What you need
Folgers Coffee 34.5 or 39 ounce canister
I found this on line, used it with my kids and thought I would share it. There are festive designs already made – or you can print a blank template (my favorite )and have the kids design their own unique design.
I like it because it saves me some money and I like to recycle.
I have a large one on the kitchen counter for the organic food scraps, I put them in the worm box to make rich compost for my garden. Easy to clean & empty.
I’m thinking that if you have old christmas cards from people you have saved, you can use the front of the card as your pictures to put on the coffee cans. I have some beautiful cards I’m going to try to use.
Great craft idea, thanks for sharing
So glad I found your site. 20+ years ago I made a special box for my Mother, but we called it The Love Box. She passed away in 1996. Over the years the poem became dry & brittle & started falling apart, but I still have the box. Your poem is the same as the one on the box I had made except mine was filled with love instead of hugs. Now I can replace the poem and make some more boxes for my daughters. Thank you.
You could put in dry ingredients for a cake, cookie, cupcake, brownie etc. recipe. Add the recipe on a tag tied with a ribbon/bow ..
Very good idea until Folgers got greedy and started charging for the downloads (2009).
Very cute idea, I’m going to put Cookies and baked goods in them for the church bake sale.
great idea! tyvm
Very cute idea.
what a great idea! thanks for sharing.
Craftlvr 2008,can you please share a couple of your own labels for the coffee cans?Thanks Ann
Very clever and looks really nice. A good container to share your Christmas cookies.
I have been trying to find crafts to make out of the coffee canisters, I drink alot of coffee and have quite a few canisters lying around so I can’t wait to put them to good use. I will start out with the smaller ons.
very cute idea!
good idea!
Also great for turning into a Valentine box for the kids to take to school and collect their valentines in.
I did that last year. sky’s the limit with this idea
the 4 seasons are a wonderful project with this idea
i love the idea
My grandpa is a coffee fanatic, graet gift!
I like this one as I have a lot of cans and I also like to recycle
really very nice as well its looking so beautiful also.
What a great idea
What a wonderful idea!Just the thing I was looking for!
How about using wrapping paper also?
Loved it – WOW!! DID It!!! – easy to do, fun and gives me a use for the canisters. Thanks