What you need
34 inch x 6.5 inches (86cm x 16.5 cm) of Fabric
1 inch square of Velcro or a press stud
2.5 inches (6cm) of Elastic
Start by taking your length of fabric. Hem the 2 smaller edges for a neat finish. Fold it in half so that it is inside out (the print is facing inwards).
Following the steps in the image below, sew along the edge to close the strip to form a tube.
Take the elastic and sew it into place at end “A” by sewing it into place around 1/2 (1.5 cm) inch from the edge.
Using glue or sewing machine secure your Velcro into place by stitching one side of the Velcro to each side of the tube. This will stop the fabric from sliding down the stethoscope.
You could also substitute the Velcro for a press stud if you wish it depends on your sewing skills as to how you wish to tackle this project.
Once you have finished turn it the right way around so that the print is facing out.
Then thread it over your stethoscope with the elastic at the bottom and the press stud at the top.
All done!
Is the cover suppose to be a lot longer than the tubing? the cover is about 33″ long but the tubing is only about 22″ long. I am making this for a Christmas gift, so I want it to be right when they receive it.
Great! I tied a string around the body of the fabric so that it isn’t so bulky looking. I made this so i can throw it in the wash..I wear cover up and it gets all over the body of my stethoscope…very unsightly and very hard to clean!
I work for a home care agency and know what I am going to make for my nurses/therapists. As for those who question the sanitary issue, I do not see where this is any more risky than the clothes the nurse wear. They don’t change scrubs for every patient and when they lean over a patient (as they often have to) the material on the scrubs touch the patients, When I was in the hospital I always felt a little cheered at the bright, decorative scrubs nurse wore!
Please note that the use of stethoscope covers may not be possible as the medical facility may require the entire stethoscope be disinfected bewteen patients. This is especially true for high risk environments and populations.
As shown in several studies, the bell/diaphragm which touches the patient should ALWAYS be disinfected between patients. Or an acoustically neutral disposable cover or device might be used.
If permitted, cloth covers, beaded covers, ID tags etc SHOULD BE WASHED FREQUENTLY JUST LIKE SCRUBS, and they should not extend into the area of patient contact over the bell/diaphragm.
I think these are great! I am on my 4th or 5th stethoscope tubing in the past 10 years and they are close to $40 each. They get stiff and crack from the oils in our skin. So the covers make sense and for all the fuss of sanitary comments…….changing them after each patient is crazy!! I am not sure how you listen to your patients, but the only part that should be touching them is the bell. And where I work, if you are in a precautions room, you would not take your own stethoscope in!!! So on that note can not wait to have some of these made!
Stethoscope covers
Potential issues to examine:
1. Are they an infection control risk?
2. What organisms have been discovered to contaminate cloth materials used on stethoscope covers?
Milam, M. W., Hall, M., Pringle, T., & Buchanan, K. (2001). Bacterial contamination of fabric stethoscope covers: The velveteen rabbit of health care? Infection Control Hospital and Epidemiology, 22(10), 653-655. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk)
Takashima, M., Shirai, F., Sageshima, M., Ikeda, N., Okamot, Y., & Dohi, Y. (2004). Distinctive bacteria-binding property of cloth materials. American Journal of Infection Control, 32(1), 27-30. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk)
Duh If you make several covers and wash them every shift than it should actually be cleaner. How many people clean their whole stethoscope every shift.. You are crazy to think this is worse. Also it protects your neck from irritation so you down get sores on your neck and get bacteria down in the wound.
Never make a stethoscope cover! They harbor organisms and put patients at risk. any healthcare worker who uses stethoscope covers do not care about their patients. See article – The Velveteen Rabbit regarding stethoscope covers!
Great idea. My neck always got a rash from the stethoscope tubing. It protects the stethoscope as well as the wearer.
I think this is a great idea. And it is not unsanitary as the cloth part would not be touching the patient. As long as it was washed every so often.
I am so excited about finding this project! My son is a doctor and is currently in Iraq. His two youngest daughters are making this next week to send him for Christmas. We plan to try the suggestion for elastic in the hem.
Haven’t tried this project yet but look forward to making it. I have read all the posted comments. I saw on one of the doctor’s covers she had a little bow tied and sewn over where the snap or velcro would go and it was super cute! Just another idea to share.
its definitely not impossible..
WOW – this was SO easy to make. I have to agree with the others that the elastic should to enclosed in the hem at the bottom…before the sides are sewn. Not sure about the size yet. Giving as a gift to a nursing student today. Will get her feedback
Thank you for the instructions. I’ve been wanting to make them since seeing them at my doctor’s office. One of the craft shows I attend is at an assisted living center. These will be great to exhibit at next show. Again thank you … joy
this should be 8 1/2″ because the smaller size when turned will not fit the stethoscope, it is wider at the top then the fabric tube when turned
The covers are cute. Keep the oils from wearing the tubing out so fast, and God knows the rubber tubing can be quite irratating on your neck. That way we don’t have to take it off and forget it when we room our next patient.
I agree, it’s impossible to sew the elastic in after sewing the tube. Other than that, very simple project that’s a perfect gift!
I’m in Nursing – and I think these are great. Stethoscopes are expensive if you use a really good one. My question is to the commenters who obviously are not in the medical profession. Do nurses wash their scrubs between each patient? Same concept.
I’ll definitely try this pattern. A good stethoscope is expensive.
About the concern for cleanliness: as an RN, I am expected to keep everything clean. It’s a good idea to have a couple of these covers on hand, then you always have a clean one.
this is a very easy and quick pattern. makes a fast gift for the nursing student! thanks.
These covers actually protect the stethoscope from the oils around the neck, prolonging the life of the stethoscope itself.
great pattern. yes it is easier to sew elastic before sewing edges closed.
Great easy gift to make for the medical people in my life!
Here’s a little tip::: I sew the elastic on the end BEFORE I sew the long edge closed and it’s much easier! Thanks for the info, you’ve done great!
great idea!

i study medicine
and is not unsanitary, the tube part doesn’t touch the patient, and you can wash the cover periodically, not wait untill is black-dirty… i think this is great for kids that are scared of doctors
the cover isn’t actually on the part of the stethoscope that touches the patient…they don’t disinfect the entire piece between patients, just the part that touches them.
Super cute though. Very scrubs chic.
this is really unsanitary. i cannot believe that a hospital staff would think it’s ok to use this. stethoscopes have to be constantly disinfected, an di can only imagine how dirty those covers are going to get.
Have looked all over for the pattern!!! Thanks
Neat idea, but how sanitary is it? You’d have to wash it between patients, wouldn’t you?
Very easy instructions!–Amazing gift for doctors.
I love this one. It`s something I would never have thought of.Thanks a bunch
Great Idea !!! Can’t wait to make a bunch for the gang!
Great project but first two items measured by inches, last by cm’s – let’s keep it uniform, it’s confusing!