What you need
Broken or discarded computer keyboard
Flat head screwdriver
Small nail
Safety glasses
Dish soap
Jump rings
Dremel tool with grinding attachment (optional)
Jewelers glue (optional)
Prepare Keyboard Keys
Begin by removing the keys from the keyboard. This is easily done on most older keyboards by prying each key upwards with a flat head screwdriver. Some of the newer keyboards use small metal spring arms and require each key to be pushed in a certain direction to be removed. If you are having trouble with your keyboard Google the brand/model and ‘key removal’.
Some keys, like the ones pictured, are attached to the keyboard via four plastic pieces on the back of each key. You may or may not wish to remove them depending on their size, appearance, and how you would like them to lay or hang when being worn.
To remove the plastic pieces twist each one separately with the pliers until it snaps off. Most of the pieces should break neatly at the base but for those that don’t you can use a dremel tool with a grinding attachment to quickly smooth rough edges.
Next, you will need to make holes for stringing or attaching jump rings. If the keys are to be strung you will need to make a hole on each side of the key, if they are to be hung as pendants or earrings you will need to make only one hole at the top of each key.
The following step should be done outdoors or in a well ventilated area! Don’t forget to wipe the nail with a rag between each hole you make. Doing so will help ensure each hole is as clean as possible.
More importantly though, it will minimize the amount of plastic you are burning, keeping this an earth-friendly recycled project!
To make each hole:
Use the pliers to hold the tip of the nail in the candle flame for approximately thirty seconds then quickly pierce the key from the back side. To smooth the edges around the hole, re-heat nail and insert again starting from the front side of the key.
When all necessary holes have been made thoroughly wash and dry each key.
Key chain – Attach one jump ring through the hole at the top of a keyboard key. With a second jump ring, connect the end of a key chain and the jump ring holding the keyboard key.
I’m thinking about making this for some of my friends/family…and me of course!
Yay! Now to find a use for the circuit boards..Haha
Now where did I put that old keyboard, I know I didn’t throw it away. Totally have to try this one.
very creative!
love it!
Perfect Fathers Day gift.
Totally don’t own powertools, but I used an electric nail file to smooth the edges and bored the holes myself with a hot pin… the slower method, true, but same results