What you need
Old bra
Ribbons fringing
Hot glue or Craft glue
These bags have been made famous by their use to promote awareness of Breast Cancer. And to carry on with that awareness I have used my mothers bra’s to make the bra projects on this site.
Start by removing the straps from the cups.
You can keep the cups together with most bras, but it will depend on the bra you are using. If you separate the cups you will simply glue them back together along the wire line.
Glue the cups together to form the pouch part of the purse. This bra was slightly open cupped (deep plunge line) so I just glued up the side to form a deeper pouch.
Glue the straps back on to form the handles, these can be short or long depending on your bag style. I used the actual bra straps to keep the purse “Bra Looking” but you could swap this for a cord or ribbon. Just attach them to the top of the bra where the straps would normally sit.
If you are using a strapless bra then just glue the handles into the inside edge of the cup.
Embellish the handbag by gluing on trims, ribbons and sequins to your desired style. You can add a little or a lot.
And remember Breast Cancer is important so check each lump and each bump no matter how old or young you are and get a mammogram regularly.
Early detection is the key to survival.
Hosting a Breast cancer awareness event? Check out these Breast cancer lapel pins and Breast Cancer decorations.
doing a fundraiser for breast cancer care and a craft group i go to are going to help me make some to sell the whole idea is to get people talking about breast cancer and screening if we are prudish it wont save lives!!!
You have got to be joking. My underware is for my eyes only. There’s no way I want my private clothing turned into something so public as a purse. Who on earth came up with this idea??????????????????????????
I just tossed a broken bra today, gonna fish it out, give it a wash and this purse a try. Good purse to take out to a club, homemade version of the corset purses I’ve seen.
That any thing that highlights a huge problem in this world should be taken for what it is
I have seen this type of bag before done similar it did not look at all tacky in fact you would not no it is a bra. One of the things that annoys me about the world is when did we all stop laughing at something that could be seen as funny not being grumpy about everything. Think of those who have breast cancer anything at all that can highlight this must be great. If you find it to your dislike okay but look at the bigger picture have a laugh no ones making you make one but for those that have died from this cancer I’m sure the would be thankful if there was one on every corner so you might not be the next to get it. Anything that can be used to remind people of this has to be great.
I agree!! I just absolutely love this idea!! And yes it made me laugh when I see them but like you said that’s what it’s all about not to mention “Upcycling!” people!! Yeah!!!
awesome!!! i have an old bra that is still in good shape (it was my “special occasion” bra lol) and this would be a great way to use it and expand my purse collection
Innovative, it just goes to show you that there’s a craft just waiting to be discovered out of anything.
This is one of the most ridiculous things Ive ever seen! I wouldnt be caught dead using it.
I have to agree with you!!!
excellent awareness project and with lots of braids and baubles it would be stunning, especially when with a survivor or awareness group at lunch etc
I think it is neat. I d not know if I would carry it maybe to Breast Cancer Run. Would be fun. I am a colon cancer survival from 1987. Thank you Good Lord and excellent Drs.
Well, it’ s just ugly. Maybe with a zipper and no strap as a makeup bag. Just dont make one for me. Its still ugly.
Don’t worry – no one’s making one for you. Rude.
Well, it’s just tacky looking, isn’t it. Who cares that it’s a bra, really? It’s just too small and ugly for a purse, It would be fine, with a zipper and no straps, as a makeup bag. Also, why are you telling me how many stars I must award this? I give it two stars, but am told I must rate higher. OK, whatever.
Awesome and unique idea! Best ever. I have to show this one to my teen daughter, she is either going to think it is awesome or be horrified lol
I’ve read through the comments regarding this project and agree that this is a clever, innovative way to promote Breast Cancer Awareness. My Mother was a breast cancer survivor, who has since passed away. I do however, understand that some people would be mortified to be seen in public with a bra purse. For those individuals, I would like to offer a bit of unsolicited advice – not just about this project, but about Life:
1. Decide what you care about
2. Don’t let others sway you from what your heart tells you is right
3. You would care much less about what others think of you, if you knew how seldom they
4. Be who you are – always & never be ashamed
To those who are struggling with breast cancer, survivors, their friends and families – God Bless You!
BRAVO and thank you for your thoughts!
This is a wonderful fun idea to give friends and co-workers during the Oct awareness projects. Thank you for sharing. LP
Great idea
Yes, it’s creative, would I ever make one and give it as a gift? Probably not. I think if I wouldn’t want to get one as a gift, I will not give one as a gift. I totally believe in recycling, but this seems insulting (a used bra?) and could be very embarrassing for the receiver. To each his own, I guess….
LMFAO one word: DUMB
Cool! What an awesome idea!! I just might make one…
And here’s a message to some of you: GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!! Who cares if it’s made out of a bra!! Here’s something I don’t get: Bikini tops are basically just fancy bras yet people don’t freak when they see them, what’s the big deal?
OH MY GOSH ITS HORRIBLE!!!!! (and yes ima girl)
yuk! so disgusting i would never made one! X(
i think this i a great idea. if you think its disgusting… well you shouldnt. It is a great cause and people should be proud to carry around purses like this. it tells people 1 that you support awareness and 2 that if your carrying one they should know that nothing they could say would affect you. you made it so how could you be offended if somebody says its disgusting. spread the word..!!
This is really showing you support this sickness! Although I am not brave enough to do this, everybody who does your awesome!
neat,…but I personally wouldn’t like it only because it’s small. and i’m not really brave enough to carry one around. i admire those who are. and ssly, nasty comment people, if you don’t like the project, don’t comment on it
oh come on. who in thier right mind would carry a bra around.
That’s just gross.
Nice idea! I can make a nice grocery bag out of my bra, and I will use a bra of my youngest daughter to make a matching purse. XD
For the people saying this is weird or nasty, grow up. This isn’t even a new concept, it’s been around for at least 5 or 6 years. They were a big hit among crafters not too long ago, and it became quite popular for a while. I’ve made them, I’ve swapped them in craft swaps, and they’ve even been sold on Etsy.
Stop griping like children and grow pair.
what an Idea sir gi
it’s not really about breast cancer is it? Lets remember our loved ones for who they were. Making bras into purses is such a meaningless idea. Who in their right mind would really do it? Carry a picture instead and let go of other sentimentality.
I thought this was the weirdest thing ever! Who’s going to carry around a bra.
Like it’d just be like going out in your underwear. Or going around showing people your underwear.
very very sexy idea, feminine and beautiful
Thought this was a fun thing to do my Brownies they will enjoy it thanks for the idea
Nice! >:O
What a cute,quirky idea!
lol..too funny. funny sweet, not funny weird~ my mother would love this idea..she’s never been able to throw anything away..:-D
That’s a very clever idea, the girls love a purse like that.
that is so creative to recycling project that is bueatiful
I love the idea of filling it with lavender as a closet freshener trinket gift. Charity shops always have bras for sale and car boot sales. I must have 15 bras at least that were bought from catalogue sale brochures,never fitted quite right,never got round to returning them. Yippee for finding something to do with the things
Best idea yet, any of us could enjoy a beautifully embellished, clever closet freshener filled with scent!
this is wierd :/
it does look creative, but I dont think I’d carry around a bra purse. haha. nice idea though!
Not super cute but an interesting idea nonetheless.
These bra purses are so cute,while visiting in NY(Little Falls area) a craft area had them for sale,they used padded bras,just beautiful !
Its a cute and fun idea and its really creative but i wouldnt carry around a bra purse. it would look embarrasing and weird, Even if you decorated it really nicely.
ha i dont understand why people are saying eww its just a bra ew would be underwear . i think this is super creative!!
Ok great effort, but I just don’t like it. Now I don’t think ewwww because it is just a bra for heaven’s sake, not someones used crusty under wear!!!
I LOVE this idea! I do alot of fundraising for all cancers since I lost my Mom a year and a half ago! And am totally going to use this idea as a fundraiser!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing!!! It’s also going to be a great gift! <3
okay i didnt mean the previous comment, i feel bad now i know its for breast cancer. my bad.
this is odd
I cant help but smile at something so creatively funny what a novel idea! super cute and funny THANKS Im making it for all my 7 sisters
cute idea, but i would carry a bra bag around
Thats a very cute idea! And much better then going to a shop for flowers…
Fantastic idea. After losing a mother and friends to BC, Im making lots of purses for gifts. Anyone who feels sensitive to the project —use small cups, fill with lavender for a sachet – to scent a drawer…lovely to give and get the point across in a private way.
cute stuff
That is realy gross I mean seriously who would walk around in public wearing and old bra ewww! But you know I like your other stuff!
by Emma
Suck it up people, Ive seen my sisters old purses, and if people will carry around a purse in the shape of a skirt, with a butt in it, who would stop you. whats the worst someone could say ” eww a bra” Yea and so you tell em, It is for breast cancer. Big Whoop! Im 10, and well i am a 36A and i will use some small bra’s that i grew out of for cute wallets. So what if a man sees! Ok ive seen bras all over nick, and so if my dad or brothers see it, so what. We all take health class, and so just suck it up, and move on!
Great causes people!!!! <3 <3 Gracie
Love this. I also really like the eco message that it could potentially send. I’m doing what a commenter below said and making a phone case out of mine!
its ok i pro. wouldnt carry 1 around but it is a cute idea
I offically change my opinon i would love to carry this around wouldnt care if i was judged.. IN my life ive been judge before and im 10… I would love this purse….
Sorry, had to add another comment:
I have one friend who’s really big… and then another who doesn’t fit a double A
I’m totally making these for christmas presents for them! Value Village here I come!
I’m totally doing this! My Nana and My Aunt are both breast Cancer survivors and I remember when my aunt was going through it (Wasn’t born when my Nana had it)
Breast Cancer Sucks and this is a great thing to sell to try and raise some money for it.
I’m gonna take all my old bra’s wash them and decorate them Pink! (I might have to borrow my mom’s for some bigger ones though! LOL!!!!)
P.S. Anyone who thinks this is gross, disgusting or weird… I feel sorta bad for you, Especially if you’re a female. This is a fun and supportive (No pun intended) way to raise awarness about something really important in many people’s lives. It’s also optional so if you don’t like it, DON’T DO IT!

i am gonna take my REALLY old pink bra that is too small for me, cut of the straps, and make it into a wallet. It is like an aa cup and would look cute.
Plus its pink
This is about the cutest thing i have ever seen! ;D
I think this is awesome! Way to get the word out. I think if your to embarrassed to carry around a bra purse that just tells the rest of us that your to ashamed to be a women, to have breasts and that your not interested in spreading breast cancer awareness to hopefully find a cure. I am definitely going to make one and wear it (out in public) proudly!!!
I really thank this is a very good craft,and all for a good cause.
What a great, GREAT idea. I support this, wholeheartedly!
my kids used to use my bras as purses and i always got a kick out of watching them stop to pick up all the things that fell out- to bad i never thought to glue the edges together.
this is a really great ideal to make purses out of bras better than going all the ways to the mall to buy a purse and come back home i reatther make my own any day lol
What an awesome idea!! In the city I live in we have an Art Bra Auction to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. And I am definitely going to make this for this years auction! Thanks for the idea!!
i like the look of it but i wouldnt cary it around. id feel like pppl would be staring at. again like the idea but i wouldnt carry it around
I think it is ok for think pink but as a normal small carry bag yuk yuk
so like my great aunt survived and i like the idea but its strange but i would wear it and do what someone said which said put a bc ribbon on it and do pink bra its so cool i cant wait 2 make one! great idea and ppl who think its lame and ugly wateve u need 2 chill!
I find it funny that most people think it’s okay for girls to run around in public in bikinis, but they get upset at the idea of someone recycling a bra to promote awareness for breast cancer? I can see how some people don’t like the way the bag looks, but you dont have to be rude and say it’s disgusting. Half of the world’s population has breasts and wears bras. So I really don’t understand what the big deal is. I don’t believe it’s indecent. It’s not like you’re carrying around a naked picture of yourself. Grow up, people. Stop being so hypocritical and narrow-minded.
whats so bad about it i think it is so creative. People grow up!!!
I’ve made a couple of these already ~ a white one and a royal blue one, both of which have pink lace and ribbons and the pink BC awareness ribbon on them. I think they are adorable and the person who came up with the idea is a genius! People shouldn’t be anymore offended by these than by the naked women or peeing Calvin bumper stickers on cars. Hooray for BC awareness!!
I use mine every year when we are celibrating THINK PINK for breast cancer.
This has got to be one of the most awesome ways I have ever seen to honor or remember a loved one who has been impacted by breast cancer. I’m going to share this with all my RFL buddies.
Look out Thrift stores and yard sales, I am bra purse hunting.=) clever idea! GyspyMary
i don’ t get this!who whold want to wher a bra?
ok yes first look i thought oh my goodness why would anyone want to do this. then i read the reason behind it and some comments from quests and one said it write “who hasn’t seen a bra” now a days they are everywhere, on TV in almost any store we go into. out on display for everyone to see. so why not on are arm? it is a wonderful idea. i have never know anyone that has had breast cancer but i have seem some ladies out and about that made me want to cry. i support awarness 100% and anything that will help these ladies battle a little easier. i also think its a great idea to make and sell these and giving the money made to the cause. You go girls!
What a fantastic idea. I love finding new & interesting things to make & this place is just full of them. Thankyou for your idea. Gives me all sorts of ideas to raise money for the breast cancer assoc. here in Australia.
Thanks again,
I just think this looks a bit odd. It’s not really like a bag at all. Sort of creative though.
LOVE THIS!!! I’m going to make a hot pink bra purse. I’ll add pink tassels & am thinking of using little pink fabric letters to add the phrase, “Save the ta-tas!” to the purse. Where’s my Bedazzler????
WOW..I just started sewing again…been about 20 years…and in fact I just made a couple of purses and this is going to be the next one I make..AWESOME..my mom was a breast cancer survivor..although she is passed now..I love the idea..and will pass along to my sewing friends….
My mom is going through this, but making a bra out of it isn’t called mocking? It seems kinda “in-your-face” as if saying, “Hey, I made you this because you know, you have…”
It’s cute idea but I wouldn’t consider this as a gift option.
Cool Idea, but I would need at least a DD sized bra to hold all my crap! LOL. And I am only an A…Also I can’t see myself explaining to my kids, all their friends, and my husband why I am carrying around an embellished bra. No we don’t live in the Victorian ages but somethings do need to be kept private. Sorry girls there are lots of ways to show your support for breast cancer awareness and this isn’t one I would like my daughter to participate in. Like another guest said, would people really see the bra purse and think oh breast cancer awareness! I think not. You are better off wearing a T-Shirt with your message in plain english stating your cause.
lol I have to tell u I have seen quite a few of these purses. They are great! My aunt is a breast cancer survior. lol Even those of u who think this is tacky or wierd, It served its purpose. It made u think of Breast Cancer. The whole purpose of the bag. GOOD JOB!
I think this is absolutely full of good humor, while supporting (no pun intended) a very good cause! I don’t know if I’m gutsy enough to make one and be caught with it out in town, but I can see this making a huge statement in the hands of a confident, fun woman.
I think it’s a great idea. I can’t wait to get some done for the boutique I’m selling things from. Until I read some of the comments on here I was foolishly under the impression that we had gone beyond Victorian times.
I love this, I’m going to make them in pink , sell them at a craft show & donate all the proceeds to “Race to the Cure”!!!
That looks so ugly, Maybe you could have put the strap back on diferently?
LOL!!(= love the idea. for those of you who think its gross, dont worry. its not even a bra any more, its been cleaned, cut and sewed. its just like making a shirt into a stuffed animal.
thats really great, we had a brest care day at the school that i teach at this year and each student an dteacher bought a pink helium balloon from the office and at the end of school, we stood on the oval and let them go. it was a great sight and next year i think we should try this great craft idea!
hey for all u dare devils out here y not make one out of a sports bra? this is a kewl idea u can make all kinds of things out of bras
I would never of thought of this idea in a million years. Would be a good idea to make these at one of those cancer morning teas or girls night in fund raising party’s with your friends. You could swap the one you made with someone else. Love it.
Awesome project! Wonder why there is nothing about it on FB?
I love this idea, I think that people should lighten up… its only a bra… who hasnt seen one before?! People who say “eww” and “gross” are obviously too up tight to raise breast cancer awareness, very irritating, just my opinion
I loved this craft idea! I made it for a friend of mine who is having a Mastectomy done the 3rd of December 2009. We had a Bye Bye Boobie Party. Sounds morbid, but it wasn’t. We gave her gifts(mine was the bra purse filled with inspirational messages written on beach stones). I made it from a hot pink, under wired bra. I decorated it with small fabric yo yo’s. It was adorable. We filmed the whole party, we had games and everything. Then we also spoke on why we thought the party was helpful to our friend. The film will be sent into Breast Cancer Awareness. Thanks for such a great idea!
I just saw a few at a craft show and they were beautiful, you couldn’t tell they were bras. They were so wonderfuly decorated with beads, fring and different colors. Wonderful idea and quiet a novelty.
Do some of these people forget about the boustier-type purses that were popular a few years back? I don’t think it’s a bad idea…
I love this idea, and for those of you that are complaining about carrying a bra around..simply don’t do it. I’m going to do one in pink and use it as a place to put my change lying around the house. BREAST CANCER SUX!
1 Year survivor
You know what would be really cute? To use a pink bra and sew a pink awareness ribbon on it – then everyone would get it! And not be weirded out!
Cute idea!
this is so creative of u to think of. but it doesn’t make any sense either!!!!!!! Help me out here!!! and like drake said” u da u da BEST”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hinhly interesting and fun and I think it a great idea.
I think it is very very cute, but when you think about it, if you saw someone holding a bra, what would you think?
Would you think breast cancer!!!
or would you think ok…..
I think it is a nice idea, but creepy. Sorry.
This is creative, but not practical unless you are trying to incite a tremendous amount of gawking. However kudo’s for Breat Cancer Awareness!
This project is great. my school has a breast cancer awareness day so im thinking i will make one and where it for that. the who school has a pink out so sense i dont have a pink bra a will use an old pink swimsuite!
i <3 this idea.
very creative, not sure if id use one myself cause well, im dont usually use bags and i dont hinkid bring it to school but its cool and creative
I’m a male directed here by a female, neither one of us feels it’s inappropriate in anyway for males to see. We seen the X UR heart ads on TV for years and past the store unavoidable displays, so it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. Lighten up world.
I love the idea and to you who think its gross thats silly, its just fabric and wire and its in most cases clean
I would wear it as a purse even if u laughed at me, its a very cute and creative idea 5*
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Not only do I think this is awesome, (cause, idea) but I think it’s so funny what people say. Grow up. Inappropriate for men to see?? This isn’t 1902! Gross? It’s a piece of fabric! Not a severed head. HAHAHA Rock on sister! And keep up the good work! I love it! Wish I could give it 50 stars!
This is a fantastic idea, and promotes a brilliant cause. I cannot beieve there are so many prudish people out there.
hahahahhaahha funny
sooo creative
hahahaha !!! it is nyc bt shocking
mmmh… what would you say if you saw someone with that purse?!? CRAZY dont you think?!!
As someone for whom cancer runs in the family, I think that this is a great project to promote awareness! If you’re not comfortable wearing something that will attract attention to you, however, it’s probably not your best bet.
Thanks for the great ide
I think it’s great, maybe in pink?!!
I was shocked to c this one but then it pleased me to c the creativeness about it
This is an awesome idea. Anything that raises breast cancer awareness is great by me, I am heading off to my underwear drawer right now, I think I have some maternity bras left that will make a nice big purse!
This is hilarious! I’m only 15 and small for my age, so I would have to ask my mom for some old bras of hers, but this is really funny, and a great way to spread awareness of breast cancer. I wonder if I would be allowed to take it to school…
Ok I think this is a cute idea however I think I would adjust it to make a coin purse, that would be cute.
awesome idea. Great for cancer awareness, men get breast cancer as well as women!
i am definitely
braaaa-liant idea!!
going to make these for my friend. M and s say goodbye to your DD bras!!!!!!
if u ask me i think it is SOO SEXYYYYYY
its nice that it reminds you of breast cancer, but what would people think if you walked around with that in PUBLIC? “ew that girl has a BRA for a purse! i know the economy’s bad, but that’s too far!”
sorry, but that’s just a little disturbing to me.
No way would I carry this or give it to someone else. How would you like to see a jock strap purse? For goodness sake, get a grip or, at least, some moral fiber!
i dislike the idea even though it is creative. No one would want to see you taking a bra out of your purse to pay for something-gross!!!
I just don’t like it. But to each their own likes and dislikes. Thats just mho.
aha its ded good love it
I only like it because of the awarenesss for breast cancer.
this is a lame idea who would use this. i would make fun and laugh at anyone who uses this. consider your self warned
lmao that is hilarious!!! LOVE IT!!!
THIS IS GREAT i sell crafts and this is so perfect it will be a hit…..maybe
i think this is a really neat idea.expecially for breast canser
I myself am a survivor of cancer and i wear my purse proudly, it is not inappropriate it is cute and adorable
I made one, though edited a little, and use it all the time. It’s FABULOUS!
going to do this for awareness week at my job great idea.
i think that its pretty good because it supports a good cause and if you give it to a little kid they probaly wont even know what it was made out of. GOOD JOB!!!!
use printed bras if you dont want to decorate it
it will get word out about breast cancer.i just think its innaproprate for men to see
Great Idea!
It’s about time society started being less scared of talking about and celebrating boobs. They’re beautiful and a part of ourselves that should be celebrated, not a source of shame. I love this project!
i have 7 sisters 1 w/BC and 3 of us have had many a lump removed. I am over 50 and think this bra purse is the “bomb” oops..do they say that anymore :):) LOL
good idea. if someone comes up to steal it you cane be like “stop grabbing my bra!!!!!!!!!”i love this idea
unless you are someone in a third world country that needed a bra!!! or a duffel bag. USE YOUR HEADS PEOPLE!! they need them.. how would you like to walk around w/out a bra on! i no i dont.
It always helps to lighten the load so too speak when dealing with issues so close to the heart.
Wonder if this would slow down purse snatchers??
it’s just a bra, people. calm down.
How cool is this, I have 4 girls and this is a perfect project for them. And what a great tool to spread the word through the younger generation about breast cancer awareness!!!Thanks
The success of this project is based on the fanciness of the bra, and the material used for straps and trim. I remember my reaction the first time I saw one. I did NOT know what it was made from. They are very popular on some college campuses.
Seems to me that making a donation for each purse you sell/give away/whatever would serve the purpose of supporting the cause.
When I fisrt read this, I had to laugh. Not because I didn’t like the idea though, it was because I teach a sewing class to my Girl Scouts and they would just love this idea. I found our next sewing project!! Thanks:)
everyone who sees it would know it’s a bra.
very cute !!!!!!
Next we will have brief purses and thong wallets too… Please don’t take that as a suggestion. It’s sarcasm.
to much reading and not enough pictuers.
I don’t think anyone would really want to use an old bra as a purse. It still looks like a bra.
I am a 6 yr. BC survivor, and I LOVE this idea. I will make some for my friends and I to carry in Oct, BC Awareness Month. I guess you may have to be a survivor to appreciate the beauty of these! Too bad. =(
LOL. Now that’s a good idea! I am so going to make one!
the problem is its not even cute! :O
lol i so love it mine’s white and polka dotted w/stripes
This is so inappropriate. Is there no shame in anything anymore. Bras are UNDERgarments- not to be shown off.
************************* wonderful idea “)
this is the absolute worst idea i have ever heard.. i no it symbolizes brest cancer awareness but really? i could never carry around something i wore on my naked chest
this is one of the most ingenius ideas i have ever heard.. No one will ever steal it!! i mean really why would someone want to take a bra! GENIUS
I think this is really tacky, despite my support of breast cancer awareness and research. I would never carry one.
As a volunteer for the Amercian Cancer Society and a hard worker for Relay For Life, I LOVE this!!! Anyway we can bring more awareness to cancer is GREAT! No matter what life throws at us we need to cope and one way is thru humor. GREAT PROJECT!!!!!
I’ve lost numerous family members to breast cancer and any awareness we can put out there is helpful. The project is cute. Those of you that think it inappropriate are prudes.
lol i think it’s great. haters need to LIGHTEN UP
omg wow! thats really cool! i mean i wouldnt wear it on a date but with all my girl friends…yeah!!!
My mother is a 1 year survivor of Breast Cancer. Not only will I CARRY my red bra purse with the glued on pink ribbon I will do so proudly. In front of my friends, family, AND children. So GET your panties out of a bunch and get your bra into a PURSE!!
Awesome! You can sew on beads and such and make them look really CLASSY and fancy! No one even knew it was a bra until I told them!
STUPID!!! Bras are for wearing under clothes, not for showing the whole world. Also, very gross, who wants to see clothing made for your boobs, as a purse. Stupid and gross
if it supports breast cancer patients then i say go for it. and if someone doesn’t like it then i guess they haven’t had to go thru anything so horrible as breast cancer or be there with someone else fighting for their lives. I would carry one.
cute, and it is NOT INAPORATET*. but i’d put more bras to it makeing it bigger, cuz i luv big purses =D
This is no more innapropriate than those plastic testicles you see hanging from someones trailer hitch! I think the purse is creative & I might make a red one for the bride who’s wedding I’m in & put emergency medicine cabinet stuff in it.
Very cool. I just lost a very good friend to breast cancer, and will be attending her memorial. She would have loved this project. I will have to make at least one for myself and one of our friends in her memory. Excellent Job.
don’t listen to doubters!
The larger bra can be the purse and the smaller ones can be a change purse or be “extra crafty” and make a wallet.
You have got to be kidding.
Very cute idea. Personally, if I like something I don’t care who looks at me weird or makes comments. I like being me…I’d take it anywhere!! =)
Very inappropriate
I think it goes to a gr8 cause and i think the hole point isn’t to agzacly use it but to spread awearnce about breast cancer!
very creative thanx for sharing 
the purse would be fun to make but DONT walk around with it
I think that is creative, but inappropriate. I don’t think that people should be walking around the mall with a “bra”. It’s creative but really weird.
okayyy but a little sily…it’s creative though!
Very creative, you could spruce it up in such a way that it would not look so much like a bra you are carrying and chances are no one will know what it is unless you tell them. IF you don’t like it then don’t make it, but don’t knock it either.Great idea!
I’ve read most of the comments many of you should be so lucky to be half as creative as this person is. I’d sugest to the creator of the bra purse, to hand out breast cancer info. When anyone looks oddly at her carrying it.
It’s a Great Idea! SM
i think this is cool, even if you might not use it all the time it could even be a gift to a friend
cool,but odd. wouldn’t be walking around the mall with that in my hand.
really really gross! There’s a reason they are called UNDERgarments
Its kind of strange,but totaly cool!!
totally fun and haulairiuos but good idea exspecially if u dont have enuf money for a purse.
this idea is so cool, i would probrably not use it(little too pearsonal) but i would defenately like it
great idea.I’m going to use mine (38D) to make a giant change pures.
I like the bra purse it is a great way to help and show what breast cancer means. Love it make more.
At fist i Thought woah But then i was like COOL It has a good message! Breast Cancer Awarness! Cool Idea!
still looks like a bra when you’re done
sorry! An old bra should be disposed off in a trashcan not put on display. It’s too personal for my liking.
this idea rocks!!! my friend and i love it!!
Oh, come off it, don’t make one then and quite whining.
love it!
Totally the coolest thing I have seen in ages! Thanks for sharing!
I think this is neat idea my daughter loves it and is making one as I type. As for all of you people saying horrible stuff about it shame on your poor manners. did your mother never tell you if you have nothing nice to say say, nothing at all!!!
At least you got the people talking about it and thinking about canncer. Good Job!!!!
this is soo cute.!
Wow. What a dumb idea.
cute idea..good to make in pink for breast cancer awareness.If I make one from my bra I,m afraid it would be more like a change purse though lol
great idea
I agree with the person that said tell the facts, carrying around a bra isn’t helping anything. It’s actually hurting you, because if I was walking around with a bra/purse people would definitely LAUGH! I’m sorry, but this is not the best idea out there.
i am making an evening bag with this tutorial!
okay, I am all for supporting breast cancer prevention, but I would NEVER do that no matter how much you begged or prodded…Okay…lol it is funnay tho
Darian, Age 13
weird but cool @ the same time is that possible?
Why not glue a “pasty” with a tassel or perhaps have one side deflated. BTW.I’m 72 & a 10 year survivor. Seriously, go get a mamogram and a yearly check up for cancer. You’ve put it off too long. Hope this scares the hell out of yuu. So go now! Good luck.
I’ve had breast cancer (& ovarian).If one life is saved it’s worth it. I’d like to make a larger pink one from fabric with pink ribbons That would get the message across. I’ve made over 200 caps & neck pillows for chemo patients. Lighten up, ladies.
who would want to carry around a bra?
Thats retarded…I would be embarrassed.
I thought this craft was SO funny. I never would have thought of it!!!!
If you want to raise awareness about breast cancer teach people facts. Carrying around a bra purse won’t help much.
AWESOME! and why would anybody carry this around? same reason to make a blue jean purse and an undies wallet- its cute and fun!!
Creative! Never would have thought of that.
breast cancer awareness aside, this is pretty low on creativity and class
ehhh its kinda weird…i mean it looks exactly like a bra and why would you want to carry a bra around??? :/
it was very weird to be walking around with one
Dear who ever made this project,
This project is awsome. I love it. As I am typing my friend is hot gluing the BRA PURSE togther you are a genious!!!!
With all the skin shown on the streets, and exposed pregnant bellies, how can someone get appalledover a “bra” purse? Come down off your high horse. These are cute, and for a great cause. Grow up. I plan to make many from my own bras and I’m a 42DD!!!!
Excellent idea….very creative…i just love it…its a differnt thing that u cant use it in public…but really really innovative……
this is odd but unique! But sry i dont think i would be seen walking around with a bra in my hand besides its to small to fit anything in it! lol! but it wuz an ok idea! lol!!!!
Excellent! If anyone feels differently …it is only because they have no creativity ..I am making these and along w/it selling them for a lot!! ..giving $$ to breast cancer . Mine are BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for the great idea!
its tacky
this is so neat and crazy item for the teens that like things so wacky
It was so easy to make i love it i’m making more of them.
Umm… That’s kinda majorly freakish.
I was STUNNED when I read how many people took umbrage with this craft project! I can only imagine the types of “crafts” those people make but I won’t mention those here. Haven’t you all heard of the famous Art Bra project for breast cancer research?
WOW! this is such a cool idia!! I am so going to try this! I think that i will make it into a purse that i put in my bag, just so i dont look too freekish!! Ace idia tho!
I love it! I use the pics on the front of my cute favorite skivvies as appliques on bags and things. Waste not, want not, and support Breast Cancer Awareness!
VERY clever idea…and cute – there are alot of uptight people out there or one looser posting over and over! My teen daughter thinks it cute too – we’re gonnalook for a new polka dot or print one and jazz it up!
i really like it. very crafty. i believe that it could help raise breast cancer awarness.
for everyone who is posting negative comments, did your mom ever tell you “if you dont have something nice to say then dont say anything at all”.
I have seen the bra bag done before by Gladys Dunk who use to work for Echidna sewing products in qld.
I like the idea but it would be a lil awkward walking around with a bra.
I think that this project is a VERY good idea but i think it MAY be a little awkward to walk around with a bra on your chest AND in your hand so its not for me but very clever! I could have never come up with it!
wow its really beautifull….u have help me a lot with this kits…thnk u!!!
oh the hilarity!
This is positively brilliant
Not that I would ever be able to pull it off (the making bit or the walking down the street bit!) but anyone who can- you’ve got my vote!
well it is pretty good for saving the environment but uhmm won’t it be a lil awkward carrying that around?
Really, REALLY disgusting.
this has to be about the grossest thing ever. SICK.
it is just not right, they made it to be worn not to be shone off to the world!
This is a great project and a wonderful gift for a person that has a sense of humor. LOOSEN UP PEOPLE!! Its great item to bring awarness to breast cancer.. yes the pink ribbon is “classy” but this is fun!!
There are some very pretty bras out there that you would even know it was a real bra
I”ve enjoyed making these for my friends who appreciate pretty things! They make great accessories!
I would suggest sewing the cups together rather than using glue, especially if you want to add in a zipper, or if you’re a purse-stuffer like me
I can’t get over how many people are insecure with their bodies enough to trash this project. Yet, they will expose their breast through trashy beachwear.
This is a great project and I WILL bring it out in public… better a purse!
This is in very poor taste. It is plain tacky and down right fugly!! Stick to the ribbons, let’s keep it classy people.
I love it. Very clever. By the way, most places will not take used bras as donations.
i really dont think that someone would carry that around! its plain gross
you should consider that women in third-world countries would much more appreciate that bra if your not going ot wear it, than anyone would appreciate it as a purse? please consider donation rather than just repurposing an item that you probably won’t use
that’s the funniest purse I’ve ever seen
i like the idea but i think others dont becuase of the breast thing.isnt that the reason why were here??
i have bras that were ones comfy but are a bit damaged and cant throw out so now you have inspired me to do something with them thank you
in completely poor taste. what were you thinking. honestly.
OMG! people if you don’t like it then you don’t have to make one but i think u r just jealous because you didn’t think of it. This is where manners come into place….so if you want to keep it classy then don’t be trashy towards this idea.Jeesh!
i think that it is a great project and i think that it is very unique espicially to raise awareness about breast cancer. Good Job!
That looks like half a bra. I can’t say that I was thinking about bag when I saw the picture. I don’t think using one of those is cool
Nice idea though and for a good cause. Just…can’t imagine hanging a bra in my hand on the streets.
I thinks its a great idea. I facilitate a craft group for teen moms. I think they will love it and I can also educate them on breast cancer awareness and self-exams. Thanks for the idea!!
Hey, im 12 and think this is a great idea. who the hell doesn’t? People who r posting such mean comments, go get a life or suck on an egg. Its so cute and girlish. Remember, the X is in the top right hand corner. I sugest u klik on it if nothin nice 2 say
really awesome idea xD
This also saves your money and the environment : D cos you’re reusing clothes.
erm…the idea’s great but nobody would 1 to take it out on public…haha…try using other stuff insstead of … well… bra
I think this is fabulous. My mom has Breast cancer…again and I am heading to Target to get a few pink bras and now I know how I am spending my afternoon! Why doo negative? I am new to this site and crafters are usually so encouraging.
I’m all for the cause, but wouldn’t buy it, wouldn’t make it.
WOnderful Idea. And a good way to promote awareness. If you do it, right and include a little education with your bra, it can promote awareness. I plan on including these in my business. BTW, when was the last time YOU, dear reader had your mammogram?
i don’t think i would EVER think of that idea ever! It is just plain crepy!
People need to stop criticizing projects so harshly…they’re just mad they’re not creative enough to come up with their own ideas…
I wear a 42FF cup, my project would end up a duffle bag not a cute little purse!
I’m sorry that is just tacky.
i really like this idea im doing a recycled bag project in school and this is perfect
Gives me the creeps.
hmmm, weird but cool
i’d probably make it
(it would go with my my tank top handbag lol)
I’m sorry if the concepty of breasts and bras are disgusting to some people, but they are part of what makes us women, and until we came up with chemical-based formula milk, it was how we fed our babies.Be aware of breast cancer!
i think this is a little stange and wiered
You would think twice about it if you were the one that had breast cancer. You wouldn’t degrade any project that brought awareness to the whole subject – trust me!!
like who would ever know it was a bra? at first glance i didn’t know it was. it is really cute and only wimps are to afraid to spread the message of being strong!
H-m-mmmmm…..I think I’ll pass on this recycle idea.
well, it’s just FABRIC people, lighten up! It’s a bra, it’s not like we’re making sculptures out of poo or anything. I don’t like the looks of it partiucularly, but I think it is enviromentally friendly, thus, a cool idea! keep up the good work!
That’s just a little strange in my opinion, but you go girl, using a bra for a purse, that’s fabulous but, that’s just a little too outrageous for me. I’m sticking with he pink ribbons.
I belong to the red hat society and Made these for my girls for gifts, i went to the good will ,yard sales and bought used bras dyed thenm purple or red and added ribbons and feathers they all loved them
I’m sorry, this is not only distasteful, it’s just ugly.
great idea
I agree. Stick to the ribbons.
this is totally cool. I would have never thought of something like this.
I think it would be cuter as a wallet/change purse… I probably wouldnt use it as a purse (no offense but it is a little tacky) (I think it might be a little offending to people with breast cancer) But a good idea still.
It’s cute and a good idea, both for awareness and recycling. However I think I’d make them into lavender bags like someone else – they’d look nice in the underwear drawer, obviously! Plus, I prefer huge handbags, and no-one’s boobs are THAT big!
Made a very small one from my daughter’s recently outgrown (A cup) – put one appliques & sequins, and a belt clip – she’s using as a cell phone holder and loves it. She’s nearly 12, her friends want this to be the craft for her birthday party!
too weird.
I had a good laugh out of it! but I do think I would be alittle embarrassed to carry it. I am a teenager and think the ‘bootie bags’ are cuter.
This is such a creative idea!!! Who ever would have thought that bras could be purses!!
I like it, but still a BIT gross, my Mum wouldn’t let me carry it around
what is you problem…if you don’t like just say great i dea but not for me…and let me tell you i’m so suportive of the craft idea i counted how many people liked it and how many didn’t and guess what? YES WON!
You can also make this into a wallet using the smaller size bras( low c and below) leaving off the straps .. etc
I like the idea, but do agree with some, this is not the best example I have seen…check out the net for more….but do agree…some ppl need to find more important things to complain about than a craft……I like the idea…..
My high school whole home economics class is making this as a project. Not one of them thinks it is gross. If they are embellished nicely they can look very nice. We will display ours in a shop window when complete. Think of the awareness it will create!!
I know what to do with all my old bra’s now, thanks for this great tip.
my mother and sister arenoth breast cancer suvivors and I can’t see either of them wanting or condoning this project. Just not my cup of tea
everyone who says this is a horrible idea should think about if people sold these for breast cancer awareness and donated the money would SAVE LIVES!!!
and if you don’t have anything nice to say…DON’t SAY ANYTHING!!!!
i think it’s lovely!!!
great message with stylin’ effort! thanks for the cool project- and you idiots who are giving negative comments- get a life- it’s just a bra.
its great that you want to show awareness and i think its a great little cheeky project! keep up the good work
Super Thrifty Great Message Guys would think it is cute
I like this idea, very much so. Nobody said you had to make this, so step away from the comment box, and go find your own way to raise awareness that isnt what you call “tacky or impractical.”
This is really cute. I made one and added two pink ribbon tassels,scraps of pink fabric, pink buttons, little pink flowers, pink ribbon fringe, and pink bows on the handles.
this is really cool! i think if people start carrying these around it will make people realize brest cancer is THERE!
This is weird, ugly, and impractical. I am a teenage girl, and I can tell you that no one I know would actually use this. My grandmother survived breast cancer twice, but making this doesn’t help with awareness, as I doubt people would know what it’s for
I feel that your project is wonderful and they may not be able to be accepted into our schools however we do not allow many adult things in schools so what is one more thing to add to the list?? GREAT IDEA!!!
You have to be kidding!!!!!!!
Okay, everyone needs to chillyou don’t then you don’t. Just stop saying the other person is wrong and say what you like about this project. Whoever said this picure was ugly, you can make it however you want to! Why do women have to feel so insecure! Uh!
I think this is just wonderful! If women think that talking about their own bodies(bras/breasts) is gross then I don’t know what the world has come to.It’s part of your body. Sexist men make women feel insecure about their bodies. That’s why they cry.
I love the idea, going out in the evening swinging this cute little bra bag takes on a whole new look.
Wonderful idea!! I think the bra purse would be popular around here… I think I might make them.
I think this bra bag is great ,very brainy whoever thought of it
too creative to handle
Amazing, i’ve already made one!
I love it
Come on! This is completely obscene, not to mention ridiculous! Lacks taste and tact!
even though it’s a creative idea i cant suppurt making bra purses cause to me that donst seem kinda cool
No, it’s not gross, but it definitely is ugly as hell. This idea is just trying too hard and ends up looking stupid.
I love it!
Are you serious?
show my support. (dont think id have the guts to go up and ask her for a bra she dont want any more, but thats my problem) I REALLY REALLY REALLY like the idea of this craft.
for those of you giving nasty comments or saying this project is yucky. its not like this thing is covered in snot and its gonna jump out of the computer and eat you! grow up!!!!!m ymom is abreast cancer surviver and I would probably carry this around to
Gah! What a great idea! I’m a 40 DD, so I have A LOT of old bras lying around that are simply perfect for this project. Two women in my family also lost their lives to breast cancer, and what better an incentive to do a craft than to honor their memory.
I would NEVER wear a purse made from a bra. Come on. Are you all serious?
Love it!!!
This is so cute, I’ve got to share it on my blog…a nonsewing friend is asking for one now! Thanks for sharing this fun way to remind us to “check ourselves!”
I think this is an awesome idea. A friend sent me the link to check it out. To me, It speaks volumes about breast cancer awareness.
cool idea, but it looks much to much like an actual bra.
I actually think it’s cute and can’t figure out why so many women are freaked out by a bra! Geez…it’s no worse than a swimsuit top!
I found this site from a blog I read sometimes. http://dimensionalliving.blogspot.com/2007/03/recovery-at-its-best.html#links
She said the comments were funny and she was right.She also said the purse was a great idea and she was right about that too.
Holy,this is SICK. Take off the froufrou stuff tho, and grab a cool looking bra. I’d so wear it around. If i didn’t had my prom purse allready, i’d so do this.
So,why not,it’s original and unique. ITS DIFFERENT PEOPLE
And that what i love about this
I made a bra purse out of a lightly lined bra that I fabric painted pink. I glued old earings, pendants,beads and other old jewelry parts to it & it is absolutely beautiful. The ladies in my office loved it & think I should make them for sale. It was fun!
This is really cute and crafty, although I don’t think is would be such a good idea to carry them around in public. Maybe they could be used for a girls only sleepover or something. Craft on!
I’m a breast cancer survivor and anything we can do to raise awareness is okay with me. I’ve had both breast removed and am just happy to be alive. Lighten up those of you that are offended. If the survivors are no offended, no one should be!! BE BLESSE
this craft is sooo cute. i love it!
this craft is sooo cute. i love it!
I think this is a great idea. I have 5 girls and a mother going through breast cancer for the second time and we all love these bra purses. Grandma is collecting bras for us to start this project.
cute for a teen to carry or for the walk for life
Although I can’t see myself ever making or using one, I loved the message behind the project!
and the green bak arrow is in the top rite hand korner.get real..my bff lauren would love it..:] itz really cute..u juss have to b open minded about it thatz all…but some of u juss dont want to understand the crafty persons mind…not my fault
<3 josie
i love it…:] except im 12 so i only wear a 34a….lol…n e wayzz i mite make one out of an old bikini top i have..:] lol…itz really cute…and get real pplz..if u dont like it 1) why did u klik on it? and 2)the red X is in the top rite hand korner
I’m sorry but this one is a real loser.
this is so awesome. I am very tempted to run up to walmart right now to buy a cute bra (all mine are white and sucky) and sequins and making one of these, i actually have friends that would want one too.
I like that it looks like a little pouch purse, but the integrity of the bra still shows just enough to let you know what it is. I love the embellishments. I think I will try this one. GREAT JOB!!
Thats AWESOME! I dont see anything wrong with carrying it around in public, or giving one to a 9 yr old… it doesnt even REALLY look like a bra anyway… Its not as if they could throw it on over their tops to embarass their parents. EXCELLENT!
Now, I have to say that this craft is not only unique and creative but I happen to have respect for anyone who learns to recycle something which otherwise would be useless. The comments below were definitely the bomb too! Peace, Sherry
I think it’s a great idea. I’ve seen a purse made out of a red lacy bra that was so fancy you couldn’t even tell it was a bra at first! Lighten up!
i cant belive what some people have said for such upstanding people they are icredibly round and closed minded. i find pg 3 tacky and dirty were as this is just a lovely simple idea for a bag using some lovely matirial. my m8s will love it
i love this idea with a nice bra you could make a really classy looking bag. to be honest i dont think it would make people aware of brest cancer but its still great
I’m all for promoting breast cancer awareness but I think I’ll just stick to pink ribbons.
anyone who questions how much could fit into this bag obviously has small boobs-hehe
I love the idea, a black one would be very classy for evening
Quick response to those of you who say that this would never sell, no one would use them, etc….BIGGEST seller I have at craft fairs! All ages buy them and all ages like them. Those that don’t like them simply don’t buy them. Get the concept?
Why “ewwww”? Honestly, you can’t claim that there’s any slimy goo oozed onto it and toted in public. It’s a garment that’s been given another use that people are uncomforable with; you don’t have to make one. Someone did. Good for them. Good for you.
you people are getting way to hot and upset over a little thing like a bra purse! its a cute idea that was meant to be a different cute craft– some of u peeps need to head to ur medicine cabnet and start lokin 4 some CHILL PILLS!!
Love this idea. Think I will make one to store jewelry when I go away.
way too much time on your hands!!
I love this idea, I have a DD leftover form when I was pg it still practically new and now i have something to do with it. Great ida with this!
A very nice idea, and for a very good cause. I like it.
I think it’s amazing! & CUTE too!
Great Idea to raise awareness! I haven’t tried this craft yet, but I like what it stands for very much! I am sure I will make one.
this is so creative! i love the idea and the meaning behind it. to all the other people worrying about this, be proud for being a woman and lighten up!
no ofence but do you actually think people r goin 2 have it around yer right it would be imbarasing its a good idea but it wouldnt work
this is a great idea; i’d love to try it with a brightly colored one; using bias tape around teh sides, and a zipper at teh top. it would amkea really cute coin purse or makeup bag!
i love the purse very cute im goin to do it when my bra dont fit anymore!!!
i think that this is a cute craft and i am working on it write know…. don’t use underwire it makes it harder to glue and it makes a weird shape!!! btw i think this would be the cuttest craft for women with breast cancer..
i heart you
What an amazing idea. I’ve got a drawer full of new bras that I cant wear anymore since my mastectomy. I will sell them to raise funds for my local breast cancer unit. Love Jennifer Steadman
Great idea! I’m making one for my grandmother who has breast cancer. She may not use it, but it’s the thought that counts right? Plus I’m having tons of fun making it!
Okay, loof, unless they look really close or it is really, obvious, people aren’t going to realize it is a bra! I am not an adult, but I wouldn’t mind walking around in public with it, as long as it is covered in ribbon and stuff. I think it is wonderful.
This is a wonderful project. All of the young hip girls out there are always looking for the perfectly fitting purse. How better to find the perfectly fitting article than one you have worn daily because of comfort issuse. Go mission shopping for bras too
Love it! Made it in red/purple for my red hat friends for Christmas! Thanks!!!
Brings a whole new meaning to panty raids!
quite different!
Isn’t it funny how the vast majority of negative comments are grossly misspelled and grammatically incorrect? It makes you wonder, what weight does this person’s opinion really hold? They apparently haven’t bothered to educate themselves in other areas.
WOAHH, you people really need to loosen up.
Great idea!
This is a wonderful way to promote breast cancer awareness! To those who can’t seem to find a civil way to disagree, how are these any different from the mass manufactured corset bags, or booty purses? None in my view! :0)
hmm, don’t know how i feel about this…..i think i would be embarrassed if a guy saw me carrying it around, but you are entitled to your own opinion.
Why don’t we all quit wearing our under garments and use them for purses and whatever. Maybe make a wallet with mens underwear.
I aree it’s cute but wouldn’t remind me of breast cancer unless it had a few pink ribbons on it.
I applaud your use of the every-day item. However, if I saw a purse like that it would not bring breast cancer to my mind. I think the idea is cute, but you are a little misled to think that anyone will recognize it for a reminder.
This work is licensed? Oh, please!!!! I’ve been making these for years.
I really like the idea. I have family and friends that have servived breast cancer… More than one would be happy to carry this! Keep up the good ideas!
If the bra fits, wear it – if it doesn’t, make a bra purse! I think this is an awesome idea. If you don’t want to carry them around, fill them with pot-pourri and hang them in your wardrobe!! Love it! A great way of showing support (no pun intended)!!
I will soon be having both my breasts and I have decided on a reduction. Since I currently have 2 drawers full of 36DD and I soon plan to wear a “C” I can certainly see the benefit of such a healing project. I will present these to support group members.
i love it
For goodness sake, what is so gross about a bra? Grow up a bit, people. And if you really think that someone’s hard work is dumb, keep it to yourself!
I love this idea. I would much rather see this than someone bad mouthing someone else on their creativity. it is NOT offensive at all its a small (or large) handbag for whomever chooses to carry it. don’t like it the little X is in the top right corner.
if you dont like it, no one said you had to make it, or carry it around in public for that matter.
and if its so stupid, why did YOU take the time out to look at it, read it, AND post a comment about it. if its that disgusting to you, IGNORE it.
What a fun and unique way of recycling and raising the awareness of Breast Cancer.
I’m 12 too and I think it’s a great idea…. But I’m too chicken to take one outside.
aaww so cute! me and my friend are going to make one cause her mom has breast cancer. good job chickie!!!<3 it!!!
i love this idea!!!!and for the person who said that all the ppl who said it was gross was 12 IM 12 and love this idea!especially since my aunt has breast cancer!i love this idea,and get real the ppl who said it was tacky!love josie
hey! im twelve and i still love the idea.
This is such an awesome idea! Good way to use old bras that you have no use for, anyway, like the bras that the underwire is sticking out of. Owch!
To the lady who mentioned a pantycrotch hairband — good idea! I’ll have to see if that’s possible. b
Use a moulded balconette-type bra, leave wire in, use zip in top. Decorate with beads and stuff, and have fun with it. O, and if u don’t like ’em, don’t make 1. If u think they may frighten the kiddies, get some therapy or use a smaller size!…;)
I think its a cute idea.
What is with everyone saying “ewww”!? How old are you people, twelve!? Grow up, don’t be so immaturely prudish and learn to appreciate other people’s crafts.
I love it! I sell bras at home parties and what a great way to carry all the little stuff to my party!
The comments on this board are getting a little out of control. Please note offensive comments will be deleted without question. Please limit your comments to a rating if you can not think of something craft related to say.
understand not liking something, but please, don’t be so rude… I love the idea myself.
“What’s the difference between this bra purse than the corset purses?”
I agree with that comment. If carrying around a bra purse is “bad for little girls to see” than what about corset purses? Corsets still exist, is that not bad or trashy? I can…
I think it’s pretty.
I think this is a really neat idea. I am going to try it.
Neat… I bet my niece would get a kick out of this… she’s always looking for something unusual!
good idear but i am small made so would have to look for friends who are larger. could embroider, appliq flowers,
That is hilarious. As a breast cancer survivor, it provides another option of what to do with all of my bras. Love it!
I just read other’s comments. I can’t believe thre’s so much negativity out there…must be a mid-west or flat chest woman thing!
I have been collecting craft ideas from the net for over ten years, and this is the BEST project yet! I have large breasts and small shoulders and can’t find a comfortable bra. I just threw away several. Can’t wait to make my FIRST for the cause.
Just finished it. It turned out beautifully! For added strength, sew it instead of gluing.
Is not. Grow up.
What R U going to fit inside that Purse? but cool anyways.
Another good reason to go to Victoria Secrets.
Bras are “underwear”; that is where they belong.
Too Cute! I bet children wont even be able to tell what it used to be anyway.
This craft is so innovative! How very cute!!!!
i have to say that i myself would never carry one of these around-i dont have enough self confidence. i can also see how they might be tacky, but gross? i dont get it. a thong is gross, a bra is not.
Love this idea! But never seen anyone walking around with a purse like that yet…
I LOVE this idea! So creative! I’m going to have to try this as soon as I get a chance!
They are just breasts! Why are you so ashamed?! Women have breasts. We also have arms. Why are breasts not arms considered gross?
Great instructions… Many thanks
i think this is a wonderful idea!
As a crafter and always looking for ideas I think this is great. The cute bras can never be worn anyway, make them into something functional. Making these for my next craft show!!
I think recycling bras you can no longer use because you have had to have an opperation is a great idea. And some bras are so pretty that you want to keep them and what better use to put them to, otherwise they just lay gathering dust in your draw.
i think it is really a good idea!!cute!!!!great job!!
I love it! Very cute. Don’t think I have the balls to carry it around, but i’ll definitly hang it on my bed post!
I love the symbolism behind it (even if some people choose to be close-minded about it), and that you’re taking something old, and instead of having it lay around the house or on the ground in some dump, using it to make something totally neat!!
I love this idea! Very creative
Wow! I had no idea people were so uptight about a piece of cloth that covers a woman’s breast! I can understand if you think it’s tacky (that’s in the eye of the beholder), but gross?? Some of you have body image issues!
I think this is an awesome idea! I probably wouldn’t use a used bra, but I’d definitely buy a bra at Wal-Mart or something like that. Rock on!
I’m about as conservative as it gets. I think this is fab. As a cancer awareness tool or not, this is cute. As I read the negative comments here all I can think of is that movie/book Carrie. “Dirty Pillows…” Look where that kind of thinking got her!
It is an interesting concept recycling an old bra, I think most people would be offended using breast cancer as an awareness tool. Sorry.
But i like the pink bra with pink ribbons idea.That is so cute!!!!But this idea is somewhat cute deoending on how you intend to use it.
in this paticular bra purse it looks cute. its a creative way toraise breast cancer awarness. but if your out in public r u wanting people to think about breast cancer or do u not want people to know its a bra. this idea is NASTY yet TACKY yet kinda cute.
Great idea though I personally would use a new bra and add lot’s of bling!
This is actually really pretty. I can’t understand why people don’t like the idea. The purse in your photo is really lovely looking and if you exchanged the straps for ribbon I’m not sure even that it would be recognisable as a bra. Nice project.
This is too funny. I might make it. Even so, I wouldn’t carry it. I’d hang it where I could see it and giggle.
Great idea! lighten up everyone! I’m 11, be open minded people!
this is a good idea for 2 reasons 1.I have a drawer full of pretty bras, but they’re too uncomfy to actually wear 2. they’re too pretty to wear under shirt anyroads lol This way I can show them off, and as far as appropriate-I’m takin mine to church! *PK*
awesome idea…wya to recycle!! this would be soo much fun to wear to chool…as if my creations dont get me enough wierd looks. hah. thanks for the tute.
Hey! Great idea! And, for those of u who thik it’s gross, well please KEEP UR MOUTH SHUT, AND KEEP UR NEGATIVE FEELINGS TO YOURSELF!!!!!
Come on people, quit grossing out, it’s just a bra. I’m going to try making these out of pink bras and put the cancer awarness ribbon on it. Wouldn’t that be cool to sell to raise money fo cancer victims?
I had a double mastectomy becuase of cancer, One implant didnt take so I use a prosthesis, these would work for a pocket for a number of things, when I dont were my prosthesis, I tell people I ran out of fix-a-flat! Thank GOD I am still alive
Great fun idea! I was going to toss a bra today, but decided to try out the idea. My daughter loved it. I used the bra closure to make a closure to the purse. Thanks for the idea!
very cleaver itea
people people come on you all need to grow up if you dont like it then fine if you think it is gross why did you even click on the thing saying bra purse you should have thought of what it was Duu if you think it is gross you are gross for going under it
Can we keep the comments to the actual projects not to whether someone is disgusting or not.
excuse me but a BRA PURSE!!!whats going on in your head.and i dosent do anything to the people who have breast cancer.first it was an underwear wallet now this.HELLOO.can you be anymore disgusting???
I think it’s wicked. They’re gorgeous.
Like it or not…I can bet this will be the next big teen fad! My daughter and her friends already want them. So, for those who turn their noses up…think of the cash opportunity you are passing up!
I think that is a little silly to be wearing a bra purse
I liked the idea for breast cancer! Purses could be really neat. Kinda different but your hearts in the right place! Very creative!! BIG HUGS,Judy
Also, I am sure that most people who have these purses would know not to have them in appropriate places, ie children, etc.
What’s the difference between this bra purse than the corset purses? NOTHING. People get over it. It’s a cute idea and with the right embelishments, this purse would look better than some of those marketed corset purses which are sometimes tacky.
ok I just had to weight in on this. It is a cute project and for those you dont like either they are members of the itsy bitsy committee or the ice berg society please lighten up ladies I wear a 58 hh and next time I order my bra I am getting an xtra one
I can definitely see this as more of a change purse – I’d be hard pressed to put more than a stick of gum and a credit card in mine… I love the idea, just not the shape of the handles. How about trimming down the front cup at the top, then folding ove
I find this kind of Bra pursey type look a bit tacky. However, a change purse made out of my boyfriends thong would make a lovely gift for any discriminating young lady…j/K
I agree with everyone this is the best and one cute purse.
Another link in the “loose morals” chain! I don’t think this is appropriate for public use! What kind of message does THAT send? What’s next? The crotch of panties to wear as a hairband?????
Well, it is so creative and so unusual!
I think it is a great idea. You could cover the who whole cup with a feather boa and who would know what it was? It would still have the same meaning behind it. Sorry had to add my two cents.
unusual but neat idea
Each to their own, I’m just not interested in carrying my old undies around like that.
what a clever idea! Bead the thing ala showgirl/bellydancer. Great gifts for the dancers you know!
whats the difference between a bathing suit top and a bra? most bras provide more coverage than your average bikini! ithis is cute! love it!
it’s Cute, thanks for posting.
Oh My this is such a cute idea. I’m going to make two, one for my grandmother who has gone through two rounds of breast cancer and one for me!! By The way, for the people who are freaking out…GET A GRIP IS JUST A BRA!!!
I think they’re wonderful. And so cute.
I think that this is a really neat craft. I have a vintage bra from the 1920’s that will be perfect for this! To all the negative people our there, please remove you head from you butt.
First I’m not closed minded, and my grandmother was a breast cancer survivor, and I am a member of several BC groups, however, bra bags? This craft is a bit base and tacky. Let’s keep it classy, not trashy.
The only hting stopping me from doing this RIGHT NOW is that mine are boring, boring, boring! That should teach us all to wear something fun! Thanks for reminding me to have some fun!
Very unique loved it
I really like the idea of using old bras for the purses. This seems like an easy project for my young ladies.
Lighten up People. You don’t have to use a used bra…and once they are all done up they can be so pretty! It’s all in the imagination…get one! I love it and my craft group is doing it as a project. I plan to make several. You don’t know they are bras
NEAT! Gives one alot to work with!!! HA! HA! thanks!
to each there own
People who are calling this “gross” are probably twelve and uncomfortable with their bodies. I bet they can’t be seen in the bra section at a clothing store. You’d have no problem doing anything with a guy’s shirt, would you? What’s the difference?
world? Don’t knock it till you try it. Make one decorate it with modesty in mind and see what happens. I bet if you make yours with that in mind and do it right you may like the outcome and responses. Leigh of Texas
will start a conversation. Can you come up with a great idea? Many see the pink ribbons now a keep going it isn’t as strong of a symbol anymore if awareness isn’t kept up and involved. If a idea can’t be kept open and optimistic where are we in this
right mind will take the time to decide wether a bra/garment is decent enough to showcase as their purse. No one is suggesting using undies that have been worn and are gross. Hello people the point is too get people thinking about breast cancer and this
Great Idea! There are women that are wearing undergarments on the outside of their clothing all over hollywood and that is more distastefull than this. I think everyone should take a breather and think a moment on this. Yes it is a bra but anyone in their
this is a very good project. i would like to know if i could use this project for VFW Ladies Auxiliary cancer booth. my email address is rockin rollsherri@yahoo.com
Good Job. Though many people dislike it. EVERYONE WEARS A BRA! WHAT IS “SICK” ABOUT THAT? Good Idea. My mom is making one for her office partner who is a cancer survivor!! Thanks!
This project is AWESOME!!! i am making one for my friend and I!!!
I think this is a fabulous idea.As a fundraiser for breast cancer,they have a huge auction of these bra purses. I work at a craft store & i am going to see about the staff doing purses.
What a great idea!
Dress it up or dress it down.
My boyfriend and I both love it–he says he’d buy one! Great idea, great job.
I don’t think it’s so pretty and it could be tacky if worn, but great idea and great cause. Grow up, people. A bra is an article of clothing, we can reuse t-shirts so why not bras? Are swimsuits evil because they cover boobs, too?
i made a red one becuz i’m in the red hat society. it’s beautiful! everyone that sees it wants one. lighten up people. i also have a purse made from a panty.
Oh love it! And Bathing tops are just like bras (same concept design and purpose) for those who find the fact that women has breast and wear bras to support (or not to support), distasteful.
I used one of my bras from when I was a DD (the thing was almost new). Anyways it is very very cute and I made christmas presents for my girlfriends from new bras I got at a thrift store (using DDs of course!)
I made one of these out of a new bathing suit top I got a Goodwill. I didnt have to add anything at all because the top was already decorated. Very cute! Girlfriends wanted one too!
Cute Idea! I like the cell phone prospect. I do not like the silly, silly comments. This is a craft site, leave the PC stuff at the door.
the amount of controversy here amazes me. whether you like this or not- you must give the artist credit, she HAS started conversation about art and breast cancer awareness!i think i’ll make one to try to start a little ART talk and controversy in my life
Reusing our harnesses seems like a whimsical and fun idea. Breasts and their harnesses are an integral part of our lives, no shame. Realisitc: yes. Thanks for the fine idea for fun and frolick. Yippee
I don’t normally carry a purse myself, normally, just a wallet big enough for the necessities. But I think this is a neat idea. I am a firm believer in recycle reuse! What I find more disturbing is the fact that people are so narrow minded!
How about using it as a change purse or card holder then?? Still a cute idea. I’d LOVE a corset purse myself, LOL!
I think it is a cute purse, but i would like to add more embellishments. there are purses made out of corsets. It is not an ugly purse. Those stupid Luis vuitton purses are
ugly, and overpriced
only narrow minded jerks would say this was gross or tacky, by the way,the idiot that said this was groose, its spelled gross dummy! I’d put sequins on mine, and definitely going to make it. great craft kiddo!
Very creative! Victoria Secrets should do this with the million dollar diamond studded bra and donate it. I’m sure they have recycled it by now.
absolutely great idea
Cute idea…and to those with neg. comments, didn’t your mother ever tell you “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”?
As a survivor, I have to say that I appreciate the gesture, but this idea is creepy, tacky and only minimally functional. Ribbons are just fine, thanks.
so so so cute!!! I will definately be making one, maybe more. I have a really cute denim looking bra that isn’t at all comfortable…I think I’ll use that one!!
i just acquired a big sized bra. guess WHAT i am using it for? you got it!! ABSOLUTELY GREAT FANTASTIC IDEA.2 reasons. breast cancer awareness and i just HAVE to recycle. might go shopping for one of those hot pink bras. what a hoot for my cell phone.
MAKE UP BAG? or “MINI-MISS” just exclude straps altogether and add a cute/decortative button or snap…have kids help TOO!…RECYCLE!!LOVE IT
Love it! Great idea. Whether you would use it or not, those with negative comments need to grow up. We all know women wear bras – get over it! Thinking bras/breasts are dirty is why women don’t get checked out sooner.
I’ve seen these before, and I think they’re absolutely great! Very creative and a good way to recycle! As for all those that posted negative comments, just shut up and stop complaining already! Unless you can do something more creative than this,get lost!
this is really gross and disturbing makeing purses out of bras even if it is for breast cancer
fun idea, good for a laugh
People need to lighten up. It’s just a bra. It’s not like you made a purse out of a vibrator. I think it’s cute.
this is a bit freaky. you would not even be able to have it at school!
you know, even some designers are doing this. and selling for around $400.
So sad to see all of the people freaking out over this. I think some people must spend a good chunk of their day trying to be offended at any little thing, use that time to seek joy in this world. I think the end result is very tasteful.
I doubt I’d make it msyself, however I appreciate the spirit of creativity and support you had when you designed this purse
Great job!
i love yours mine isnt as good!!!!!!!
This is a love ot or hate it project… I love it!!! I saw a woman once with a t-shirt that said ‘Hair by ‘ and a sign with the circle & line through it sign , with scissors in side …’no hair cut..’…I thought she had the right humor attitude… trus
As a breast cancer survivor I applaud this idea. However do not wait until 50 or it could be too late (I was 49 and many people I know were in their 40’s) I was involved in a fundraising event called Bras for the Cause for women only to raise money for fr
Use a bathing suit top. We see enough undergarment these days. Sorry
Although I couldn’t see myself using this, I like the idea behind it.
i love it, definately gonna make this!!!
What? Did someone mention an underwear craft! Hoorah!
I wear size 36F I guess I could make luggage. lol
i love the nursing bra/cell phone idea! super fun project. i can just imagine someone touching and admiring the purse and then all of a sudden realize they are fondling your [former]bra!
I bet there’s a way you could use a nursing bra to add a cell phone pocket!
Excellent idea! A way to use up something that no longer fits appropriately.
Very good. You can also use the wires to re inforce another purse, say , with old shoulder pads.Or use the wires to make a mobile.
a bra for a purse is not such a great idea. stick to the pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness.
They’re really lovely, and always wonderful to promote awareness.
I think we need to remain respectful to people who have had Breast Cancer and the symbolic reason for making these purses from Bra’s they no longer can use.