What you need
Assorted scrapbooking supplies
Over a long period of time collect articles on cooking tips , helpful hints and recipes. You can get these from Magazines cut-out’s , photocopies from recipe books or back of product recipe cards and ideas.
Once you have collected an assortment of recipes combine them all in a protected plastic folder.
The craft concept in this gift idea is not to just place each magazine page or printout straight into the folder sleeves but to creatively display them. Using the same techniques as scrapbooking for photographs and archives create beautiful borders surrounds and background pages to display your recipes on.
Use fancy cut scissors to give cut-outs a creative edge and surround your recipes with themed pictures.
Some ideas are:
Love hearts and romantic pictures for meals for 2 or special occasion recipes.
Christmas pictures for recipes related to food for the holiday or pictures related to the recipe ingredients Apples for apple pie ..etc.
While this project may seem a little time consuming. It is well worth the effort to have a handmade Recipe book to hand down to your children or to give away as a gift.
Note: If you want to keep this project for many years to come then ensure contents are acid free as with all scrapbooking supplies.
This project was contributed by Xiomi Overman She is a freelance writer living in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. She loves Scrapbooking and Craft projects too. She has a Recipe-Scraps ezine, specially for Recipe Scrapbooking. This is the email address in order to subscribe to the ezine: recipescraps_group-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
What a great idea! My sister and I want to start scrapping together and this will be a wonderful way to start. Thanks!
I just started a recipe scrapbook for my daughter-n-law as a surprise for her birthday. I am decorating the recipe cards and including pictures but also laminating the recipe card for future use.
My best friend and I, along with our husbands and children, have a Thanksgiving Pajama Party Turkey Feast and we actually started making a scrapbook this year with all of our recipes and personal notes on the modifications we made to each one of them. We will probably also include photos of the processes and finished product on each as well. This is a great project and one that we thought we could share with our girls as they get old enough to help us in the 2 day preparations of our celebration!
This is an amazing idea! I am an aspiring chef and I have also always been into arts and crafts! I cannot believe I hadn’t thought of this before! Instead I keep my recipes all boring-like in a word document! This brings the two halves of me together! LOVE IT!
This is a great idea, I am surprised I did not think of it myself. Have a lot of recipes in a plan folder. Can now start a recipe scrapbook.
Great Idea
I crafted a cookbook for my future daughter-in-law for Christmas. I found out the colors she wanted in her kitchen and padded the album. I included my son’s favorite meals also. She really enjoyed showing it off to friends and family.
I love it, want to try to do my own now
Very cute. Good to use if you are making a jar of something gift. i am going to try it.
its awsome i also can make that in two mins
There are receipe scrapbooking kits available(BoBunny for example.I’m working on a family cookbook where I get fav receipes from family members and complie a scrabook.Then I send everyone a copy as a gift.Ialso include a small bio on each contributor.
that was great
can’t wait 2 try it!!!
This is a great idea for people like me who collect recipes, but it’d be nice to see more sample idea’s for a beginer.
this would be a great thing to do on a rainy day or any day
I was never into reg scrapbooking, but my granny passed away a few yrs ago, leaving tons of recipes. What a great way to commemorate someone, or to do in general! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity!
great for when you
bring somthing people really like
I love your site…I have been looking for a craft site forever…You guys are awesome:)
I collect recipes so I love this!
I think this would be a great gift to get when newly married. I sure would like to have had one.
I thought it was a very good idea, not only for Newly weds but maybe for a gift for a friend. Kathleen
Loved the layout, I’m doing a recipe book you had some good idea’s to add to it Thanks
I think that is a great idea. Never thought of doing something like that and yeah great idea as awedding gift or some one just starting out on their own.
I would like to see more paper and other items for recipe scrapbooking
This is an awesome idea! I think I’ll start working on this for my mum who’s a Chef!