What you need
Old T-shirt
Needle and thread or craft glue
If you are making this project in a large group you can obtain the t-shirts from your local thrift shop.
Start by laying out the shirt flat on a table. You can either sew the edges or glue them the choice is yours. Stitching will be more durable but for kids or a quick craft you can just glue the seams.
Glue or stitch the bottom of the shirt and the arm holes closed. Leave the neck area open for the filling.
A soft fiber fill stuffing will work well, but you can use other items such as beans, foam chunks or old rags.
Gently fill the shirt until it is nice and plump looking, then either glue or sew the neck hole closed with small stitches.
For a fun effect add some badges to the t-shirt pillow.
gonna try this one..it looks cute
Love this!
im redecorating my room and need some cute, cheap ideas. This is a a great project when you dont have the money to buy brand new things. SCORE!
be care ful needles are sharp :[
i also used shredded old shirts for filling its just as soft =]
5 i ♥ this idea =]
5 stars its so cute!!
That’s cute! I love it! Great of airplanes! :p
This is a Great project and my kids love it.
kool! Now when my doctow who shirt doesnt fit me i will know what to do!!!!!!!!!
i made one out of pants with owls on them. they are baby blue pants with purple and blue owls on them. soooooo cute
totally wicked XD
this is my new fav website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
so cool! i have way too many shirts that are too small for me so this project is perfect!
I’m am13 and me and my gramma are probab;y going to do this today with a t-shirt that my friend outgrew and gave to me. it is a TEAM EDWARD t-shirt, goota love team edward, and the shirt doesn’t fit me so im gonna recycle it but instead im gonna cut the arms off first……
I had an old beatles tshirt that hasnt fit me for years. so im glad i could finnaly use it.
Loved the idea! I was searching for a project that can be done by our mental patients this is perfect!
neat! (and quite tidywhen making)
OMG! I was completely stumped on what to get my friend 4 her b-day! I’ll totally make her this! She loves anything plushie!
great feeling
it’s a really good idea. all the materials are in the house. it looks really cute and your using recycled stuff.
very fun! my daughter had some old sport shirts which i made into pilows for her! then after her season i collected all her teammates jersey and made them into pillows for them after everyone signed them!
Awesome Idea!!! I love it! my t-shirt says “My cat walks all over me” on it and there is paw prints all over it too
if you have a old t shirt you don’t have to throw it away
this is sooooooooo cute!!!!!
i like to cut the sleeves off before i sew so it is more of a pillow shape
I will deffinatly do this and the t-shirt bag. lol.
I have been decorating T-shirts with computer transfers. Some of them have not transfered well and I was wondering what to do with them. This may be the answer especially if I can add a badge or something over the trasfer that didn’t come out. Thanks
Awesome idea! I’m 13 and i like to teach my little sisters crafts and such so this will be really fun for them.
What a delightful idea! So easy and fun for the kids.
I will deffinatly do this and the t-shirt bag. lol.
omg this is tre cute!
I did the same thing even thought I am 11
Very cool looking
So cute. I think i may have to make some out of t-shirts my little sister has outgrown. They will look adorable at the bottom of my bed.
I have done this before, My daughter had a tshirt that was made for the relay for Life, it was air brushed, “in Honor of Honey and Pa” (these are her grandparents) After her pa passed, and she outgrew the shirt it was VERY comforting to her to snuggle it.
I’m making these also for christmas presents ! I also made one out of my daughter’s onies it was a little more diffcult but it still was easy and fun!
im think of making this for my friends for christmas or just using some of my old tee shirts for my slef
Im 12. what if you make pillows out of skirts. If u make the tshirt 2, then you can have a matching outfit:)
Im 12. gonna make this w/ my friends. I bet even cool kids won’t laugh at me because these pillows are too cool:>
These are so easy to make! I’m going to make them for the kids in my son’s preschool class w/there names on them !
cute idea I am going to let my grandson design his own for his room he is 4 and I think this is something he would love thank you!!
I like it! I would be so cool if it was one of those shirts with a tie on it! Anyways its a good idea.
I am just redoing my room and I think I found the righ pillow cases
i think thiscraft is cute but is a wast of time for me to make because its not like i am ever going to use it so yah
I used a sport shirt and made it a great gift for my uncle
I have a sweatshirt that we had made for my mother before she died. It has pictures of her grandchildren on it. I was not sure what to do with it. Now I do! thanks
Very cute-so nice to do with kids!
im always looking for ideas for the kids to do.
This is so cool and it seems very easy! Great room decor…
this craft is of the hook
A child’s t-shirt with a trendy or latest comic design would be a good idea, too.Good for men or boys!
ive seen this in a car last week…they did it using a baby’s football t-shrt…i’m a buy a couple now!
Neat Idea and this brings another idea to mind. Does anyone have any info on making quilts out of tshirts. I would like to make one for each of my children using old tshirts from their sports teams,etc. Could even make pillows to match the quilts. :o)
This sounds like a GREAT idea for my girls’ dance recital t-shirts that they have outgrown. Also, it sounds GREAT for my husband for his birthday or for Father’s Day! debsbigheart
I love this pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally retro!I think it would look really cute if u used a tie died T-shirt! Lol!
Love the idea! This site has great projects and lvoe all of them!!!
it is so cute and it is easy
original but simple
What a fantastic idea!!!!!
I use football/baseball team sweatshirts to make these pillows and it is a great gift for men for Father’s Day, Birthday or Christmas for the den obviously.
Its like so darn cool!!!
I think it’s a cute idea for children or anyone else. Some people don’t appreciate what others do! I hate remarks like the ones i’ve read!!
looks really,really cute!! I would totally make one. They are like the BOMB! SWEET!
Creative and very “green”. Good way to recycle. Im making them for my 4 boys out of too small shirts they got for free as souviners at an amusement park. Love it!
sooooo cute ^___^
I LOVE IT! I’m making a reading corner for my kids and these are going to fit perfectly! I’m going to make some of all shapes and colors!
I love pillows and I have been wrestling with this idea for along time glad someone else agrees…..i love making pillows…to add spark put some patches or something on them
Kinda cute, but no thanks.
Kinda cute, but no thanks.
this is a quick and easy christmas for my grandsons for memory pillow of their Papa that passed away this March thanx for sharing
I love this idea. If we just cut out squares it’d just be a regular pillow, and no fun at all. I think it would be cool to get a HUGE shirt on sale or something, and make it into a large, comfy pillow…well, maybe not lol. Not sure it’d fit in anywhere.
I think that’s a wonderful Ideal you are very creative, I would have never thought to do something like that, I am going to make some for my room and for my family and friends gifts. Thankyou please send some more ideals.
reuse tshirts we love but cant bear to part with. Can sew it to fit cushions instead of stuffing cotton in
What a fantastic idea. Everytime my boys are in a school musical or function we have to buy a shirt…. Now I know what do do with them when they get too small!!!
practical idea to make use of an old tee.
Nice idea to reuse old t-shirts, but I think it would be cool to cut out the sleeves so that you can have the essential design, logo or colors of the shirt but have a regular pillow. Love the ideas–keep ’em coming!
I just Made one from a long-sleeved Shirt; cozy!!!!!!!!!!!Love this Pillow xxhorselover
My girls love their T Shirt pillows. They love taking them on overnight trips.
Its simple, and easy ill do this one when i out grow my next fav tee! love it
Hi, I’ve done these pillows, only I put the sleeves inside and they become part of the filling. My pets have 2 each so while one is used, the other one is washed or aired.I have some which I use as cushions when having a beach bbq.So comfy and cheap.
Really cute. Just make sure you wash the T-shirt first! :):):)
Great craft project for my little girl’s first sleepover friends! Except for them, I had them bring plain shirts to “decorate” before the stuffing! Then they got to sleep on them! Such a hit for little girls!
This idea rocks!and its fun
it makes me feel comfy and warm since it gives you that feeling of pride after you made it!!!
This is an awesome Idea! I love it! It’s a good way to getrid of an old t-shirt! This would be great for long car rides!
It is so inexpensive and easy to do!! I LOVE it!! A great way to reuse a t-shirt that you have outgrown but still love.
“yall stole my idea?”This is an older project, this person has taken the time to make it avaible with thier own personnel twist.VERY well done.And i cant remember the last time my tshirt licked my face,or peed on my carpet so no its not like a stuffed dog
I think this is a great idea. I have made pillows and purses out of old sweaters and sweatshirts. I buy them when my senior Center Thrift store has them on sale for 25 cents. I cut the arms off sew them up and buy pillows from Wall Mart.
I think it look’s kinda cool
I think that this is a really cool craft idea for people who are just learning to sew.
I think all of you people who post nasty comments on projects need to take a lesson from Thumper in “Bambi”, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”
I got this idea 30 years ago to recycle old shirts!
I agree I have one favorite shirt that matches the color of my room but the shirts to small, it goes great and its funky looking! love the idea!
I made it for my moms friends b-day, she loves it
I have so many t-shirts I want to keep but are too small! I think it’s great!
hug it and i will hug u back!!!!i love it love josie
then u need to learn how to get down with your crafty self!!!this is an awesone way to use old tee’s…if u wanted to, u could use it as a memorial 4 someone wit a fav shirt who dies…use a long sleeve shirt and u can use it as a snuggler….just hug it
this is a great idea!! i love pillows!!!and how is this like having a stuffed dog on ur bed?!?!?!?i mean seriously!!!get a grip!!!its not like a pillow out of a thong or sumthin like that!!this is really cute!!!!i love this idea and if u dont like it u
doesn’t matter if it’s like a stuffed dog, there sick
NOT retarded, sick!
I woder if you could use pants instead
very creative, i’m doing it now… FUN
oh cool!
i’ve bin looking for summat for my mums b-day nxt week
and i can’t find anything so i’m going to make one of thees but i need summat else can anyone email me at amywhinham@yahoo.co.uk
telling me sum good websites?
omg – what a good idea!!and it looks totally awsome without spending any money on fabrics or anything!
an excellent recycle project and mothers will love it as much as the children
its pretty good- i love pillows. i just think it’s kinda weird. although i like it. confusing. lol
i thank it looks a hell of alot better when yall sew the sleeves so it’s a square.
i thank its a funny idea of having a stuffed shirt on your bed then you can have all different kinds of different pillows on your bed.
these make really great gifts for people going away to college or moving away. use a shirt that would remind them of you or somewhere you’ve been or something you’ve done together and when they miss you its like a piece of you is there
I embroidered my friends’ names on the t-shirt and gave them for their birthday. That is a good idea about the baby shirts. I’ll have to do that next year!
I made these for my friends for Christmas one year out of cute baby t-shirts. Guess who is now known as the best gift giver in my high school?
that is so freakin’ awesome
these are not mentally retarded
they are really great and it is better than throwing it away
i love my t-shirt pillow
these are really great and comfortable
It looks cool!
can I wear it? :/
Why not just cut a square out of the t-shirt and make a square pillow. More practical, really.
absolutley darling!
I think it’s a great idea, cause it is useful and very very cheap. ***** – Five Star
neat idea for use of old t-shirts
i vdon’t really have an opinion on this, but i just think that those who think this craf tis retarded can think that; but some people like it, so don’t go crashing them! people have different opinions.
Use Vintage shirts for a cool vintage look
LAME! very lame
Teenagers can do this. Time to get a cool t-shirt at the thrift store.
its something i have been wanting to try im glad someone else does too