What you need
See below
Purchase a small gift bag and fill with all or some of the items below along with a label explaining each romantic Valentine’s day token.
Jolly Rancher – all the times you’ve made me laugh
Hugs & Kisses – yours are simply the best!
Peppermint Patty – for the cool “SENSATIONS” you give me
Skittles – for the rainbow of excitement we share
Balloon – that you remind me to always reach for the sky
Cotton ball – to help soften the rough times.
Popcorn – cause you keep popping in to my thoughts
Match – we are a perfect “match”
Pom-pom ball – for the warm fuzzies you create.
Candle – You light up my life.
This is really neat. I’ve never seen one for Valentine’s day. Thanks.
omg! this is soooo cute!
I love this one, so sentimental!!! This is what good valentines days are made off!!!
Aww….perfect for my bestfriend! (Who is also my crush. [Guy])
Ngaaw. So cute (:
great for a fourth grade crush!!
this is sooo cute!
i like it alot.
awesome fun my friend loved it
great for a fourth grade crush!!
Awesome idea,very cute.madefriendship one’s many years ago.
arghhh so mushy
I forgot to add that for kids it would just need to be modified a little.
I think this is a very sweet idea. This is a perfect little gift for kids and adults alike.
cute, keep up the good ideas for other holidays
This is awesome! Can’t wait to use it!
Very cute idea!