What you need
2 Identical Cloth Bibs
Sewing machine
Optional Coat Hanger
You could use rubber backed bibs for wet items, such as dirty wipes, wet cloths etc.
You just throw it into the washing machine to clean it.
Start by placing your two bibs together right sides facing each other. Then sew around the outside edges.
Turn it right side out and your basic purse is made.
You can slip in a coat hanger to make a hangup bag before sewing around the edges.
You can add pockets by sewing on a small rectangle of fabric or add some bling bling by sewing in a beaded fringe.
The opportunities are endless but it’s a fun little bag that’s versatile and inexpensive to make.
Cute idea but I haven’t seen bibs like this in my town in years
I love this but i cant find any bibs like that
plus id be kinda scared to use it as a purse but a makeup bag would be perfect
This is perfect as a QUICK shower gift!
this looks like a great thing to store little things in but not for a purse
i LOVE this!
but where would be the best place to find a bib that doesnt come unattached?
would be great to store my clothe pegs
I hot glued it instead of sewing it..
&& I use it as a makeup bag when I stay over..
Seems to work so far.. <3
I’d love to use this as favours at a baby shower, filling them with all sorts of stuff…very cute, as gift for a pregnant lady too!
These are cute.
I’m not sure i’d have the guts to walk around with the little elephant or fish on it, so i might try a plain pattern or something as they look so nice
cool present for someone who’s pregnant!
it is the best purse and i wore it to my sisters wedding also was in a fashion show in used this on the runway
This is a silly idea. I don’t think it will catch on!
I think this was the most creative idea. KUDOS to you. thanks for sharing it with us
I like this idea
I think that this craft is very cute.
I absolutly LOVE this bag going to make 3 of them -Kirsten
I absolutly LOVE this bag going to make 3 of them -Kirsten
Funky and Retro, you can get some super coold bibs these days.
really cute! but maybe not used as a purse.
These are cute but I’m not sure I’d like to carry them around because the designs are baby designs but still really cute and good idea.
cute but not my style
Super fun idea!!
can also use kids smocks and sleeveless dresses…just cut off the bottom and sew.
Fanastic I like it
Hello, This project would make a great beach purse, its toweling and you can just throw it into the wash.
So fun, my friends call me “Baby” and this purse will give them a giggle.. Very creative!!
I’m not so sure about it as a purse, but as a hang-up bag it’s aREALLY cute and clever idea!
These are really cute.I really like both ideas for using them. Thanks