Frozen Ghoul & Mummy Hands

Frozen Ghoul & Mummy Hands

Place this frozen ghoul hand into your punch bowl for a floating gross-ness the kids will love.

What you need

Plastic Glove
green food dye
Rubber bands


Start by mixing some food dye with water.

Carefully fill the glove up until it fills and defines the hand.

Secure the glove with rubber bands.

Place it in the freezer for 24 hours or until frozen and cut away the rubber glove.

Use plain water for coloured punch and call it a Mummy’s Hand!


  1. that’s such a cute idea!

  2. I stuck witches finger tips in the gloves and it looked great!

  3. egyptologist1992 says

    that’s a cool idea makes me want to have a party!!!!!!!!

  4. its peanut butter jelly time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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