What you need
1/4 cup Dried or powdered seaweed and enough water to make a thick paste
If you are able to obtain fresh seaweed, then use 3 oz of it.
Plastic wrap or shower curtain
Mix all the ingredients together including the powdered seaweed in a bowl to make a smooth paste. Then spread the paste all over your body making sure you get your back as well.
Lay some plastic wrap or a shower curtain down in a bathtub and lay onto it. Wrap the plastic around yourself as best as possible. You can also wrap yourself up in towels.
Let the mud dry for approximately 30 minutes and relax in the tub. Rinse the mud off with warm water pat dry and follow up with a moisturizer.
Make this free seaweed body detox wrap at home for a wonderful spa day.
It is normal for the drying clay to make you a little itchy just pat with water or wash off it becomes too uncomfortable.
Add some Weightloss slimming essential oils to help detox the body such as Ginger and Grapefruit.
I purchased 3lbs of seaweed powder on amazon. love it. I wrapped w/suran wrap and laid on a towel over a heating pad w/more towels ontop. it also makes a great hot bath by putting some of the powder in a piece of stocking and tie ends and squeeze it thru out the bath. didn’t want to waste so i did a mask once i was done w/the bath
good stuff!!!
This is a pretty cool project I am rating it 5 stars!
This is a pretty cool project I am rating it 5 stars!
how to make a paste using fresh seaweed?
Does this help with losing inches?
Irishseaweed can be bought on line from greenangel.ie
where you can buy the seaweed? I ve being looking everywhere but I dont find it.
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