This list of simple and fashionable one-of-a-kind sewing projects are going to have you showing off your best in no time. Want to highlight both your creative and seductive side? Here’s what’s IN this spring for your inspiration.
What you need
Mainly, for all 5 projects, you will need: pins, a sewing machine, and fabric scissors.
Particularly, for each project you will need:
1. Fabric: Silk or chiffon
2. Leather; leather belt, and rivets
3. Twill, a zipper
4. Two yards of silky fabric, a yard of pom-pom trim, and elastic
5. Leather and fabric
She’s wearing a Kimono!
Image source: Pinterest
Oh, yes! Who doesn’t love a kimono? The spring brings on romantic breezes and when you’re in a sundress, the kimono is a perfect touch up to your mysterious situation. Even newbie sewers can handle this; it’s ready in less than 30 minutes. Silk or chiffon should be the fabric of choice for your kimono, and the piece should measure 40” x 55”. Then all you need is pins, an easy-to-use sewing machine, and fabric scissors.
You will fold the fabric in half, measure down at the 6 inch and 10-inch mark and draw a line. Then join your marks to form an L on both sides. If you pin along the Ls, you know where to cut.
From there, you sew your seams together. Then, find the middle of your rectangle and cut height wise from top to bottom. Fold about an inch of fabric from the center, sew on the edges, and you’re done. Everyone will want to know where you got the gorgeous kimono. Take pride now! It’s yours and it’s you!
Maxi Bag Just for Me!
Image source: Pinterest
Let’s face it – we have a lot of stuff to bring with us anywhere we go. Yes, men wear them too! The maxi bag is a lot like the hobo bag in that it’s huge. It’s plenty of space to bring your wallet, your makeup, and anything else that you want when going to the mall or even spending the night at a friend’s house.
You choose the color, which can be a solid or a print. Many choose leather just to make sure it stays clean and looks great. Along with the material, all you need is a leather belt, rivets, and some thread. There are plenty of bag patterns online, but you’re basically going with a large shape that starts at about 30 inches long and looks like a rectangle with a smaller rectangle on the bottom.
With a few folds and marks, the hobo bag is almost complete. The belt is used to create handles and the rivets are to put it into position. Next thing to do is take your pride – like Blake Lively – to your heart and since we’re there, to your Pinterest account.
Zipped Lips Pouch. Kiss-Kiss, Bang-Bang!
Image source: Pinterest
How cute would it be to have a zippered pouch in the shape of lips? I look cooler with it, cause I’m a man. But you can wear that playful pouch with your girly flair much better than me! I dare you to show it off below!
You can draw your pattern on a piece of paper to mirror the size you want. Twill is one of the best materials to use, but it can be anything, including felt. You will draw your outline on the material, cut it out twice, and then cut down the centre for the top and bottom lip to be separate on only one of the cut-outs.
A sports zipper will form a big part of this lips pouch. You will sew the bottom lip to one side of the zipper and the top lip to the other side of the zipper. Then, you sew the full lips that weren’t cut onto the other side. Will the lip pouch be a hit among your girlfriends? It sure will, baby doll! Make sure you chose the same colour for your lip gloss when you rock your latest creation!
Floral Skort Me, I’m SO Envious!
Image source: Pinterest
Skorts are so back in fashion I’m tempted to make one for myself! Choose a floral fabric and you’re all set. That’s it. Instant hit! It has a strong stylish look; you won’t be able to find in anywhere in stores. The only things you need to create that drooling look are two yards of silky fabric, a yard of pom-pom trim, elastic, fabric scissors, pins, and a sewing machine (or needle and thread).
You will need to do some measurements so that it fits you. Do an inseam and waist measurement and decide on the length. From there, you will be able to cut out a parallelogram of sorts, with a backward J cut on the inside. Use an actual pattern if you haven’t done this before. A few pieces will end up being cut and then folded and/or sewn together. These will be sewn, followed by adding elastic at the waist and pom-poms around the base of the skort, all the way to the angled part that goes up to the waist in the front. Divine, isn’t it?
Passport Cover – More like Passport Cover Excuse!

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Image source: Pinterest
Okay, this one is more of a dare. Whether you’re planning to visit the Caribbean, jet set to Paris, or go anywhere else, flash your creativity and aspiration! Each time you open that drawer, you’ll be reminded of what counts the most to you! A passport cover doesn’t take long at all to make, and with the right fabric, you’ll mirror your soul into that cover!
With leather, fabric, scissors, and a needle and thread, you can get this done in under 30 minutes – faster if you use a sewing machine. The leather and the fabric should be cut to the same size, which is just a little larger than the size of your passport when it’s open. The fabric will extend a little over the covers, which will form little pockets. To help you with the measurements, lay out your passport book and use binder clips to hold the fabric in place until you start to stitch.
Pretty soon…voila!
Whatever your style, spice that thing with a confident attitude and you’ll win your day and this new season over!
What do you think of this project? Let us know!