Vinyl LP Record Album Note Pad

Vinyl LP Record Album Note Pad

This record album has been recycled into a retro note pad for my desk by using a funky looking vintage album.

What you need

Record/ LP Album Cover
stack of computer paper
Hole Punch
Cord, wire rings or curtain loops


Start by taking your retro album cover and cutting it down to form a front and back cover for your note book.

Cut Cover

I used recycled (printed only on 1 side) standard printer paper for this notepad, but you could use any sized paper your like.

Cut your covers out of the album cover and stack them all together with your inside papers to form the booklet.

Take a clamp or some clothes pegs and secure the stack of papers together. This allows you to punch the holes without the papers moving around.

Take a pencil and mark out your holes and then punch them using a punch and hammer. If you have a small press punch you will need to work a small stack of papers at a time, making sure to keep the holes well aligned with each stack.

Punch Holes

Once you have made your holes it is time to bind the book.

There are several ways in which to bind your book, you can use cord and loop it through, you can tie ribbons and bows through each hole, You can make wire loops and you could even use recycled shower curtain rings, which will make your book easy to flip through.

You can recycle your cover once your book is filled by taking it apart and adding a new stack of paper.


  1. This project is so simple, and yet so wonderful. This is perfect for my son, the music-nut.

  2. saiyidahdah says

    this is very cool

  3. Really neat!

  4. This is a great idea I cut up a record and just glued it to a premade wireless notebook to make it a little easier but I really love the idea!

  5. so chic and cute
    everyone at my school loves it!!! thx

  6. I like this idea alot. Looks good and seems simple enough. Some LP covers make for a great notepad cover.

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