What you need
PVA or Wood Glue mixed 60/40 with water
Country printed gift wrap of your choice
Assorted plastic fruit
Spray varnish
Small twigs
You can also use this method to cover ceramic fruit that may have become cracked or chipped to give it new life.
Arrange the finished fruit in a nice cane or country basket for a wonderful centerpiece.
Start by removing any plastic stems from the fruit, make a small hole at the top big enough to fit the twigs in.
Tear approximately 11 inch (30 cm)of the gift paper up into 1 inch (2.5 cm) irregular pieces.
Working with the pieces of gift wrap, dip them into the glue solution till they are completely covered. Wipe any excess glue of with your fingers and apply the paper to the piece of fruit.
Start gluing pieces of paper to the front of the fruit shaping the paper around the curves by forming small tucks and wrinkles where necessary. Keep working until the fruit is completely covered and allow it to dry.
Once it s dry spray with clear craft varnish to complete the project.
Using small pieces of twigs push them into the tops of your fruit to represent stems. Obviously this is only for fruit that is naturally stemmed.
I actually rate this a zero because I would really hate doing this because it reminds me of being in elementary doing paper mache’ which I hated doing because it was messy
Very nice.
Would be great in a rooster/chicken styled kitchen. It’s a neat idea also, because faux fruit is out of style right now. Now you can boast about your trendy recycled centerpiece.
good but VERY messy
This has potential.
Oh. My. God.