
Love this, I now have to go out and buy loads of stripey socks just for monkeys. Addictive and sooo cute.
oh & the advertising doesn’t bother me one little bit – the instructions are clear enough to read so to the grump who didn’t like them – go away
Sorry you feel that way about the advertising, unfortunately without advertising I couldn’t run this site.
The number of advertisements on this page really contributed to my overall experience of the sock monkey tutorial. Blergh. I like craft, but I don’t like this site.
She looks wonderful my mom helped me on mother’s day I felt pretty sad because it was mother’s day. She said it was ok.
awsome idea! i would use this website to make something when i am bored. from: emmy 456
thank you so much!! i made one for my friends 18th – and thanks to your instructions and wonderful pictures it was perfect first time!!
i am so impressed it turned out just like the picture!
You should create a sock monkey that kids can make-without the needle.
Pulled out my sewing machine for the first time in seven years and made my first sock monkey using these instructions. These instructions are straight forward and easy to follow. Had a blast making my sock monkey!
Thanks so much for this – I made one for my nephew (1 year old) and he loved it. It was fun to make, too!
i love this!! im 14 and i made mine with my grandma. i plan on making 3 more for my counsns. They will absolutley love them. Totaly adorable!!! I LOVE THEM. You wil to. Bye.
i loved it i wanna do that wher i learn to use my sewing michean
One of the best instructions I’ve seen yet on the web. Thank you so much for your very clear, very easy to follow instructions.
its hot
I love this craft it was so fun!
me and my mom love this craft its the perfect thing to do on a rainy day
Loved the Idea! LOL JK
Thank you so much for your very clear, detailed instructions and helpful photos. I’ve added a hat made from the extra toe!
You did a really good job on your sock monkey. I like how you put personality in the instructions. Thanks.
I loved the sock you used and how your picturs are very clear
I love your sock monkey!!!
omg i luv theis pattern! i’ve almost finishd mi 1st of mani its polka dot! but i have to name it! im havn 2 wing it sum cuz d socs were 2 small thanx
Thank you i think i will do what you did!
i love this monkey. my sister made it and she loved it so much. thanks for everything craft bits!!!
wonderful pattern! (No, this rating cannot wait for me to be a member)
!Viva la calcetin mono!
the monkey is cute!
um nice job i made this sock monkey and ITS STUNING
this is very helpful! thank you
The pics of the steps r really helpful! I also love how the socks are a different look than the classic sock monkeys! This is an awesome craft!
i loved it!!! my very 1st sock monkey turned out great because of u!!! thx sooooooooooo much!
Thankyou for making the instructions so easy to follow – am so exited to try it out – been looking for a new project – am sure there will not be just one !
Brilliant and easy to follow instructions – thank you!
I thought these instructions were very easy to follow. I also, very much enjoyed making my sock monkey.
Really clear and easy to read! Thank you, i will defiantly be trying it!
This is awesome! is really hard on baby sox!
thank you! Well done.
this monkey is awesome, and so easy to make! i love the pictures.
i loved this progect i made one for my class toy and it was a huge hit, it was easy to make and still really fun
very nice tute!!! Easy to understand and follow. . .fun project for anyone with too many socks =D
I’m about to make one for my boyfriend for his birthday and this is a perfect HOW-TO
Wow thanks! This is going to help me a lot!
this is a very easy and awesome project!!!!!!
It’s an amazing idea! I just have to make one sometime! Very detailed tutorial and easy to understand!
very detailed tutorial
Great instructions Thanks a Bunch(bananas)
this was a great way of making a monkey! thanx alot
it is easy to read the instructions and very cute crafts!
…loving the monkey*
this is cute has easy instuctions and saves money because i always buy my sock monkeys
Brilliant!!! Thank you so much. I can’t wait to make this!
ilove stuff animals so this is a good idea to do with my children it also gives veary good instructions with pics to show what your doing and an idea for you guys is make a family … IT ALSO WORKED OUT GREAT !!!!!!!!!
Just found this pattern and made it…it’s so cute..I will be making more than one!!!!Thank you so much for the easy instructions…I appreciate so much…Suzie from the province of Quebec
Loved the step by step instructions with pictures…THANKS A LOT!!!!
gave me the basic idea of how to put one together..thanx
cant you do one that doesnt require a sewing machine?
Very nice instructions! Thank You so much.
This worked great, thanks! I made valentine monkeys for friends!
He looks great!
Iam going to try this!
I liked it. Lots of love!:)
Great instructions! Just realized the pair of socks i bought to try are padded… gotta find new ones!
I love this idea !
So cute and really easy!
What a great easy pattern! Thanks!!!
lot of work!!!!!!!
Thank you.
Very clear instructions! Im very proud of my self for making my wonderful sock monkey. And im a bigginer so this was the first thing i have made. Anybody can make this if they try and im only 13 years old.
Awesome pictures the instructions were written very clearly and it was very easy to understand!Thank so so much for this great idea!!!!
cool but i just
buy em at the store
thanx!!! this helps a lot!!!
i love how simple your instructions are!!! i got a sock monkey kit for christmas and made it yesterday. only thing is that the directions where unclear. i wish i had got on this site before i made my sock monkey with those terrible instructions!! thanks!
Awesome instructions…sometimes verbage is hard to understand but with these pictures you can’t go wrong!!
I am making my third sock monkey soon and hope to get the ears right soon. These instructions are fabulous
it was AWESOME!!!!

Very thorough, thanks
I bet it took a long time to make it.
where can i get those socks?
I am making some for my friends!! I am making hats and mittens for the monkeys too!! Great instructions,
loved the sence of humour!
they were really good,have fun fellow monkey makers
Thanks, I can finally make a sockmonkey of my own !
This idea is cool!Do you have to use long socks for that
I can’t wait to make my monkey thank you!!
I found your instructions to be very simple and fun to read (you have a cute sense of humor). I am attempting to make one soon. Thanks so much for the time you put into these instuctions! They are great!
Great instructions. I was going to buy a sock monkey, but then decided to make one for my son’s first birthday. LOVE IT!!!
Very clear instructions. They are a lot of fun to make, I’m making one for every one of my nieces and nephews.
really like
Cute. I’m making a neon one as part of a present for someone special.
Very good instructions. My only modification was to embroider the eyes instead of using buttons since my monkey will go to a small child. Easiest to follow sock monkey instructions I’ve seen. Thanks!
can’t wait to try it!!
awesome directions! I can’t wait to make one!
Thank you for taking the time to make this tutorial! Your instructions and pictures were super
I’m making one for each of my boys (4,2, and 6 mths) for Christmas!
Really good , picturs and instructions were clear and easy to follow , we have finshed our very first Sock Monkey and it was a Brill sucsess Thank you!
Really good , picturs and instructions were clear and easy to follow , we have finshed our very first Sock Monkey and it was a Brill sucsess Thank you!
i love these
going to make them for all my cousins this xmas! I made my first last night, didn’t use a sewing machine and it still worked well 
WEll i like the idea for a bra purse! I just went out and bought tons of new bras in multy colors. I can’t wait to start. First, I am going to make some for all my neighbors and Garden Club! oh my gosh you guys inspired me. Thanks a million!
i think i can make this
very clear and detailed instructions-very helpful for a rookie like me!
Ive always wanted to have one of these little buddies but they are so expensive, I made one yesterday for my friend it was cheap and turned out great! even for sewing it by hand. thanks so much the photos were extremley helpful
my mom made one for me and i luv it!!!
i(im 12) love making things and im very picky so this looks fun
Thanks so much for this!! I just finished my first ever sock monkey thanks to your great instructions and pictures!
Loved making mine! The instructions are so clear, it was even my first project ever on my sewing machine!
My mom and i don’t have a sewing machine anymore. I would pay you to make a sock monkey, i have always wanted one and the reason why we haven’t bought one is because they look retarded but i’m going to beg my mom to help me make one. This is so cute!
it was very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very discriptive and made ALOT more sense then some other ones i had been looking at! Pictures helped alot!
Easy to follow- very informative
This is a really fun idea which is not to difficult – great for those who have little experience with a sewing machine. The instructions are quite clear, and photographic documentation of every stage is a great help. I’ll make one for my baby cousin! BM
The instructions were quite clear and easy to understand. Now it’s time to make lots of monkeys. CK
I love these craft intructions!!! They are prefect!
ITS SO CUTE!! I love the step-by-step instuructions!! There so easy to follow.
Ive already made 4 of them!!!
Thank you for the great instructions and pictures!!! A LOT of my girls friends are pregnant, and I love the idea of being able to make these sweet stuffed animals for them!
Oh my golly gosh
Best ever
i love this
great guide!
This craft was VERY easy to understand, unlike other sock monkey patterns I found.
Thanks for posting this pattern!
I’ve made a few of these now and I’ve found that the toe of the tail foot make a better nose. It’s easier to sew it on and keep it looking full.
i made a sock monkey with these, and then adaptedd it to make a sock CAT!!!
Totaly adorable!!!
extermely cute monkey! me and my little sister are going to mke one soon. she is only 5 and i am 13. of course i’ll do the sewing. excellent pics! only one confusing part is the eyes, but my mom is good at sewing and can help us on that one.
i an olny 12 and i have made about 20 of then and give away for gift
I enjoyed the directions and found the pictures very helpful. Also very easy to personalize with different colors and patterns of socks! My sock monkey is more pink, white, and black plaid. Very adorable!
i enjoyed the projects i’m 12 years old and it was very easy to do. It took me 3 and a half hours for my first try but my second only took 1 and a half. I used the extra toe part to add color to my sock money, His name is Scott (btw) gr8 instructuions!!!
it is very cute
I love it
this is so awsome aspecialy for kids who dont have money for gifts
interesting i love sock monkeys but you usally use a speacial sock
Very easy instructions and great pictures. Thanks so much!!
Just bought some cute $1 a pair socks to try this out. Looks easy enough.
awsum im gona try it
great directions. thanks for taking the time to share this.
very good
so hard to do it
This was so good! i made one and my whole family loves them (although my dad was kind of mad i used is good sock) but it is so cute!
Best sock money tutorial I have found! Thanks and I can’t wait to try it out!
Excellant Tutorial!
Thank-you so much! I will enjoy making these for christmas and birthday gifts.
it explained things so perfectly!!!!I am soooo going to make a sock monkey now!!!!
my oldest son loved this best. He is 37 now and still remembers it. Going to make it for his new baby TY
great, so cute!
Very clear. Great instructions!
great direction the best I have found on the net!!!
Fantastic,great pictures, great narrative, great frunky monkey.Thank you.
I thought the sock monkeys were realy clever and a great DIY project!
Brilliant. I ran out of socks but found rubber gloves an excellent alterntive. They give a kinky twist to the project.
Feel the sock monkey lurrrrrrrrve!
Fantastic. Due to the credit crunch I cannot afford real food or friends for my children. This is a viable and thrilling alternative.
Hey good job! Thanks for nice clear instructions. JS
Great directions. Love the pictures and your encouragement about not making it “perfect” but handmade and charming. My grandkids will all get these for Christmas.
Thanks for sharing!
Great! I bought a ridiculously expensive sock monkey kit and it didn’t even include stuffing. This is much better.
I found this pattern about a year ago, and I’ve been making monkeys like crazy. I think I’ve made 15 or 16 now… I’ve been giving them away as birthday presents, and everybody has LOVED them. Thank you so much for the great pattern and the inspiration
Awsome Project! I’m 12 uears old and had NEVER used a sewing machine and this project did not take long at all and the turn out was great! Good idea to show pictures they were very helpful! Will show to all of my friends!!! Good Job!!
no one ever told me How to make it with regualar socks!
they said I had to get one of those special sock that had red in the heels!!
this was a great craft,but i dont know how to make it with toe socks??
Very helpful with step by step instructions complete w/helpful but warning tips-of-the-trade!
Great! Perfect project!
Great instructions & pictures, easy to follow, Thank you!!!
thank you, thank you, thank you! i have wanted to start making sock animals but didn’t want to have to buy the expensive red heel socks – now i have a pattern to make ’em out of really cute colored socks! thanks again!
Great thank you for sharing!
i made this for my friends birthday and she loved it!
i sugest using knee socks
the monkey will turn out bigger
instructions were very easy to follow, but i did have a hard time ataching the arms
i am 14 and i made this!
Great explanation. It was really the best i have found yet!!!!
It was amazing how easy you made it!
I love crafts and this site just gave me a lot of great ideas and I am going to make a lot of the great crafts posted on this site.My fav. craft on this site is the sock monkey
Thanks! The details and pics are great!
My 10 year old granddaughter and I did this over the weekend and hers turned out better than mine! We had a blast! thanks.
i think it is very good but I did not understand what you meant by hide it in the body at the end when the eyes were put on!
Thank you So much for creating this site! I am Going to use it as a craft at my 12 birthday! i cant wait! thanks : )
omg this sock monkey is absolutely adorable and quite easy i am seven years old and he instrustions were very easy for me to follow as well as being able to sew it by hand i will definetley keep making sock monkeys for a long time! Thx
wow i looked at other web stes and they make your sock monkey look retarded but these are so easy and it came out very nice. now i can make a sock monkey as a present for a new baby
this is amazing. your instructions and photos are very clear. i am inspired to try and make one for my little boy
thank you
I wanted one but I couldn’t get it because shipping would have been alot to pay for and I found your site and it was very easy to understand the directions thanks
ok people just because u think its hard doesnt mean u should give it a bad review!
yeah rock on Mr. monk monk!!! (that’s what i named mine!)
that sock monkey is sooooooo cute!!!
I liked these instructions! Very easy to follow and fun to read.
i am making one of these for a baby shower. me my mom and aunt are making the mommy to be homemade crafts like blankets and pillows so i thought of something nobody would think of!! a sock monkey doll!!
I tried one in a pair of breast cancer socks. My monkey was wonderful!!!! thank you
I am oly 10, but this is a simple and favourable craft project! I applause you on this wonderful creation, and will definetely make millions for myself!
it’s cute and it’s good for scaring little kids
grat idea
This project didnt work for me
I was disapointed because I love sock monkeys And I have 10 but I never made one before so I thought it would be easy!
i love it!!! this is a great fun project for everyone!!! i cant wait to try it out!!! thx for the great pics and instructions!!!
its a wonderful thing keep it up !!!!
WONDERFUL craft. Spent a weekend teaching my 7th gr Scouts how to make these. We had a wonderful time and everyone’s was so unique. Only advise I have is don’t buy cheap socks/watch the length of your arms/legs/tail. Have fun!!!
I’ve been looking for a good sewing project and when I found this I was so happy.Very good idea.
Great instructions! I’m inspired and am going 2 try 2 make a different kind of sock animal – i hope it turns out as cute as your monkey!!!
very good pictures, and i agree that not being totally square and even makes a TRUE sock monkey. after all these are children’s toys, thrifty and ingenious making the most out of what you have, the modern corn silk doll
they turned out perfect all my friends loved them
I think sock monkeys would be awesome to make. Thanks for sharing this information.
very detailed instructions
Great instructions and humor. I’ve made about 50 for a craft show.
this is a really cute thing to make… you can make them for birthdays and just for fun! but the only thing i dont get what to do is how to sew on the ears, legs, arms and tail… that just doesnt make sense to me… the raw edge??? what does that mean?
im not sure if sum1 like me could make one but im gonna try i think i will make myself three a hippy one a lazy potbelly one and one named socko w/ cool light up sox(after icarly)!!!!!!
thanks this will be ahmaaaazing
would have liked to seen a paper template and the traditional socks used.
I am surprised at how good her monkey looks i have tried to something like this before and it didnt turn out as well ( I think its because my socks werent as cute)!!
luv it i am 12 and making it soon for mothers day
I have been searching everywhere for very detailed instructions to make a sock monkey as I am not a seasoned sewer and THANK GOD I found yours. Thanks so much for taking the time to make each step understandable and doable! And the pictures are great!
Very easy to follow instructions made easier by the visual aids. I will be trying to make my own asap. Thank you
UNBELIEVABLE detail in the instructions! Thank you so very much for making it easy to understand! Now… were did you get those cute pair of socks with pink in them!
I love how easy this project is. I always wanted to make a sock monkey- now I can!
Too hard!!!
Love it espicialy for the 12and up age my daughter did it a her birthday party.
but we premade almost all the limbs..
great!!! im only 11 and im making one tomorrow!! the steps are so easy to follow!!THANKS!
I have to make one of these for my mom!
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your time and effort in putting this great pattern on the web!
I love those sock monkeys so much and am so happy to now have these isntructions to make one on my own
it looks reli cool but hard to make
Thanks for taking the time to write all these steps out for everyone to see. I’m sure I’m not the only one that is glad you did.
haven’t seen a more creative way to use that old-unmatched-sock-under-the-bed in years!
So Fun and Easy…
Excellent and clear tutorial.
sooo cute!!! i have 2 make 1!! now if i cold only find a sock..people r soo mean 2 say mean things about this craft.
with your instructions a sock monkey like me could do it !!!:)
it ws really good i used it for mothers day LOL
Thank you!
Super cute!
very thorough!
that is soo cute. i am making one right now
Love the easy sock monkey, Grovier the better lol
Thank you so much! I will make these for ALL my friends! I always wondered how to do that…
This is a GREAT article! Beautifull illustrated & explained, thanks!
Excellent instructions. Great pictures.Wonderful little sock guy!!
what type of socks do you use???
this is absolutley adorable… i am going to try this with great enthusiasm
I just made my first sock monkey and it came out beautiful. Great instructions that were really easy to follow. LOVE your site!!!
I love making these and I would like to post a link from my blog to these instruction. Great Fun!
Excellent tut!
I always make my 3 bmfls a prezzie to go with their main prezzie for christmas. Now everyone in my class wants one! They’re so cute and the instructions were great. Thank Yoooooooo!
….this project rocks my socks!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!! I just LOVE the sock monkey idea! Gonna make 1 4 my BFF and for myself! Thanx Kristine! Keep up on the fantastic work! Everything was so well pictured and the directions were easy and clear to follow along with!Love it!
Sock monkeys are cool!
these are the best instructions on the web
This craft was described wonderfully and the pictures made it more understandable. Love It!!
i made this for my dad for Christmas and he loved it. its very cute and now all my friends want one!!
I love the one I made so much it has replaced the angel on top of my tree
directions print out much too small.
Awesome, going to make neat sockmonkey, good directions and pictures. Cute:+)
it’s great step by step. who cares if it is not the ‘original monkey’ a little creativity, huh? i am making one now, the stitching is challenging, but i’m learning. thanks for the projuct.
Thank you for posting this. My son who is now 23 wanted a sock monkey like the one he had when he was little. So I thought this would be a good Christmas gift for him, along with one I’m making for his little brother who is 5 and one for my Boy friend.
love it!!SOOOOO CUTE
Thanx for the clear instructions!
I bought my girlfriend a sock monkey for Christmas and have fallen in love with the idea of them, so I’m going to try and make one myself! Great instructions! Easy to follow! I’ll let you know how I get on! Steve. X
Wow, I think I’m gonna go make a sock monkey now!
I loved that this info was free! I hope to make my sock monkey soon. Thanks!
I Already make sock monkeys but a friend wanted to so found this, your instructions so clear, dont listen to those awfull comments earlier, you should teach! Fantastic, your ears better than mine, so gona do yours from now on! I think ur gr8 for sharing i
i am making this 4 my best friend she will love it!!! I love it 2!! thanx
that is so cool
i LUV it thanks
this was cool and it seems sort of easy
Nice dirstions, I am going to try to make this sock monkey for my little monkey baby
my son, who’s six months, he loves to play with socks.
Wonderful!!! LOVE it!
Thankyou. The description along with excellent pictures. Best sock monkey directions I have found!
Very organized and clear. Great pictures
awesome detail & helpful pictures!
this is so cool
I love this craft it is a fun and easy one to make
very cool idea
I’m going to make this for one of my grandchildren!
Such Clear instructions, great!!!
Really easy to follow and she covers absolutely everything.
Now I just want to make more and more
this was so easy the instructiongs were so easy to follow
the instructions are both easy to follow and entertaining. I’m making several for Christmas. so excited!
Very Interesting
omg this is so cool my baby cousins are gonna love it!
This page is really good,with clear annotations and pictures.
I am making some of these for xmas presents!
They look better/cuter with googaly eyes though!=]
How long does one sock monkey take to make??
Completley excellent! Simple to make, very unique and very explanatory. Thanks for the pictures, that made it easier. Thanks!!
great!!! i liked the pictures that helped soooooo much!!!!!
It took me all day but it was well worth it !!!
thanx for the instructions!
fantastic, very clear instructions, helpful pictures too!
OMG its sooo cool!
Really cute project! My daughter loves it. Why are people so rude?! Thanks for your efforts!
its too cute!!!!
This was the best pattern by far. I’m not a sewer but this pattern with it’s photos and step by step instructions made it possible for me to make a sock monkey
this is pretty awesome
it’s fun to make but a little to original
Love your Sock Monkey! Instructrions/pics were very easy to follow. Made my first monkey today…turned out just like yours. I was looking for a homemade Christmas gift idea and this is it! Everyone is getting your sock monkey this year. THANK YOU!
that was cool and i could understand it really well.. =]]
Nice pattern. I know this is an old thread but I find it strange that the same person that slammed you with a … NOT! Also told you to get a life.
brilliant! love them! the instructions are really easy to follow… i’m just about to make my own!
This craft was a little time cosuming but the final product was well worth it. i made one for my dog and she loves it to death!
It’s pretty cute, but i don’t think it’s very original because you’re supposed to use Rockford Red Heel socks.Also,you can embroider the eyes, use googly eyes,or use felt eyes.Even still,it looks like a lot of people have done your craft, Congratulations.
Great easy to follow intructions!!
SOO Cool!
I just made my sock monkey!
The instructions were easy to follow!
I made mine out of a stripey rainbow sock! He looks totally cute!
really good instructions and pictures. I’ve just made a whole sock monkey family! they look great made with spotty or patterned socks too!
Thankyou Kristine. You gave me inspiration for a materials technology class. The kids at the special school I teach at, love making these monkeys and so do I! I can produce one monkey in an evening and enjoy giving them away as presents.
Excellent, plenty of photos and nice clear instructions.
love it sooo sweet
um what size are the socks ????????
that was cool, but I didn’t make it, but it looks really neat!!! I like how there are a lot of pictures:)
This is a great idea!!! I can’t wait to make this. I have so many cute pairs of socks that I can use.
this is the best sock monkey pattern,i’ve seen.everbody loves my sock monkey now.but i hand sewed it all.
I loved this sock monkey. My friend and I made them at a sleepover and the came out super cute!
Your directions were really good. Keep up the good work!
I like this monkey very much, and the instructions are really good, but can you use the instructions for any sock? I don’t think the sock I’m using is proportionate to the one in the picture. Does that matter???
amzing, well worth making!!! really easy
amzing, well worth making. my kids love them
I Love it!! Its sooo cool!!
The instructions and pictures were awesome!!! I’n definitely making this 4 my little sis! Thanks!!!!
the sock mmonkey is sooooooo cute i love the little mouth it lookes like a real monkey compared to other craft monkeys
I made this sock monkey for my sick brother 18 year old brother.he loved it,i made 1 for myself too.
sooo, cute!
and i have so many socks i can use for this!!
this is great! i was just going to buy one but most are 30 dollars or more!! i don’t sew and i think I can do this!! thanx
I love the instructions. They are clear and well-thought-out. I thank whoever created these, because it’ll be great to make one very soon. You should start a kit!
I made one for my son for his first birthday and he loved it. So I had to make another to send on the road with his daddy (a truck driver). They now have bed buddies so they dont miss each other so much.
okay, but it doesn’t allow the kids to do a lot of the work..
I’ve always loved sock monkeys & I’ve always wanted to make my own. You instructions were easy to follow thanks!
aw! these r so cute! I made 1 as soon as i saw this (the stuffing’s a bit lumpy and one ear is bigger than the other) but I LOVE HIM!!!!!
Thank you so much!! Hands down the best directions I’ve ever seen. Love the step by step pics. Who cares if it’s not a traditional sock monkey it gives him personality:}
cute idea for young and old!!
It’s long, but worth it! *I love the signature bunny!*
the tails weird like a little too long but a cute craft im making it but maybe ill cut the tail shorter
Thank you so much for the instructions…my children and I have been making them for our daddy his buddy’s in his company over in Iraq for a little fathers day treat! It will be well appreciated and I wanted you to know this was possible ’cause of you!:D
They turned out so cute. The diections were very easy to understand, even though it looked so compicated and took some time.
I love the look of this monkey. How would a sock monkey made of of ladybugs socks look?
Very good tutorial! I am definitely making one now.
so much fun
looks like fun…i want to make one for my wee grand baby who loves monkeys. So glad to have found your directions
yay its like such a totaly cool idea you rock dude
wahey top monkey buisness!! wel done!
love that monkey!
so cute to hug and snuggle and if your sad cry on!
love it! it’s absolutely adorable!
Now that is what I call a cute craft progect!
My best Friend loves monkeys! I think this was so easy to follow and understand! Thanks!
so easy to follow, thanks for this great project
My friend made a sock monkey & I liked it so I’m going to make a sock monkey!
THANK YOU for this pattern—I’m shocked at how difficult it was to find!!! I want to make them for my grandkids ‘n future grandkids!
omg i luv monkeys this was so cool it think I’ll make like 200 cuz i have so many friends if the rater thingy could go to six i would rate it 6. (i actually have never made one and have no idea what the ***** it looks like ) oh well maybe ill make one
Excellently explained..I wonder if my daughter wants those socks I bought her last week…
I love Monkeys and I was looking for one like this, now I just have to make it instead of buing one! =) Thanks
Thank you for excellent directions and pictures. I am going to try to create one tonight. Can’t wait!
awesome job..thanks for taking the extra time and effort to share this with us..pay no attention to the ones who obviousley dont appreciate it. keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!
great!!!!! keep up the good work!!!!!
God Bless :oB
awesome instrucitons!!
hey, i feel really bad for you when you have to put up with comments from people who don’t appreciate your hard work!! hear that, people?!? keep your unappreciative comments TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!
as soon as is saw this web page, i HAD to run and get a pair of socks!
i finished it in, like, and hour!!
one leg was bigger than the other, the arms didn’t matsh, and neither did the eyes!! but i still LUV IT!!!!!
Luv it!!!!!!!!!!
awesome directions! i understood everything I will do this myself!
easy to follow directions and great pics. helped me understand what to do.
Best instructions I’ve found yet! Thanks!
These instructions are awesome! Thank you thank you thank you!
Now I finally know how to make the ears! Next project is some skinny stripey monkeys like the ones on this site. Thank you!!!
wow! I love monkeys and when I saw this craft I HAD to do it! Thanks!( do you think that maybe you could show us how to do other sock animals? lol! I would be the first to try them out!)
Yeah! I love this pattern! I love making sock monkey’s! They are so fun!
The best sock monkey tute I’ve EVER seen – great job! I might actually be able to make one now!
Thank you!
Very creative and very cute! I love the way it doesn’t require a certain pair of socks!
LOVE the monkey and the instructions are great! Well done!
Great – the step by step photos really helped! Thanks!
The direction were excellent–the project will be very easy to follow for my daughter who doesn’t do crafts but wants to learn to make the sock monkey doll. Thanks, Jeannine’s Mom
the pics are great!! haven’t tried the craft yet… :]
I’ve already made a few of these but i just adjusted it and made a sock rabbit! I used the tail section to make 2 arms, and then i used the other two left over pieces (what would be the ears and the arms) to make big bunny ears!
thanks have been looking as my kids loved the ones they had when they were small and I wish to make some for the grandkids.
I really ike this project as it is written with a personl touch.
Thank you for the very detailed information. Do you also have other examples of stuffed animals you can make with socks?
These monkeys are cute but they aren’t the real sock monkey. The real monkey is made from the red heeled sock….but yours are cute…Maybe they should be called “The Hip” sockmonkey.
Brilliant instructions – so clear. Thank you – I’m gonna do it!
i made a couple of them in no time and left the eyes out due to my 6month old. great gift idea too.
so cute! will make a wonderful christmas stocking filler for kids or ‘big’ kids
u should make a small one for ur USB stick cause they are really cute n cool also mine looks really dirty my mum says
Thanks for the easy to follow directions. I can teach a young person how to make these great toys. Maria Spotts
It is an old pattern.Thanks for bringing it back to life……..Great sunday school prizes…….
Guest, If you choose those words I have no choice but to edit your posts.
These look awful Complete *word Removed *!(have fun editing this out)
Yah! they r soo cute! Grace and me luv them!
I made one for my husband, and the children are always asking to play with it. I’m off to make more!
These instructions are super awesome!
Love it. I’m off to find a pair of old socks right now…
Yay! Sock Monkey! I just have to go out and make a ton of these now. Christmas presents here we come! Great stocking filler hey? Or rather filling a stocking! OK – bad pun.
Very nicely done. Some of the instructions out there are so difficult to understand and the illistrations that go with them (if any) and usually hand drawn and make sense only to the person drawing them. Thank you for all the trouble you went through!
wow i need to try this! it looks soooo cute!!:P
very well thought out instructions. I have been wanting to know how to make a sock monkey for ages. I like the stripes! Thank you Kristine
Thank you so much.
My grandfather has recently passed away and im using his socks to make them and giving them away to my family as mometos of him i love the idea
omg!! i love it! they are so easy to make and so quick! sooo much fun
goog very good
very cute
Clear instructions. Great! I like it!
love it – have been looking for a tute like this for a while now!
very great way to make monkeys.instructions were so easey and cool thanks – jord
A BIG thank you to Kristine for going to all that trouble to show us how to make the monkey
i really enjoy this craft now i cant wait to make it
My 10-yr old is reading Summer of the Monkeys in school & for a project has to create a 3D monkey. I searched the web for monkey craft. Your directions are perfect for her! And now I have something to do with all my socks from the 80’s! Thanks!
i made some with banana socks
this is so cool I have always wanted to make one but diddn’t know how
wow this looks great to make
omg step by step instructions!!
u rock!
Excellent and easy to follow – thanks!
it is awesome so cute I am going to give one to every one I know it is a great birthday present
reminds me of my first sock monkey
Awesome!!! I don’t think that I would ever make it myself because I stink with a sewing machine, but if I was actually good at using one, I would have probably made around twenty sock monkies by now.
long instructions but i bet the results r wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i made my monkey last night! great instructions. i made mine out of mens’ socks, which resulted in a large monkey. just make sure to make the tail skinny enough. my first attempt ended up with a tail as thick as the legs.. not quite realistic.
very good incturions
I’m going to try this straight away!
great, cant wait to try myself – a name, why not schmonkey?
love it
very cool love it
Great instructions and I love the pics – it’s great that she makes it easy by listing possible “difficulties” and how to get around them.
have been looking for this pattern for ages! Thanks!
Super …great….
Thank you….
soo awsome. i LUV it! sooo cute!
Great instructional guide!
omigod! genius! i used this pattern and i am now in love with my sock monkey! just have to think of a name…
A long project but it is well worth it in the end!
Awsome, now I can use up all those missmatched socks, thanks for the pattern, at JOanns if was over $10.00
excellent very clear detailed explanation!!!
Great instructions, well illustrated!
Excellent project, really had fun making this.. as they are so totally cool right now
This is an old project, but the pics are very good, and the instructions written clearly. Nice to see a different pattern sock used, too.