What you need
1 Old pair of jeans
Glue gun (if gluing)
Glue sticks (if gluing)
Optional embellishments
This bag has the option of being a sewing project or a quick no sew bag by using glue. Glue is a great alternative for a quick kids craft thought it may not be as durable.
Low-rise or small jeans make a smaller bag, bigger or high-waist jeans make for a roomier bag.
Lay the jeans flat and cut off the legs.
Cut through the crotch, then straight across for an even edge.
Turn the jeans inside out and glue the bottom closed leaving about 1/2 inch of fabric (or an even edge). Let the glue dry or alternatively sew this section closed.
Turn inside the right way and check bottom for even edge.
Cut the inside seams from both pant legs and make handles from these. Glue or sew them on.
You can also glue or sew in a cheap bandanna as a lining & add embellishments to decorate the outside of the bag.
Velcro or magnetic closures can also be added.
For extra strength you can SEW this bag closed, but then of course it would not be a quick no sew bag for non sewers.
With craft glue this bag is suitable for carrying around lightweight items or as a overnight bag only.
If you see text for this pattern or images being sold online using the titles, of Booty bag, Bootie bag Pattern or Denim Jeans purse or Denim jeans tote.
Please let us know as this is a direct infringement of copyright and why should people be scammed into buying it when we have it for FREE!!
Can’t wait, I will have to sew it because it will be like a duffle bag! Housemate use to wear size 60 jeans so I have a few pairs to make these with and then I can still get totes to grocery shop with out of the legs! Thank you so much for the instructions!
Love this! !!! So cute!
This is a great idea. Can’t wait to try it!
Love it
this is a great idea, I already have my levis cut with the crouch opened. I looking for instructions to make a boxes bottom and full lining. do you have any instructions for this. thank so much
For anyone worrying about people comparing the size of their purse to their butt, go to the thrift store and buy a pair of jeans in a size you wish you were. Then if people compare, they will be impressed at how slim you are. Compare the price of thrift store jeans with the price of buying a denim bag. No contest.
very cool website and an awesome idea
I loved this page….it explained it with very easy, simple to follow, directions. I can’t wait to try it
It’s cute but I can never find a bag with a square bottom! They’re always like triangles!
Cute, and thanks, but think sewing it would be better.
I think this is really cute and will give it a try after thanksgiving, thank you
Very Cute , I’m a gonna give it a try.
It’ s very nice!
Great idea for kids or teens that can do it easily
This is awesome!
that was a great idea because i checked other websites looking for this and all of them were pricey. this is a great project especially for sewers!
I don’t know why they say this is pattern, I’m 55 years old and been making these jean purses since I was 15 so that’s over 40 years. I don’t glue my purse never have. I use what they call a sewing machine.
Going to be giving my step daughter a baby shower and what a GREAT GIFT this will be for her as a diaper bag.All I have to do is go to the thrift store and get a size big enough for a diaper bag.She will get a kick out of it she’s 17 years old.Thanks
i had made this 8 years ago with my mom, we decorated it with fish and sequines and lined the inside with fabric and surprisingly it still looks new after so much use
everyoneshould make one
wow what a nice idea of this best out of waste i bet i will win if i did this in my best out of waste compition………….
i love it!! great idea!
love this bag
my mom love the bootie bag i made it for her for mother’s day she started to cry
This lookes like a really great project.I am definitely going to make it.Wish me luck
Cool idea, I make them too here in Japan for free for my friends. Made my 1st one 15 years ago, and have made at least 20 since then. Mine are hand sown though , even though the material is thick, but it relaxes me for 2 hours a day for 2 months each time I make them. Plus if hand sown they make very good evacuation bags during a disaster, or even a good first aid duffel too. Great ideas !
This bag looks so lovely! D you mind if I use this image as part of my ICT GCSE controlled assessment?
I used to make these when I was a kid learning to sew, 35+ years ago– love them! Use the legs for make-up bags or coin purses.
It was so easy to made and looks really good
It needs more pictures to help you with each step but everything else was really cool now i no whaat to do with my old pants the best thing is that non sewers can do this too!!
Thank you just what my grandaughter wanted COOL! It will be finished with sparkling
beads sequns. and for an eight year old super!
This is so cool. I received really great comments for it.Hats off, guys!
I made one using one pant top as a liner. All the pockets inside and out. Used leg seams braided for the handles. Easy and quick.
this was a fun and usefull project! i recomend it for non-expeirienced sewers such as myself. if you need a quick and stylish bag, this is it! denim is a great material to make bags out of, it hardly rips, this was an amazing idea!
This was a really fun to make. I liked how I could use glue as a way to make it easier!
Thank for the idea!
I am going 2 sew mine as well, cuz i don’t want 2 b running 4 da bus & den everything falls out
Im gonna make it
But i think im just gonna sew it because
My purse is sometimes realy heavy
This is soooooooooooo cool! I love denim, and this is the perfect bag for me to use!
I made three of these for my granddaughter and two nieces. They came out so cute.
I like the look of this purse it’s a great way to reuse my old clothes and it will entertain me after the royal wedding (william and kate’s 2011 England) once i try this i will post another but i think for somebody like me and my mums help i can do it easliy!!!
thank you..was wondering what to do with this part of jeans, using the legs in another sewing project..this will be perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is really good and i might try it later
thanks soooo much!!! This reallllllly helped me!!!! i loved it,its so easy!!!
could you give something easier to do?
I DON’T THINK SO! wonderful
im making this for a fundraiser we need to put on a dance thx so much for the idea!
peace out pandas
i gifted my friend this purse i made out of my old jeans… she loved it….. its so simple and funtastic ………scarlett
IT is JUST tOOOOOOOOOO gooooood ……….. THIS Purse is just BEST………. IT is really BEST out of WASTE……..
I Tried It And It’s Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Butiful
I made a bag like this out of toddler sized blue jeans for my sister. It turn out fantastic. I would recommend that sewers hit the thrift stores for a toddler sized jeans. It might have cost me about $3.00 to make it. She loved it and uses it almost everyday. Since she teaches preschool, it goes great with her job.
This is so cute, my 2yr old girl has little jeans I am going to make her a little bag, she loves bags so this is ideal for her, thank you xxx
When Auburn University won the National Football championship on Jan 10, 2011, I used licensed Auburn print fabric as lining and trim on the purse above to make myself a custom blue jean purse to celebrate my college’s win!!! This is a very easy project!!
Looks like a blast
lalalala! Cool! I’ll definately try it!
great thing to do! i havent done it yet but soon!
great thing to do! i havent done it yet but soon!
What a great use for those disgusting long crotched mom jeans I see in the thrift store!!
I’ve Made about three of these purses, and the sewing always comes apart. But until it would come apart, i would usually receive compliments on them.
this is a great idea the only probs is that i havent got a glue gun and so i had to sew it witch took some time but i turned out great so then i started making a few designs and patterns and i sould them and i got quite a bit of dosh
5 out of 7
I have made this bag before. It is very easy. If you check the thrift stores you can find some really cute jeans. I did another easy project with baby over alls. I made a plastic bag holder for my kitchen. Just tie off the bottom of the legs with ribbons. Get a cute baby hanger and hang on the wall. It holds lots of bags or what ever you need to store.
this is much fun and cuteso
wow i just found this website and i really like it this iz a sup3r awesome bag i have seen only one person with a bag like this i wish i had more time to do kewl stuff like this
Just finished mine 2night! i used a pair of my grandaughters old jean skirt, had a few deco’s on it to begen w/so i added the charms and keychain hanging from one of the pockets, then put the hook ups, and cut hems from legs to use for straps. I just love it.
Loved It!
lol great project! Everyone loves it! But trying to cut it is the torturious part! lol
I have been making these for nieces and cousins and grand kids as diaper bags. Use the leg for a bottom. Pockets hold all kinds of baby stuff. Are very roomy and durable. Pocket watch makes a good pacifier holder.
wow!!!!!!!! great fun and all my friends want me to make them one!!
This is great!!! Been looking for this pattern ever since I saw a lady in the Dr office with one. Can’t wait to get to GW for a pair of jeans just right for my new purse….
I make these and have for several years. I sell them at farmers markets. I use every piece of the jeans. Keep 1 leg for the straps, the other I cut up for quilts. If the jean are bad and I can’t make a purse, I make potholders, I sell them also. I don’t throw any demin out other than the few scraps I have left. I tell my customers they have been washed 100 times and are ready for a 100 more. On the purses I sell, I put a belt through the loops, I don’t embelish them, I let my customers do that. I was but the project for them makes it their way!!! Happy bootie bagging!!!
Clever and cute! I love this idea – I always feel so guilty throwing out jeans. Especially “good” jeans my kids have outgrown or jeans with a hole in them below the knee. Now I know what to do with all those jeans! (My son grew from 5’10” to 6’8″ in about 5 months – so I have tons of Levi’s around!) Thanks for the creative and clever idea.
I have been looking for a tutorial on making a bag purse as I have started this whole craze of making old things new again and have some jeans that are no longer wearable but I didn’t want to throw them out as well as some iron decals that need to be used up because they are just sitting about collecting dust now. I came across this while looking for a different project but now I think I am going to be doing this one today
Thanks so much!!! 
i have made these purses from toddler jeans and also overalls using the shoulder strap to hook the front of purse. i have also used the embellishments such as mickey or whatever character may be on the pants makes the purse a lot of fun
This is such a great activity! I really recommened doing it as I am right now!
This is such a great activity! I really recommened doing it as I am right now!
I made this as a pilot project before I use it with my Pathfinder Group (Guides). It is a very good project to introduce straight seams. My daughter loves it.
the bag is really stylish and i cant wait to give it a go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a cute bag for a teenager. Also the size of the bag depends on the size of the pants! Bigger the pants, the bigger the bag.
Im kinda new to the whole making stuff out of my old clothes, and i loved this idea. i use my purse everyday, i use it as my book bag for school. It goes with almost every one of my outfitss.
< Thanksss >
can not wait to start this one-hubby will arrive back to find no jeans in the wardrobe
cute but could add some bizzazz / dazzle too it
it would be better with step by step pictures to go with the instructions
i have shorts that i bought that are small on me… i thought of making a bag a long time before i saw this site… i’m going to use a belt to make handles. the belt has a buckle with glitter and little fake diamonds.
My husband passed away last October and I took his old jeans and made a purse for each daughter and daughter-in-law as well as the grandchildren for Christmas so they would have something lasting from Pop and PaPa. They were all sewn and lined with some of his various printed t-shirts. It helped a little for the first Chjristmas without him. I’ve kept the left-over jeans pieces for something to make that I don’t have a pattern for yet…but will keep looking. Thanks so much for the pattern. Cherish each moment!
it doesnt look good it needs more fashion on it
oh, i’ve made a few of these. but mine are decked out with fringe, patches, and things.
i use an old belt for the strap.
Wow! i just finished mine and it looks amazing! thnx so much i love this idea
use guys are kool how u makee jeans bags out of a pair of jeans (y) awesome
This is sooo cool!!!!!
This rocks and im going to make it for a school project
I love this! Some websites tell to sew but it’s ok. Am going to use dad’s jeans to make a bigger one!
PS: If the jeans you’re using were just BIG, people often match it up to your own butt so maybe should use contrasting sizes to not confuse people? A suggesstion.
what a great idea!!!!!!
will tiny jeans work
amazing idea
My mom made me one of these bags twenty years ago, it was fun to meke my daughter one
After failing to fit into my fave moshchino jeans i have followed ur very simple instructions and i now have an amazing new “designer” bag thanx a million !!
im going 2 try this wish me luck with it!!!!
nice. i just made a bag out of my husband’s old jeans.. hehehe..
hey, guest who said this is trashy, and that we must be poor! maybe you should get a life instead of spending your time criticizing what is perfectly fine. if youre so rich, go find something better to do. cute pattern, love it.
gotta love it! i have got to make this and the pant legs purse. finally a purse big enough to hold my crap!
awesome tottaly love it! don’t listen to the idiots who say it sucks. they probaly wish they could make it but are craft hadicaped!
awesome tottaly love it! don’t listen to the idiots who say it sucks. they probaly wish they could make it but are craft hadicaped!
If you cut a rectangle (Use the left over leg) to fit the bottom they make great grocrie bags. You have a place to put coupons and a grocrie list. They will long outlast the reusable bags the stores are selling and also make great gift bags using a size of jeans to fit the present. You can also use the left over legs for pot holders, place mates for camping and all kinds of other things. And just because you find a great way to make a personlized gift or a new way to put something old to a new use does not mean you are poor. It just means that you have chossen not to be a part of the dissposable country that we have become.
OMG! Ewe how do u thunk this trashy junk is awesome?!?!
Gross, u must b poor.
Awesome purse…just finished for xmas gift for friend..so easy and turned out great, used hot glue instead of craft glue or sewing. Total time about 10 minutes to make. Thanks so much for the terrific pattern. going to try the duct tape card purse next.
i made some of these a few years back i sewed them though and at the bottom of the seams i added beads that dangled they looked so cute and matching wallet with the legs i cut off i used them for the straps then covered them with cute fabric. I am going to start these up again and i cant wait :):):)..
We are having a Farmers Market thingy at school so looking at this is sooooo helping me.
And also finishing my homework.
We will be selling OVER 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the lady who had ball point ink on her bag….
HAIRSPRAY…. saturate the ink with hairspray, let it sit for a short while, then wash as per normal in the washing machine.
I have NO idea why it works, but it does.
I made a jeans purse years ago. One problem…
It never wears out! LOL!!!
Coolness!!! HEE HEE!!!
I had made these purse a couple years back before I saw this website. The jeans that, I had used where my son old jeans that he had grown out of. The handle I did differently. I had sew the handle on the side on the side of the purse.. Is easy to make & I love how it turn out.
i loved it. It is easy, fun, and the finished product is great!
I have made two of these and everyone loves them. I made mine before I looked at this website and I made a strap from the legs and braided it together and added it to the sides by cutting a slit in the side and then made a knot so that it stays instead of sewing them to the bag. I also used a contrasting material for the lining and extended it past the waist for an embelishment then added a contrasting belt through the belt loops. It is really cute. They are so easy to make. I made them from my husbands old jeans.
Great! When I saw this I got right to work and made 2 of them. They are so cute! Thanks for sharing. I have seen people with these, but I had NO idea you could glue them!
Wow! This sounds really neat. I have 2 old blue jeans…I’m gonna go try this out on them! Thanks
umm ok… i do how-ever got a hard time understaning the directions…. so maybe the site can have pictures of the step by step.
I made one and lined it with a complimenting fabric….thanks for the great idea!!
what i want to know, how do you get pen out of it? i drew a skull on it (for diamond things) then it went wrong HELP
This is the cutest bag idea!!! Thank you so much for posting the pattern for free. =) I’ve got to hurry up and grow out of my jeans so I can make this!!!
My favorite embellishment for these bags is to put a cute belt into the loops! Or even use a belt for the handles!
I love this type of bag because it already has lot’s of pockets, you’re recycling, and you can embellish it however you want it!
AWESOMESAUCE!! ive already made 4 XD
LUV IT!!! the amount of other things you can add to make this unique is ridiculous. thanks for posting!
this rocks
its so super cute
i am gonna make it tommorow
its awsome
i made one and everybody loves it!
i love this idea my friend’s gma made for her i thought it looked very cute!Will you people stop thinking about the butt for crying out loud!!!!!!
wow what a beautiful idea……i can use my brother’s old jeans. Thanx for posting this idea
this is really good for the enviroment it saves you chucking things away in the rubbish
Sounds easy. You could also add a bandana through the belt loops and iron ons for decoration.
This is awesome! A friend paid $30 for hers and I’m gonna get one FREE!!! WoOT!!!
why would you put that on the website- if I made one people would see how big my butt is-pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! My daughter has a project at school where she has to make something she can use from an old pair of jeans …This will be perfect!!!
its really good i am going to use that idea for school
I think this is a great idea.
it’s a really great idea. so ingenious!!
really i love it it is so cool i can make one too but with shorts
you could used the leg portions as well…glue or sew a hem with some elastic and use them to store grocery bags and such.
thisz idea rite hear istha best cause imma bout to make a bag out of old jeans
this seems really cool
I love it. It is so original, everybody always have something to say. Thanks
I LOVE THE PURSE!!!!! s***y
I made one and now all my friends are wanting one and saying i should sell them
i really love this craft i hope i can make it!!!!!!!!!!
wow very nice craft!
it would look really cute but really hard to make.^_^
yah whooo im making one of these for a demonstration speesch
I made one for my great granddaughter and made the handle out of one leg fused to some organza ribbon with red, green, yellow and blue stripes. I think it is beautiful. Hope she thinks so also.
I mean I expected something a little bigger, but it’s just a purse.
I made one a few years back to use as a knitting bag. They are the perfect length for knitting needles.
When I made mine back in the 70’s I found out it works better if you put a rectangular piece in the bottom for more room. It also sits better.
this is good. I would have never thought of cutting the inside seams of the pants leg to make the handles for the purse. Thanks for the idea.
I love this site. Try something differnt with blue jeans. I’d love it.
Keep the good work going. Quinn A.Matthews
i will definitely make one for me… thnks for this
I am sooo glad happy to see this, I have seen these bags everywhere and they are usually fairly expensive. I didn’t really think of making one myself. Ha Ha
This was so cute and easy, I used a mini-skirt, and I put embelishments, lining, and a cute belt around it too. I can’t wait to take it to school so everyone can see it.
Thanks so much for the free and wonderful pattern.
love it!
Wow. I have never seen anything so craft and upcycle-ish. I look everywhere but I always have to buy the patterns :\. I outgrow my jeans too fast anyway. Thank you so much!
I like how this project recycles old jeens into a very stylish bag.
This inspried me to make one and well I ended up making 6 over the last 3 days! I used my daughters skirts she had outgrown and lined them with vairous fabric, added handles of the same lining fabric… The are sturdy but done with an iron & hot glue gun
I love my jean purse.I bought mine at a boutique for $115. I get so many compliments.
love the pattern!
Thanks to all who like my bag!It is lined with a pink bandana that I did not take pic of, it looks big in pic but from a size 5 jean. I used hot glue *very sturdy* but now have a sewing machine so will try it again with an old rock t-shirt for liner.
I have one of my own and get tons of compliments on it. It is easy an way too cute
this is awsome, i make these also.. except i make it more colorful and put things to personalize it!!!
I love a purse made out of jean material but it doesnt look that great…
its nice
Its so cutee :))
Oh for a more funky bag i put they liek ribbon/trim? w/ sequens at the bottom for trim & as handles
im a teenager & I made these for a craft show they sold like crazy! this was so quick!
I don’t know if I would use it or not, but my neice finds it adorable!
yoyoyo!!!!!Awesome cute purse!!!!Lovin it
This is a great project but I don’t have a pair of old jeans. I could get some fron the second hand shop for $3
i made one like this when I was in high school… *in 1974*. I was the only one with one… and ended up making them for others… and making a few bucks… nice to see they are popular today!
that was soooo stupid
I think that this idea is great although i would like to see the bag made easier for children to make and what would happen if people didn’t have a glue gun? i think that it is a good idea for you to make it a bit easier. Thanks x
Have you ever heard of a sewing machine. Good Grief Glue !
yeah way to be green people! keep up the great ideas!
I really like the idea of using warn out pats to make a bag!!!!!!
great project ,but i will sew instead of glue
this is cool but i heard you can make a travel size bag out of jeans
it looks hidious!!!its SOOOOOOO UGLY
I have known about this for years though! In the 4th grade my teacher made one of these for each desk in the classroom. that is a lot of jeans. about 20 give or take a few. Anyway she had these hanging on the side of the desk to help organize our stuff.
I’ve made bootie bags as gifts, adding pretty fabric lining, decorative beaded fringe at the bottom and bead, embroidery, buttons, etc. for decorative embelishments. For the sash I made or purchased cheap but fancy ones. People seemed to really like them.
I think it’s cool even if it does look like a bum. Wouldn’t you want something that makes people smile?
Great Idea, I’m definitely going to make one. Its stylish, and practical, now i know what to do with thoes old jeans lying around!!!
I’ve been making jean purses for some time only I sew them together. The sky’s the limit with this project.Just use your imagination.
I love the simplicity of this. Thanks so much.
Too cute! My daughter is making these for Mini-Society for school
I have an old pair of jeans of my Mom’s & have bee searching for a pattern to make a purse. I may go “wild” and use the sewing machine!!! THANKS
Thank you for your help.
Very slick.
Love it! Great idea!
Thanks-we had to do a textiles project using a recycled garment at school- i know just what im doing now!
looks likes someones butt.
They should give some ideas on decorating
I use the little girl mini denim skirt because you will have the straight line across (for jean, the bottom of zipper kinda flare out). For hobo bag, use the adult jean. I don’t like boy/man jeans, they don’t look hip enough.
this is a good project but i do not suggest gluing it. Sewing is the only way to go.
GOOD JOB!!! That is so cute!
That is pretty cool. Nice job! It is so cute!!
very helpful…thanks!
Just what I was looking for!
the idea was great.my friend has one and i can’t wait to make my own!!
its okay
I use cute material for the lining and make the straps with the jean legs wider and also line them with my material
This is a good craft. I would suggest if not lining the bag that the front pockets need to be sewed down, glued or fusable webbing used. They seem to get in the way otherwise.
(Sewed) Larger jeans can be used for a book bag or even a tote for shopping.
I’ve made purses like this since the 70’s,but I fully line mine.I also have other styles that are my own designs, no two alike.
I did this craft before I even saw it! Mine was a bit nicer because I added a belt too.
You are all CRAZY! MY bag looks waaaaaaY BETTER!
applications make the bag way more awesome! Try using young girls jeans or womens size 0 or 1. It makes it look better than using a size 4 or higher. Then it doesn’t look like you are carrying a bum! lol
I loved this idea!
I am going to try a belt for a strap. 
I make these purses all the time and the hot glue holds very well so try it, you will be glad you did
I like it! It’s awesome but won’t people think it’s weird?
anyways, good job!
This is a good idea, but I have seen other patterns and pictures on the internet that are easier to understand.
I just started to making purses out of jeans and everyone liked them!~! They wanted me to make them one. They said that they’ll pay me at least $30-$40.I like your ideas.
very good
so cute! i am going to make one, i have been wanting to for a while!
Putting in the lining is more difficult than indicated.
I traced an outline of the cut jeans to fashion a lining and sewed the bottoms.
I used child sized jeans & if you think it looks like a butt, turn it so the butt is facing your body!
I did this back in the 70’s in school. We embroidered the jeans ourselves and did the sewing option with a fringy bottom. Loved it and used it a long time.
thank you i now havemy own booty bag.
I love it, and going to make one of my own!
Great Idea!!
i love this it is great
Me and my girlfriend love making these.Enough glue works just as good as sewing!!!
I just priced one of these and it was
$35.00. Now I can do my own!
it’s a cute bag for just about everyone! i use it all the time!
it is the best
i want to see dark blue jean purses
i thought this was kool!
just what i was looking for.
carrying around someones butt is funny! one of my friends had a bootie bag and it was so popular and they liked her bag. once my brother outgrows his ill make some! with my mums permission of course
twas a great idea! i love denims…and i love it more because of this! Thanks!=)
I think that it is an awesome idea that has been re-made from 25 years ago! My daughter and I went searching the garage for old jeans.Thanks sooo much!
cool :]
Great idea I love it
its a cute bag. i luv it.
I just made a bag using this style (sorta) and I think it looks rad. I just have to test it to see how long it lasts for. Thanks!
This purse is cool. My friend Jorden, uses every day.
id rather sew it together cuz then you will be sure it wont come undone
if you don’t want em to look like it come from a fattie, remove the back pockets and re-sew them so that they are parellel to the bottom–instead of slightly slanted like that…get it?
nice and now everyone will now my booty
i love it! it looks so professional. i wanna do one like this! i already cut up old jeans, but i didn’t know what to do from there. will definitely try this soon!
I just did it and it’s ADORABLE. I added a bunch of stuff to decorate it also…I’d definately wear them.
i have made several of these bags and they are so cute..try putting sparkley pins or ribbons around the top..everyone asks where i found my jean purses
Pockets for phones, keys, etc., as far as the legs, make little pillows or sew different shades of jeans together for a bigger pillow! Love this one…
i loved it! it was easy to make and so cute!
I too have to agree with Katie’s comment. Not using my jeans, but I have 3 boys, that forever seem to be tearing the knees out. And with some paint, glitz and beading…I don’t think anyone will care that I used boys jeans!
I work with Adults that have disabilities and plan on using this greatt idea by first using No Sew and then getting them to sew as well as they can by hand.
GREAT way to use up all of my 7 yr old daughter’s jeans that have a tiny hole in the knee. I made 5 of them for my nieces for Easter. I sewed a lining in and used ribbons for belts. They were adorable.
Looks like a great idea!!! i can’t wait to try! i do think that sewing it would be better and longer lasting.
nice instrutions easy to understand
sorri 4 mulitple submissions…but i agree with the guest that told the chikk who wanted 2 patent it(referred as a brat…:] lol) to give us a break…seriously..u have NO RIGHT to patent this since pplz have been making this 4 long time….so get real!<3
this craft is the coolest!
love it when i made it poeple where asking me were had i gotten it and i said i had made it!
I like the front of the purse. If I decide to try this, I might replace the back of the pants with another type of fabric. Great idea and presentation. Diana
Thank you so much. It’s just what I was looking for. J. B.
I made some of these many, many years ago. You can go crazy customizing them. But you should see the ones at originaldeb.com
very nice
the jean purse needs more stuff on it
I feel that the purse would come apart becasue of all the things i must carry
I think this is a great idea! You can change it up and us different parts of the jeans to your liking so stop complaining about you don’t like the way it looks. And to the brat that is upset she didn’t patent it, give us all a break u have no claims to it
i loved it i made one in 30 minutes with the sewing its really cool i love the idea
I created my own designs, sewed my own hand original sequins and embridiery work and made them look like shorts.Hand stitched the purse to make it hold …worked geat poeple like it no butt look.:)
I loved this idea .
sorry but i gotta laugh, why would you carry a butt around??
As for the legs, separate seams, sew legs together, fill with styrofoam peanuts, instant bean bag for kids.
i thought it would be more complex and dressier than this. i think i could make one without this and it would probably look so much better than the picture.if i made this it would be a great purse for friends and family. i was not happy with this craft.
I have always loved this idea. I would get an older pair of jeans from a thrift store. And so what if people were making these 30 years ago? Now people who have never seen it before can make them! Very Cute, and fun to make!
Interesting idea but maybe you could have an idea that is a little more complicated.
It looks a little tacky… ive done it wth putting in a bottom section..it looks a lot better… glue wont hold as well as sewing.. VERY TIME CONSUMING!!
i luv this but im so mad ppl keep calling them butt purses
i like how fun and easy it is
This is an awesome idea.
great idea.
perfict 4 chistmas.
Not a new idea!Was making these over 30 years ago as a teenager.Still cute though.
Having just lost 65 pounds and not wanting to give away my “beloved” pair of jeans…this is the best idea ever!
I think I’ll use my boyfriends jeans. He weighs about 280, so I’ll have a nice big bag.
great scrap craft idea for when you want to make a quick gift, or you’re just bored
Great Idea! I Love It–off to the goodwill store I go to buy my jeans.
I would rather sew than glue because glue is all sticky, and I don’t really like the handle.
Not only do I like this craft idea, but I love the entire web site. Keep up the great ideas for recyclers like me!!! from mariaspotts@yahoo.com
guest who said that u dont know what to do wit the legs: use them to make the straps,or make a small bag wit them and if u dont like the look of this bag,then use the legs,or dont make it all itz as simple as that!i love it but have been makin it 4 4eva!!
This is a very simple project for young girls to sew as well as glue. I like the sewing better because it seams to be a lost craft for young girls.
wholy moly totally AWSOME lol sick man u gus ROKK ##
This craft is wonderful for adolecents like me!
If you use glue you can re-enforce the bottom and the straps by sewing around the seam, by hand, with an embroidery needle and some dental floss. I also sewed the straps on using different colored buttons and dental floss.
I tried this and it is so cute!!!!!! I don’t get why people say it is ugly. They probably just haven’t tried it yet. (p.s. I was pretty stupid and used a regular sewing needle on my machine,((i’m kinda a noob)) so i would recommend a denim needle for a NB
This is definatley not a very helpful search becuse it show no good pictures and has not descriptive instructions after i had made the purse i was dissapointed and confused about why u think this would work for any reason.
very cute, easy, and supplies are in everyone’s closet. I will try this one real soon.
Excellent. I’ve had this idea for awhile. Now I know how to put it together.
not as many pics to help.
very super smart
smart,yes but i think what to do with the legs
This is so cool,I will so try it and this is a great idea,because I can finally do something with those REALLY old jeans of mine!JUST PERFECT!Thank you!!!:)
fab purse
its cute,but ive been making these since i was NINE and everyone loved the ones i made and i sold about 20 of them..and for the ppl who said:”thatz gross” and :”it looks like ur carrying around a butt” and stuff like that then use the legs instead…
My friend & I started making purses 3 yrs ago. We get $35 + each. We add fabric inside, fringe on the bottom, handles are quilted fabric & the sashes match. We get TONS of compliments. You can see them at http://www.kindredspiritsoriginals.com for more ideas
thanks 4 the idea! do u think if I used infant(baby) sized jeans I could make a walet?
was wondering how to mke this, thanks =)
Great craft!! Easy to do and a nice gift for a teen or young girl!!! Love it!! You can do so much with the concept!!!
thanks i love it ,its easy n once its done its great.mayra
For those of you that don’t like the “butt” look, try using a mini denim skirt instead, just sew up the ends and it doesn’t have the curves of the “butt” like jeans do. Also, try using a cool belt or scarf for the handles. Just a few ideas.
I have never gotten so many compliments on my crafts!! LOVE IT
i would only use it or wear it if it had more designs and if they were shaped better. because whos gonna wanna wear a butt (only a guy)lol? but i think it should have a better design if you want people to buy it?
i would also like to see the pants.
it’s cute but i think people would look funny carrying it around with them
good usage of old jeans and stylish also
seems really cool!
My girls made this & they love it
it was kool but a bit ugly. it also looks like you are carrying a big ladie’s butt.
I love this, I made this once but sewed the bottom together, I like the glueing better
i LOVE this idea, its so unique, and you can go anywhere with it!!!
I’d like to see pictures of the cut jeans before they are glued to see how the crotch is cut exactly.
Before I found this, i had made one of my own, and it’s soooo popular, everyone wants one like mine, jiji
I Love your Idea It’s Like So COOl
I’ve been looking for instructions of how to do the legs, I was thrilled to find this, so thanks a million. I’ve had a pair of my son’s jeans waiting foe this.
Sorry about the multiple submissions. Wanted to add that we sold 30 of them at the Relay for Life in our town an $12 each.
We put out a company voice mail for used jeans that no one wanted and got quite a few. I DID sew them and added iron on appliques (pink poodles and cadillacs, flamingoes and palm trees, whatever. Used fabric to go with the design for the belt and handle.
Thank you! I’ve been looking for a simple way to make a denim bag. This seems very quick and simple. Although I am going to sew it for longer duration.
thats awesome; im gonna go do that. right about now (: haha. <3
ok just needs a little patching up in parts
I am making one right now with a pair of white shorts. It looks amazing!!1
I love it! And peoples who complain, if caring something that looks like a set of boobs (aka corset purses that companies make) is “in”, why not jean & bra purses?
I’m with whoever said that so and so should get a grip. This idea is totally cute! And if you don’t think so, something is wrong.
Awesome! This idea is extremely creative!
it is so cute my friend is making me one right now and i keep checking for it in my mailbox
I can’t wait to make this, especially since I love lots of pockets, and I can still use all the jeans pockets. And as for the fat people comment- get a grip.
I had an idea similar to this, but didn’t have a plan.
I am using shorts with rhinestones in them, or you could glue rhinestones to it and add a funky belt! You could add your intial in rhinestones on one of the back pockets.
I think you did an excellent job!!!!
Members of the Red Hat Society can add a big red or purple flower and some rhinestones! This is a great idea. I’m digging in my closet for jeans that no longer fit me. Thanks for the pattern.
So Cute!! So Trendy!! Thanx!!
Very good idea. I was looking for something to do with my old dont fit anymore jeans!!Thanks!
i dont like how big the pockets are on the back of the purse, it makes it look like they came from a fat person
I am a senior citizen and have made many of these purses for friend. The person who said it looks like you are carrying around someone’s butt.(wrong)
This a fun thing and very practical as you cannot wear it out. You can match the belts with what you
A great way to use old jeans. And for everyone complaining that the glue won’t hold, just sew it.
I’m wondering, could you do this with pants other than jeans?
Good idea! Hmmm, looks like carrying a butt though!You could use only the leg as well nad make a sling bag instead!
I have a friend who did this & it looked great, but when i tried it, it looked pathetic. I think it was because of the poor quality of that pair of old jeans. But I think this is really cool & very innovative.
I like the idea with the back loop. Sewing will make it last longer, also undoo front and back seam & overlap seams to lay flat
I have made this purse for many years although I sew the botton shut. It works great and lasts forever, I made my first one for my daughter when she was 8, she is now 39 yrs. old. As I said this is one of my favorites, buy smaller jeans if you want to.
I love people are starting to do this again, as some said I did this 20 years ago. It is best to sew it if you hand stitch it it would be stronger. I like to use child size jeans and decrate with paint or and appl. I put a bandand thur the belt loops.
Can we please stop discussing why this item should be sewn rather than glued. It is clearly stated in the instructions the advantages of sewing
it’s a good idea but it won’t hold to the average purse usage. and it won’t hold long enough after what i put it though. so i would say sewing is the best way to go for this kind of project.
Fantastic design. Been doing this ever since this was on TV.It’s very easy to make even if you sew it!
My jeans = suitcase, LOL. I’d rather sew than glue but this does remind me how easy and cool they are.
Great idea!
so amazing thankx
This is and has been a very “HOT” way to recycle and jazz up a cool carry-all- Sewing will give anything more strength (sewing correctly that is) But… If you use Fabric-Tac it holds a great deal!
Now I can recycle some old jeans!
i made this for my friends birthday- she loved
I have alredy been doin this for two years now and i hate tht ppl are going to start doing it and im only a teenager so i cant patent it!
i’ve done something similar to this about 25 years ago, but i used the legs and plaited them to make handles. i loved it
nice! for more strength, you could tie the handles to the belt loops or attach them with large jump rings. No sew is fun but I would take a tapestry needle and some button and carpet thread, do a backstitch across the bottom and then add hot glue to make
This is the “IN” thing with all school age kids even high schoolers.. The glue isn’t the best idea for someone who will use this alot but it’s a good craft for my girl scout troop.. They love it.. Now everyone in school has one..
If you use a hot melt it would definetly with stand the weight, I know I tried it
It looks like you’re carrying around a butt. And, the glue is likely to not hold. Sewing it would be better.
Excellent, though I dont think I will use the my jeans or everyone will know how big my butt is