Flower Hearted Bead Hair Elastic

Flower Hearted Bead Hair Elastic

This project was submitted by Photobeads and shows you how to use photobeads to make a unqiue piece of jewerly.

What you need

1 Flower Life pink photobeads with bachelor buttons/primroses / hyacinth and fringed gromwell
16 small (8mm x 5mm) two-tone purple hearts
16 large (2mm x 3mm) transparent purple seed beads (or very small crystals)
32 large (2mm x 3mm) transparent white seed beads (or very small crystals)
1 pink hair elastic
40cm (16 inches) transparent elastic cord

Stringing needle
Bead stopper


1: Attach the bead stopper to one end of the elastic cord (live a tail of about 5cm).
2: String the Flower Life photobead.
3: String 1 white seed bead, 1 purple seed bead, 1 white seed bead and one two-tone purple heart.
4: Repeat step 3 until you have no beads left.
5: Wrap your string of beads around the hair elastic several times in different directions to shape a large ?chaotic? knot. Just play around with it until you are satisfied with the shape of the knot. Make sure the two ends of the elastic cord meet.
6: Remove the bead stopper. Tie the loose ends of the elastic cord together with an overhand knot.
7: Pull the knot inside the photobead.

This project was submitted by Photobeads


  1. suusisuusi says

    Päris lahe

  2. i think that is so awesome!<3

  3. I love this !!!

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