What you need
1.7 pints (1 litre) of bubble bath
5 drops of cinnamon essential oil
5 drops of sandalwood oil
5 drops of patchouli oils
This is a great recipe to turn a basic bubble bath into a luxurious bottle of bubbles. You can buy your ready made bubble bath from any supermarket store.
If you are going to change the color of your bubble bath then you will need to find a clear bubble bath.
Start by pouring out your store bought bubble bath and placing it into a large clean jug so you can add the ingredients.
Take your bubble bath base and add your essential oils. Add the food color at this stage if you wish to change the color.
If you are transferring your bubble bath into a new decorative bottle, then make sure your decorative glass bottle or jar is clean.
Using a steady hand, pour your luxurious bubble bath into the new bottle. This is a great way to make quick personal gifts.
This is a great idea, I’m going to make one for my girlfriend.
good job with the jars:D
I thought it was a good bath product!
This is preety good. Smells great!