What you need
Wax or baking Paper
Craft glue
Lay the pretzels out onto a sheet of wax paper in the shape of a wreath. You can make your wreath any size that you like.
Glue the pretzels together by pouring the glue over the edges. Once this glue has dried lay out a second layer of pretzels on top of the first layer alternating the pretzels so that they now sit over the joins.
Pour glue over the pretzels and allow to dry.
Once your pretzel wreath is dried use a holiday ribbon to weave in and out of the pretzels and tie a bow at the bottom.
You can also use a small piece of ribbon to glue a loop onto the back if you need to hang it up on nail.
You could also make mini wreaths using mini pretzels to make hanging ornaments for your tree.
To make a totaly edible wreath, dip ends in melted white chocolate one at a time and lay five in a circle touching each other. Then repeat the procedure, laying the next five on top offsetting them from the first row. When hardened add a ribbon for hanging.
this would be suitable for children 5 and over only as it is a bit fiddly. Looks really effective though :O)
Great idea!!
I made this craft with my 6&7 year old scouts last year and it was great, we added the loop to the top, and bells to the bottom.
Instead of glue poured over the whole wreath, why not spray laquer?