What you need
3 tbs of whole egg Mayonnaise
2 tbs of olive oil
1 large egg
1 tbs honey
Mix all the ingredients together and apply to dry hair.
Wrap in a towel or cling wrap for 25-30 mins.
Rinse well with shampoo.
Looking for a herbal shampoo? Check out our DIY recipe for making your own natural herbal shampoo with basic supplies. We also have a herbal conditioner recipe too. Home-made shampoos and conditioners are a great way to strip back to basics and control what herbs you are putting into your hair shampoo and products. Store-bought herbal shampoo contains lots of numbers and ingredients that as the consumer we know very little about.
i wonder the same thing as sabraerin; does your hair smell afterwards??
WOW this is an awesome Hair mayonnaise it made my hair softer and shinier thanks for sharing this idea!
COOL !!!
will your
hair smell like mannayise after