Dry Damaged Hair Repair

Dry Damaged Hair Repair

This recipe is for a hair mask that is suitable for dry damaged hair. It uses egg yolk, banana, powdered milk and lime juice.

What you need

Egg Yolk
1/2 Banana
2 tsp Powdered Milk
1 tsp Lime juice


In a food processor combine 1 beaten egg yolk, 1/2 banana, 2 teaspoons powdered milk, 1 teaspoon coconut oil, 1 teaspoon lime juice.

Massage through clean, damp hair, leave for 20 mins then rinse.

This recipe lasts 1-2 days in the fridge.

This project was contributed by Nellie from Nellies Stuff.

Looking for a herbal shampoo? Check out our DIY recipe for making your own natural herbal shampoo with basic supplies. We also have a herbal conditioner recipe too.  Home-made shampoos and conditioners are a great way to strip back to basics and control what herbs you are putting into your hair shampoo and products. Store-bought herbal shampoo contains lots of numbers and ingredients that as the consumer we know very little about.


  1. Person with Messed up Hair says

    cool 🙂

  2. Great natural hair mask, can’t wait to try it! 🙂

  3. Easy and works great!

  4. Sounds great! I cant wait to use it!

  5. What is this for?

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