What you need
Metal cookie cutters (choose the kind that are open on the top)
Play dough or modeling clay
Candle wick
Candle wax (you can melt down old candles to use for this project, if you have them)
Clean tin can
Cooking pan (choose an old one in case you get wax on it)
Pencil or a popcicle stick.
Aluminum foil
1. Squeeze the tin can slightly so that it bends in a bit on two sides, which will make a better shape for pouring the melted wax. Put some candle wax in the can, or use chunks of old partially used candles. Place an inch or two of water in the bottom of the cooking pan and place the can in the water. Place on the stove and heat over a low temperature until the candle wax is melted.
2. While the wax is melting, roll the clay or play dough out onto a piece of aluminum foil. Make a slab about a half inch thick, sized so that your cookie cutter can be used and still leave a border area.
3. Center the cookie cutter on the slab of clay and press it in partially so that it sticks into the clay but doesn’t go the whole way through.
4. Cut a piece of candle wick that is about an inch longer than the height of the cookie cutter. Press one end into the clay in the middle of the cookie cutter shape. You only need to press it into the clay far enough so that it can stand up straight. Make sure the wick extends about a half inch above the top edge of the cookie cutter
5. Lay the pencil or popcicle stick over the top edge of the cookie cutter, so that the candle wick has something to lean against for stability, keeping it upright.
6. Once the wax has completely melted, pour it carefully inside the cookie cutter, making sure not to dislodge the wick, so that it is filled almost to the top.
7. Let the candle wax harden completely (this should take about an hour). You can place the candle in the freezer for about fifteen minutes near the end to get it really hard, which makes it easier to remove from the mold. Remove the cookie cutter from the clay, push the candle out, and trim the wick on the bottom and top, leaving enough wick length on the top to burn the candle.
8. Place in a dish of water and enjoy.
With signature design style, Jessica Ackerman, an online writer with WallDecorandHomeAccents.com, describes bold approaches to wall crosses and tree of life metal wall decor.
Excellent project! I’m gonna do this today, or tomorrow.. and the next day, and next…