What you need
Distilled Springwater
Liquid Soap
Assorted Herbs
Especially when you’re in a hurry to find someone that perfect’ gift, keep in mind that you can make a bottle of organic, home-made shampoo. Putting it into a gift bag or basket with other bath products will make it even more special. If you’re searching for a shampoo that will shine your hair or clean the excess oil, dandruff, falling hair, or just make it smell like a pure herbal essence then read on.
In fact, by making your own brand of shampoo you’ll be able to help others who might have a similar hair type and are still using those fake commercial shampoos.
Most commercial cosmetic companies want to sell you a product that’s falsely labelled as natural.’ In reality, the only natural ingredient in a bottle of the herbal’ shampoos you find in discount stores and supermarkets is the water. And it’s pretty much a given that they all contain one very unwholesome ingredient: sodium lauryl sulfate.
This is a synthetic foaming agent that admittedly does its job in the lathering department, but has also been known to cause cataract-forming protein, along with a host of skin allergies, dandruff, and hair loss! If you use a shampoo with this ingredient once or twice a year, it won’t harm you, but most people use it as often as everyday.
The perfumes’ and fragrances’ you see listed on the bottles of shampoo don’t give you a clue as to WHAT type they are. Is it an expensive perfume containing a host of inviting floral and woodsy ingredients? Probably not. Those fragrances–there can be over 100 of them–usually come from a lab, not an organically grown and dried herb.
And here’s one final consideration. Do you want to support companies that test chemicals on animals?
Before we begin, it’s a good idea to match your hair type with the herbs that will benefit you the most. No essential oils are needed! Herbs sold in bulk are far less expensive and just as effective. So budgeters, rejoice! Most herbs are priced on average of $3 for 4 ounces and you only need a few tablespoons to put in your shampoo.
Normal – Lucky you! No excess oil or dryness means that you can use most products and your hair still looks good!
Recommended herbs: Horsetail, red clover, chamomile and marigold if you’re blonde. Crushed lavender flowers, rosemary for growth.
Dry – Well, at least you don’t have to wash your hair everyday!
Recommended herbs: Comfrey root or leaf, red clover, crushed orange flowers, crushed lavender flowers, elder flowers, chamomile flowers and marigold if you’re blonde and jojoba oil added to the shampoo base.
Oily – Often-times the oil is caused by environmental pollutants and/or poor diet. Sometimes it’s hereditary.
Recommended herbs: Nettle leaves, rosemary leaves, peppermint leaves, burdock leaves, tea tree leaves, orris root and lemongrass. You have a wide range of choices at least!
Black or Very Coarse/Curly: Special care for curly hair.
Recommended herbs: Nettle leaves, rosemary leaves
, sage, crushed lavender flowers
, indigo root
, comfrey leaves
, jojoba oil
added to the shampoo base. Gray Sage, rosemary, nettle. Also, check with herbs suited for your recommended type.
Hair loss – Whether it’s environmental, hereditary, or illness-related, there’s a good chance that herbs will help. Of course you’ll consult with your physician or homoeopathic practitioner first!
Recommended herbs: Rosemary leaves, crushed lavender flowers, tea tree leaves, sage, nettle and basil.
Dandruff – It is a problem, but one that can hopefully be solved using herbs.
Recommended herbs: Nettle, comfrey leaves, birch and/or white willow barks, peppermint and lemongrass
If you want to make shampoo yourself using pure castile soap made from up to 50% olive oil, herbs that correspond to your hair type that will make your hair smell terrific, then read on, the recipes are here!
Recipe #1 — SO EASY!
All this involves is for you to purchase a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s olive oil castile soap from any health food stores variety of scents including: almond, aloe vera, baby-mild, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, and rosemary extract and tea tree. Just select the one that pleases your nose and/or hair type and there you are!
Bottle sizes range from a travel-size 4 ounces to a hefty 5-gallon jug. Made from vegetable oils, the saponified coconut oil produces enough suds to please even the most finicky fan of lather!
For the rest of you who prefer to make your own herbal shampoo you’ll need the following items:
Plastic or glass bottles [8 ounces]
Glass jar [12 ounces or more] OR glass bowl
Tea kettle or saucepan [non-aluminum]
Strainer [stainless steel or bamboo]
Distilled or spring water
Select two or three herbs for your hair type. When purchasing herbs, you don’t need to get them powdered, just cut.All herbs used for these recipes are dried. However, if you’re fortunate enough to have an herb garden, use double to triple the amount of FRESH herbs.
For people who have blonde hair and want to keep it that way, stay with lighter colored herbs. Many herbs are used as colorants so consult with professional herbal practitioners.
The shampoo you make will not be a visually pleasing bright blue or lime green, but it will smell better and most important of all, it will only enhance the health of your hair.
7 ounces distilled or spring water
4 Tablespoons liquid castile soap [1 oz.]
5- 6 Tablespoons of herbs [choose at least 2 for your hair type]
Note: If using whole flowers such as marigold or red clover, it’s a good idea to crush them first. While lavender flowers are small, crushing them invokes even more of their aroma.
Boil water.
Put herbs in strainer.
Add the liquid castile soap to the bottle that you’ll be using for the finished shampoo.
Pour boiling water over the herbs, squeezing the last bits with the back of a spoon. Cover the container and allow the herbs to steep for 10-30 minutes, depending upon how strong you want the mixture. Make sure none of the leaves have fallen into the herbal water.
Transfer the herbal mixture into the liquid castile soap and you’ve got your shampoo.
If you’re making this is a gift, you can be creative and call it a private label shampoo naming it after yourself or personalizing it for the recipient. Be sure to list the ingredients. You might also want to enclose the recipe if you’re giving it to someone who enjoys making bath products.
For your own use it’s wise to write down the herbs you’ve used and the amount. Date the product as it has a shelf life of about 1 year.
This Home Made Recipe was contributed by Lisa Maliga
Amazing results with this recipe. I steeped 6 tbsp of crushed dried herbs in 1 cup of water (2 tbsp nettles, 2 tbsp horsetail, half a tbsp lavender, half a tbsp oat straw, half a tbsp white sage, half a tbsp rosemary) for 30 minutes. Mixed this infusion with 4 tbsp Dr Bronners baby mild castile soap. Turns a sort of pleasant creamy opaque green when you add the soap.. Lathered up wonderfully in the shower, almost too much!! Rinsed out to leave my hair feeling squeaky clean. As a final conditioning rinse I mixed 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar with a cup of cold water, poured it over my hair, and didn’t rinse. My hair is dry now and it feels clean, light, and soft. The sage darkens my brown hair slightly and it is very shiny.
May be a bit too drying for daily use, so I may stick to mixing up a batch once a week or something. I may also add some jojoba or sweet almond oil to make it more moisturizing.
Great recipe! Thank you!
I am wondering why there are no replies to the comments and concerns. I have a batch going right now and would like to know what to change to make sure it will do what it’s supposed to
Just try that out earlier this week. I use a foam pump to make it foam when apply to hair, then the foam disappear quickly, I don’t feel like I can smooth it evenly in hair before rinsing…not sure if I clean my hair completely, any advice? I guess i mix it with a ratio like 1:7..didn’t measure precisely..
After cleaning, it feels weird than using shampoo, if those weird feeling means it’s clean, it’s fine. Please advice if i am wrong.
Found some comment saying don’t make a lot and it can turn bad..how long should i assume it stay safe? I used a small hand soap bottle to make it…so it’s about 7 oz….i guess it last a few weeks at least….would it be fine?
Seems my hair look dull by using it…
I live in MA.
Hi I also bought Dr. Bronner’s liquid Castile soap and trying to make the receipe you have suggested. But I have no idea where I could buy the dried hebs? Would it be available in stores like Whole Foods? I can’t wait to try out your receipe? Thanks for sharing!
For dry hair…how much jojoba oil should I add to the shampoo base? I’ve made a similar version of this with xanthan gum and it works great.
Those complaining of a dirty, oil, weird feeling…if you’ve never used castile soap before, it makes your hair that way because it’s completely clean. Crazy, I know. To help battle that use a diluted vinegar rinse.
Made it with no-brand shampoo base and though watery, it foams very well. Cause of its consistency it spreads easily so you only use a little. Also, I added a few drops of mint and rosemary essential oils and it works wonderfully! My hair are healthier and thicker.
However, I agree with a previous comment, I strongly suggest you make half the recipe and store in the refrigerator ALWAYS. Even if you add some preservative. The first time I made this, it had gone bad after only 3-4 days! I mean really bad smelling and a congealed jelly thingy swimming all around…yak! So depending on how often you shampoo, make half a batch or a whole (if you shampoo every day for example). It should last for a week or two. Don’t use after a month in any case!!
So bottom line, great project. My only objection is the shelf life. No way this lasts about a year! REFRIGERATE!
This sounds amazing – I can’t wait to try this!!!
Thank u so much… step by step instructions n no extra bull… love it…
Really good! It actually works
It brought out my hair color better than John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette did! Not to mention it took like, 25 minutes out of my day AND left the house smelling AMAZING.
My hair feels sexy. Thankyou!<3
Thank you for the information in your sight! I am making the shampo tonight and looking forward to making some of your mixtures for the face. You are a wonderful person for sharing!
I just tried this. I used a tea bag’s worth of peppermint, along with things from my hair type category. I have no dandruff. I tried many store treatments and nothing worked. This is great.
actualy i found this thx a lot
good but come on please come and make it lill easier so its easier for those not able to go 2 the store in time 2 make
how long those that shampoo last for???
Thanks so much! I have been wondering how to do this!
wow! i was thinking about doing this
I’m putting the liquid in the castile soap base right, not the actual herbs?
totally luv it…. i luv d idea of usin’ herbs…. i shud have used this project… nice!
Thank you so much! i have been looking for a recipe for homemade herbal shampoo since i have this herbal garden that i’ve been drying for the winter time and have a little too much herbs for cooking. Thank you so much! This is a project I cant wait to try with my children
Wow! Nice.. thnx for your project
Good project. There’s an error in it though. 4 Tablespoons = 2 Ounces not one. A ratio of soap to water of 2 to 7 is much better than 1 to 7, but it’s still very watery.
Neat! I love the different hair type reccomendations!
I’ve been looking for a half-descent shampoo recipe forever, but now I’ve finally found one! Thanks bunches!
Be aware that coconut products in shampoos, bathing products have become high on the list of allergens and can cause severe scalp and hair conditions.
I recommend using a Castile shampoo with pure 100% extra virgin cold pressed olive oil.
Many of the shelf Castile soap shampoos are a combination of oils, one of which is usually coconut oil.
Read your labels and if you read: contains other oils, or mostly olive oil think twice before buying.
I learned the hard way to avoid all brand name shelf shampoos.
Thanks for the recipe, marie
simply superb instructions are provided.very helpful in making my project. Thank you so much for publishing this article.
I made this shampoo and loved the scent; however, my hair never feels clean after using it. I have tried washing it and repeating and rinsing extra, but nothing seems to help. My hair feels dirty and oily, but I have never had a problem with oily hair. I used almond castile liquid soap, fresh rosemary, and fresh apple mint. Any suggestions?
Add Vitamin E oil to the shampoo and this should inhibit the growth of bacteria.
you shampoo recipe is brilliant.I’m using it all the time and my partner loves it.Thanks for the recipe.vickyx
are the herbs supposed to be fresh??
ok, so i followed the directions and tried to make three different shampoos from herbs and castille soap and the overall mixture works well but the end product stunk (literally). Is there anyone that can help me?? Any ideas on what i did wrong?
citizen stinkified
What a bout a preservative?? All that water and herbs is a breeding ground for bacteria, mold and fungi. The castille soap is made a certain way and is preserved by the pH level, but that is altered once you start messing with it.
Come on guys, think about, no preservative poses a risk because it means all the nasty bugs can thrive and grow!! And the worse thing is, you can’t always see them.
It would be better to make it up fresh every time.
wow that looks really neat, i think ill try it!!
For the person with silver hair, you could try adding just a drop of Mrs. Stewart’s Liquid Bluing to the mix. It is non-toxic and biodegradable and I know many stylists have used it for years to lighten/brighten white/silver/gray hair that has yellowed from product usage or nicotine stains. The package says it can be used on hair. Go to mrsstewart.com for more info. I have used it for years to brighten whites in the laundry. I am not in any way affiliated with Mrs. Stewart’s, just a long time very satisfied user.
This is an excellent recipe! I have been using a chamomile tea version for a month now, and am enjoying a healthier conscience as well as healthier hair. For those of you concerned with the thinness of homemade shampoo, pour it into a spray bottle. It minimizes waste and really allows you to spray it in the areas YOU want it to go to. Now…how about a conditioner? I’ve been using a vinegar-water rinse, but it’s bothering the rest of my skin. Any ideas?
most organic shampoos turn my silver hair a horrible yellow. Is there an herb or essential oil that is blue but most important safe to use on hair.
I haven’t made the shampoo yet but it sounds good. It also seems like a watery recipe but I’ll customise mine so there won’t be as much liquid. At this point I’m tired of those chemical shampoos that are sold everywhere. These people formulate products with ingredients which they know are harmful to us and I wonder if they have a heart.
I love it! Thank you
how long can the shampoo be kept? thankyou
If it’s too watery, I think you can boil less water for it.
i thought it was great
Way too watery. But I appreciate the effort!
this shampoo is excellent and althogh watery can be used effitiantly bu using a small holed bottle top. just wundering though it tends to make my scalp a bit itchy tho and leaves a bit of a residue, does any one know why this might be?
Concerning the itchiness, you may possibly have an allergy to one of the herbs in the mixture or maybe need to use a rinse eg: vinegar based rinse.
i love this idea, but i was wondering if there was a different kind of soap, one that wouldn’t make my hair feel so, well…squeaky.
wow i’m going over to a health food store now. your directions and recipies are easy to follow and your suggestions are great. thank you
You caught my attention when you asked, do I want products tested on animals? LOVE IT!!!That is when I printed the info on your site!
2 thumbs and even toes up!Hehe.Best google homemade shampoo result ive found.Thax!
great will it rinse out well or should one follow with a vinegar rinse
simple Idea
very, very, very, helpful. the best ‘how to make my own shampoo’ google result!!!
These recipes sound great and I’m going to try some very soon. I was wondering about what herbs to use for my redheaded little girl? And a detangler or conditioner? She has beartiful long red hair and I would like to make my own conditioner.
Angie, TN
My beatician use it on my granddaughters hair and thought it is very good and she loved the smell. Also said that her hands felt very soft.
I Love this and so does everyone in my home! Thank you!
thanks…good information.
For the person who wants a thicker shampoo you might like xanthan gum. A little goes a LONG way. It’s expensive but i also use it for my low carb diet to thicken gravies and such…You should probably add it to the water using a blender first…
I just tried using baking soda as shampoo (don’t ask) and I wanted to try something that smelled nicer, hope it gets rid of my oily hair:)
Thanks for the clues on how to make a lemongrass peppermint shampoo.
Advice. Can I use Essential oil instead of boiling the herbs? Will it work just about fine or what?
I Got this recipe from my daugther who was on this site and i tryed it. It was fantastic. The herb i used made my hair smell wonderful.I used a mint, and some other herbs and i think the mint gave it an extra flair!Anyone who wants to try this GO for it!
it is safe and effective!
my email address is charlotte2world@yahoo.co.uk ive tried to make the shampoo but wondered what i can use to make it more thicker like a shop brought shampoo, is it glyserine? It smelt amazing thought. please reply as i am keen to try again thank you.
I loved the in depth explination of herbs for hair type.I wish there was a way to not purchase the soap base and make your own, but I am happt the base was organic and readily available..
Great for dandruff and icthy scalp.
Love it, so easy. I used rosemary and lavander and since I have thin hair, it came out thicker looking once dried and the waves have finally come back. It is watery but I hardly needed to use much at all.
it’s a good recipe, similar to a family recipe of mine , great for people starting to work with herbs or just being more earth friendly!
Yes it is watery, but you still use the same amount as commercial shampoos. Making second batch today after our family used it for 2 months for the first batch. Smells and works great! Love it!
I tried this recipe. It is so watery I went through it in just a few shampoos. I can’t imagine doing this every few days. It did smell good because I used fresh herbs, but my hair was squeeky clean just like washing it with a bar of soap. Thank goodne